I Have to Share a Room With Five Hormonal Juvenile Werewolves, Won't This Be Fun?!

Chapter 14

Charlie’s P.o.v.
Wow I had a killer headache. It was worse than the world's biggest hangover! I heard voices before i saw anything.
"Hey guys! She's waking up!" I heard someone yelled, they were relatively close to me, it sounded like felix, I felt through my mind and located him, how I don’t know how i just did. As fast as I could I whipped out my hand placing it around his throat, choking him.
"What- the -hell!" he gasped, I opened my eyes and sat up, Felix still in my grip. I stood up, bringing Felix up with me; I raised my arm above my head Felix’s body following shortly after, his hands trying to pry off my grasp around his neck. He was breathing heavily, looking at me with wide eyes, the other boys were in the room as well, about to rush towards me, but i held my free hand up, palm facing them. They all tried moving forward it was impossible for them. I turned to Felix, his eyes wide, his face pale.
"Charlie, y-your eyes!" he gasped, I was confused, my eyes, my eyes are normal. I stared into his eyes getting my reflection, my heart skipped a beat, they were a bright, pulsating red. I screamed, them eyes seemed familiar. I dropped felix from my grasp and he fell to the floor in a heap, breathing hard sucking in the air almost gratefully, the lads rushed forward, gathering around Felix, I felt someone's hand on my shoulder it was Doug, I immediately wrapped my arms around him and buried my face into his shirt. What was happening to me? What happened to my eyes? I pulled away from Doug after a couple of seconds, his calmness and warmth had spread through to me. I looked at him.
Wolf. I spoke through my thoughts, he transformed in a second and I could feel the others gaze on me, I couldn’t look at them, I couldn’t it seemed impossible. I walked to Doug's room and watched as he layed down, I went a layed down next to him, closing my eyes, shutting my mind off and letting out a breath I didn't even know I had been holding.
Charlie, are you okay? He asked me through our thoughts, concern oozing from his voice.
Doug, how can you even be near me? I’m a monster. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I just don’t know. I’m such a freak. I spoke to him voicing my thoughts. He replied instantly,
I just can Cha-Cha, you’re not a monster, don’t ever think you are, I don’t know either we’ll have to get it sorted, and yes you are a freak, cos you’re a girl that doesn’t like shopping. I laughed, Doug always tries cheering me up, but where did he get my old nickname from?
Where did you get that name?
What name? Cha-cha?
Yeah, where did you get it?
Well, err, I don’t really know how to explain this so it doesn’t sound weird.
Just tell me already, nothing else could get weirder.
I was in your dream.
What? How? Is that even possible?
I was in your dream Charlie; I don’t know how I just was; well now we know it’s possible.
What happened in the dream?
You were skateboarding at first, these people passed you in a car shouting stuff to you, you were smiling, and skated on faster to the crossing, about half way across you were hit by He hesitated before carrying on. This motorbike, I felt everything, I ran up to you, but I couldn’t touch you or anything, I felt hopeless. Then I heard car tires screeching, and people running out. A boy about our age ran up to you, he spoke to you, he said ‘Cha-Cha, please don’t go to sleep, stay awake for me baby, stay awake til the ambulance get here.’ Then you spoke a little and you fell asleep. Who was that dude? Was he your boyfriend?
I laughed and fell over now laying down besides Doug.
He’s not my boyfriend! No way, that was Adam; he’s been my best friend since we were little!
He nudged me with his paw, and I sat up and rested against him.
Oh right, anyways that was where I got the nickname, it suited you. Can you even dance?
Yeah, course!
I wanna see you dance!
You can do… if were doing dance in gym!
Awe no fair! I could hear the pout in his voice. We talked for a bit, til about 6:oopm.
Sleep Charlie. We have school tomorrow. I shivered I wasn’t going to face Felix yet.
Okay, I’m sleeping on the couch though. I got up stretching out, I felt a wave of exhaustion hit me. I yawned and gave Doug a peck on the nose.
Thank you Doug, I mean it. He gave me a lopsided grin as I walked out. In the living room I lay down on the couch, not bothering to change, I was out in seconds.