I Have to Share a Room With Five Hormonal Juvenile Werewolves, Won't This Be Fun?!

Chapter 11

Charlie’s P.o.v:

Before long we arrived at school, I was out of the car before you could say Tachimama. I grabbed the bags from the boot and began running to the entrance of the boys dorm, it was easy to find, and there were half-naked boys everywhere. I felt the boys by my side as we walked through the dorms to ours. Weird, we share a dorm don’t we? Thanks to my nasty evil slutty mother. I handed the bags to the boys and stormed ahead, not wanting to set them on fire, as I walked I took in my surroundings, I could feel warmth on my hands and I noticed that they were alight, brilliant, I look like a freak show. The corridors were crème colour, oak wood flooring, this place was nice, and I was too interested in the paintings on the walls to notice where I was walking. That’s when I walked straight into someone,
“Watch it, freak!” I yelled at him, looking at him in the eyes, his eyes were blood red and they looked hungry, very hungry.
Thanks I sent back to the boys.
“Well, little darling, I think for a starter you owe me an apology and also I am not the one whose hands are on fire, so we can clearly tell whose the freak here.” He smirked, his voice ice cold, sarcasm dripping from his words.
“I am not your little darling, and for a main meal, I do not owe you an apology, and sure you’re not a freak! Then why are you’re eyes blood red and you’re staring at me hungrily? Why do you keep glancing behind me? Do I look like a freak? I may have my hands set alight, but surely I do not have blood dribbling down the side of my mouth. At least I am alive.” I yelled at him in one breath, surely everything I had said was true.

His eyes had turned neon red from when I first looked into them; he kept glancing from me to over my shoulder. He had a dribble of thick black blood oozing from his mouth.

He returned his gaze to me, and his face contorted in to angry, mischievous look, it put me on edge a bit.
“I dare you to repeat those last five words.” He snarled through his teeth, baring his fangs. I looked him in the eye as he began to circle me.
“At least I am alive.” I spoke a word at a time.

He settled into a crouch, and growled at me,
“Not for very long your not.” He began circling me, but I circled with him never taking my eyes of his. That would be the first mistake, you should never break contact, he froze for a second just staring at me, he leaned on his left leg and sprung in the air, but I was ready, I threw the top half of my body backwards and kicked my legs up as he flew in the air, hitting him where the sun don’t shine. He groaned and toppled to the floor; I finished the flip, and turned to him smiling.
“Hello, im Charlie Korado Danthea and it’s a pleasure to meet you.” I walked to the edge of the sea of boys that had gathered and they parted instantly. The boys came into view, still holding the shopping bags, eyes wide, I walked up to them and blew in their faces, making them blink. I grabbed the bags and begun walking up the stairs, I sensed movement behind me that was not the boys. I heard him as well; I carried on walking, and quickly ducked when there was movement in the air. I saw the dude who started with me whoosh through the air and face plant into the wall. Pretty. I laughed and told the boys to keep up; I got to our room, and got my key from my neck I unlocked the door to 206 and went in, the boys at my feet. I grabbed my belonging and put them in the corner, and dragged one off the sofa to the window, I walked into Fi-fi’s room and grabbed my suitcases, I put them near my shopping, I went back and got the duvet and pillow, I put them on the sofa and lay down and yawned. The boys looked at me, and I asked,
“Guys where’s Max?” they shrugged and flicked on the telly.
“I’m in here!” Max yelled from the kitchen, I got up and headed towards him, a strong sweet scent wafted up my nose as I entered the kitchen, I looked up and saw a bunch off homemade cookies and cakes layed out on the table. I stared at them and Max, who was looking at me.
“You made all this?!” I asked, there were about every different colored bun I could think of here!
“Yeah, um, I never really got to apologize about umm…. Well, you know….this is my sorry.” He spoke quickly rubbing his neck, I put my arms around his neck and gave him a hug,
“I forgive you, I had completely forgotten about it, you bake? Seriously, we need to have a baking competition!” I laughed, he chuckled and I let him go.
“Oliver, Danny, Doug, Matrix, Fi-fi! Food come and-”before I could finish they were at my side, drooling at the food.
“Don’t just drool at it, eat it.” I laughed and perched on a bar stool. Doug sat on one side of me, and I let Max sit on my other, I was still wary off him but, May as well as try being friends. The boys dug in and we all sat about eating cakes and talking. Soon Doug turned to me and asked,
“Have you got a boyfriend Charlie?”
The question surprised me, I grinned as I thought about my friends back home.
“Nope.” I said popping the ‘p’. I watched Fi-fi’s reaction, his mouth hung open, and he pointed at me, and yelled.
“You told me you had! Liar!” I giggled,
“Fi-fi your reaction was funny when I told you, wish I had a photo.” The boys laughed as Fi-fi’s cheeks grew dark. I ate another bun, as the boys began chattering again,
“Why did you put your stuff on the couch?” Oliver asked. A curious look on his face. I shrugged, putting on my best innocent face,

“F-Fi-fi yelled at me,” I spoke putting on an act, I made tears roll down my face and made my voice waver as I spoke,
“He told me I was the ugliest thing he’d ever encountered, h-he said I was a slut, I was garbage, trash, a nuisance to everyone, that I should just go d-die.” I burst out in to fake sobs, and cuddled into the person who had their arms round me, which was Doug. They all crowded round me comforting me shooting death glares at Fi-fi who just gaped at me. I took my camera out from my pocket and took a snap off Fi-fi’s face; I began to laugh and shook myself out of Doug’s grasp. I ran to the living room and undid my suitcase, grabbing my laptop, and stick my memory card in from the camera, I browsed through the images, and there were only a couple, I printed the ones off Fi-fi just now and when he had to kiss Matrix. I had printed them in A2 so they were huge. I heard arguing in the kitchen and chuckled as I pinned up the photos, one on each wall off the room. I climbed into my makeshift bed and chuckled; I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. I heard the boy’s footsteps as they walked in the room, the footsteps suddenly seized and I heard a growl and then a conversation played in my thoughts. Their conversation.
What the fuck is this? Felix roared.
Nothing, it’s just a bit of fun, relax, you don’t look that bad. Danny spoke, completely relaxed, before I could stop myself I sniggered in my head,
No, he looks worse. I heard laughing and felt a weight on me, I jumped and opened my eyes, and a wolf was on top of me. Lovely. Just. Lovely.
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sarcasm - where would we be without it?