I Have to Share a Room With Five Hormonal Juvenile Werewolves, Won't This Be Fun?!

Chapter 15

Charlie’s P.o.v
I woke up and checked the clock it was 5:00am, I groaned but got up, I was not a morning person. I unzipped my suitcases and grabbed the red skinnies I bought when we went shopping and an ACDC shirt, it was huge on me it would probably fit the guys.
I grabbed my other necessities and walked into Doug & Matrix’s room, being silent I crept into the boy’s bathroom, locking the door. I dumped my stuff, and switched on my ipod, turning shuffle on I smiled as Katy B’s song louder came on.
I’m not one to like that kind of stuff but this was an exception. I stepped in the showers and took a quick one. The boys would be up soon. I dressed, brushed my teeth, did my hair and fixed a big, bright red bow in. Perfect.
The song was still playing only half way through, gosh that was quick. I added a bit of eyeliner and mascara, before putting my headphones in my ipod and listening to the song still singing. I grabbed my stuff, walking out of the boy’s bedroom.
I packed my stuff away. I saw an ipod docking station, and restarted the song. I began dancing round, randomly jigging about, I jigged into the kitchen and began breakfast. I looked in the fridge bacon. Hmmm… seems like the lads like bacon. I got it out and began cooking; singing along to every song that came on, a couple other Katy B songs came on, Katy on a mission started playing and I smiled. Me, Kayla and Maria loved to dance to this.
I sang along, finished up the bacon and set out the plates for them, even Oliver, I knew he would be coming over. I placed the bacon on their plates the extra bacon in the centre of the island. I set everything out and cleaned up. Hopping up on the counter, I yelled for the lads. They came out grumpily, all wearing just boxers.
This didn’t surprise me, they all were fit but I didn’t do the regular girl: Gobs wide open, eyes as big as saucers. Ughh those kinds of girls annoy me. Lots. All at once the boys sniffed the air and their heads snapped to the central island. I jumped down and grabbed an apple.
The boys lunged for the table, apart from Felix, who just stared they began chowing down, shoveling it in.
“You did this?” Felix asked me a tiny bit annoyed.
“Yeah, thought you’d all like it… What’s up?” he grumbled and snapped.
“I’m not allowed to eat meat for a week. Dr. Fucking Jerk-face’s orders.” I frowned when was the doctor here? I let it pass and asked him why.
He shook his head,
“Cause I hurt you.” He replied gruffly. I grimaced now I felt guilty.
“I hurt you as well so eat up.”
“I can’t.”
“Just eat it, if anyone gives you shit send them to me.” He sighed giving up, and began on his breakfast. I continued and munched on my apple. I ate it all dropping the core in the bin, the boys had finished as well.
“Damn girl you can cook!” Danny exclaimed.
I scanned the plates there should be one more plate of bacon….
“Where’s the extra plate of bacon?” I asked suspiciously, eyeing them. Matrix shifted nervously.
“Matrix, where’s the bacon?” I asked and walked up to him pressing myself against him.
“Ummm…” he said nervously biting his lips.
I leant really close to his lips, so they were an inch apart. I could feel his heartbeat pick up, and his breathing quicken.
“Matrix, where is the bacon?” I asked seductively trying to get an answer, I was determined.
“I … um ate it.” He mumbled and gulped,
“You know who that was for right?” I whispered, leaning close to his ear. I smirked, and yelled
“Oliver!” I ran into the room and laughed, the boys followed me laughing so did a scowling Matrix.
“I’ll get you back!” he smirked. My ipod was still playing and Ludacris- The potion came on, i dance to this, I dragged the closest person up which happened to be Danny.
“Danny, I need your help, I am going to a roll backwards into you then grab my waist and flip me over your shoulder. Okay?”
“Why?” he asked warily.
“New dance move.”
“Errr, okay?” I waited seconds before, the jump down turn around part came on,
“Ready?” I called, I rolled, and he caught me and flipped me over, perfect time to the music. Yes! I did a victory jig.
“That was awesome!” They yelled simutainlesly before going to get dressed.
I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder, grabbing my ipod and plugging in the ear phones. The song was still on, so I decided to practice my street dance. I was a dancer, loved it. I kept dancing even when the boys walked in. I was even warm. I grabbed my schedule out of my bag and handed it to them; “You have all class with Felix and Matrix, except from English with Doug, math with me, gym with all of us including Oliver.” Danny announced, I took my ipod out and shut it off, sticking it in my bag.
“Oh and homeroom with all of us as well.” Danny added.
“Cool lets going.” Wow, I definitely wont get lost.
The dance move is from 2-15 to 2-20.
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The dance move is from 2-15 to 2-20. watch it it will make sense...