Status: On hold.

There is Poison on Your Lips


That stupid smile had been haunting Estelle every day since she first laid eyes on Stefan. It got quite annoying. Especially when it was the one thing she could not stop thinking about. He was as addicting as some drug. Like once you got an eye full you would never be "clean" again.

A funny thing occurred to Estelle then. This was her obsession with Dimitri all over again. A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips. But Dimitri was a thing a of the past. Someone from a long time ago. And Estelle meant a long time.

Just when Estelle looked up from her papers, the person she was just thinking about was standing in front of her. She forced herself not to scowl and gave him a small smile.

"Can I help you with something, Stefan?" She asked.

Stefan's eyes danced with amusement. She assumed he knew she was forcing the smile. "I was just wondering about someone. Do you think you could answer the few questions that I have?"

"I guess." She said as she straightened up.

"Who is Kaleigh Chambers?"

"The counselors daughter."

"Why does everyone avoid her like the plauge? "His Italian accent was smooth.

Estelle narrowed her eyes slightly. "Because of something that happened a few years back."

"What happened?"

"Why do you care?" She asked, irritated.

Stefan smiled and gave an amused laugh. "I am merely curious."

"'Merely curious.' Yeah, right! Why do you really want to know?"

Stefan's face became serious now. "You would never believe me."

Estelle rolled her eyes. "You would be surprised at what I'm willing to believe."

Stefan studied her for a moment before giving her a small smile. "Thanks for the information."

Estelle watched as he walked away. she shook her head slightly. He was always so mysterious. It could drive anyone insane. She shook her head again and then gathered up her papers. She went in search of Linzee or Alice.

She found the two girls in the gym. They were talking and laughing like nothing had happened between them. Estelle shook her head in amazement. Mortals could be so confusing. Mortals? Where had that come from? She had never called anyone that. Even though she is a monster.

Estelle walked up the bleachers and sat down next to Linzee. Neither one of the girls noticed she was there. They just continued to talk. Estelle soon caught on to their conversation. They were planning something and Estelle had a feeling that she would be pulled into it. Whether she really wanted to be involved or not.

Alice suddenly looked up and gave Estelle a smile. "Hey Esty!" She said with a cheerful voice.

Estelle looked at her wearily. "Hey Alice."

"Wanna do me a favor?" She asked, her grin growing bigger by the minute.

"Um, not really." Estelle said with a frown.

"Oh, come on Esty!" Linzee exclaimed. "You don't even know what it's for."

"Exactly." Estelle said as she narrowed her eyes at them.

Linzee rolled her eyes. "Estelle! Just hear us out! Then you can decide whether to help us or not."

Estelle sighed. "Why should I help you?"

"You're our best friend." Alice pointed out.

Estelle could feel the guilt filling her up and she chewed on her lip. "I dunno. The last time I did something for you guys, I almost got expelled."

None of the girls hear the door creak open. None of them noticed how Stefan stepped into the shadows to watch them and listen. He had been sent here to watch over Estelle. Of course, she didn't know this, but she was close to finding out something was going on. He had been following her around and she was beginning to sense someone following her.

He carefully watched her now. She seemed much more relaxed with these two girls. He assumed that they were friends. His eyes snapped over to the girls to find Linzee and Alice staring at Estelle. Estelle was sitting very still and was staring in front of her.

"Esty? Estelle Nicole! What's wrong?" Linzee called.

Bust Estelle didn't look at her. Stefan followed her gaze to find a black shadow moving along the wall. Stefan stiffened as he watched the shadow slip out the door. His gaze then shot back to Estelle. Alice was shaking her.

"Estelle?" She asked in a small voice. "Estelle? Are you okay?"

Estelle suddenly blinked. She shook her head as if she were trying to wake herself up. "Um! Yeah. I-I'm fine. Just fine." Estelle said quickly. Her eyes darted over to the wall and then back to her friends. She then pulled a fake smile. "I just zoned out." She said softly.

Linzee and Alice watched her carefully. Then Linzee spoke. "Come one. My mom will be expecting us." She said.

Estelle slowly stood up and gathered her stuff. She told the girls she would meet them at her locker. she stared at the wall for a long time before walking towards the doors. Stefan shot out a hand and pulled her into the shadows with him.

Estelle gasped in surprise. When she saw it was Stefan, she snatched her hand away. "What do you think yo--"

Stefan held a finger to his lips. Estelle shut her mouth, but glared daggers at him. He pointed towards the wall, but when she didn't look, he gently turned her head. When Estelle's eyes found the shadow again, her eyes widened and she backed up into Stefan. He rested his hands on her shoulders and pulled her back, further into the shadows.
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I really hoped that you enjoyed this chapter. xD
Feedback would be amazing.