I Have to Share a Room With Five Hormonal Juvenile Werewolves, Won't This Be Fun?!

Chapter 16

Charlie’s P.o.v
We all walked to the lifts well raced each other there, I won. We were in the elevator, I was doing my celebrating dance, and the guys looked at me like I was a complete retard. Which I am but hey it works for me! A couple of other guys entered the lift and stared at me. I stop dancing and stared at them, the elevator grew quiet and awkward; I burst out laughing just as we came to the bottom floor. We raced out, rushing out the building into the sun- lovely. I sighed contently I like a bit off sun.
“Where to now?” I asked curiously, I didn’t know my way round so I was sticking with the boys.
“Well… homeroom on the other side of campus first.” Max spoke, the lads groaned I laughed and handed my bag to Doug before I took of cart wheeling across campus, the lads ran at the side of me and we eventually made it to our homeroom. I finally stood still and brushed of my hands, grabbing my bag from Doug. We fell into the classroom, me cos I was dizzy and the lads, well I don’t quite know why they fell. We were all on the floor it a huge people pile laughing when someone cleared their throat.
I looked up and saw an old-ish teacher, with blonde hair, and gray-bluey eyes, he was wearing a bowtie. Bowties are cool! I jumped up and held out a hand
“Hey I’m Charlie Danthea. Nice to meet you, you bowtie is cool!” I exclaimed to him, the boys chuckled,

“Hello Ms Danthea, I’m Mr. Jefferson, Mr. J for short. It’s a pleasure to meet you, thank you, I was always rather fond of them myself, though you are the only person I’ve come across who agrees.” He said shaking my hand politely.

“I’ve got about six bowties.” I stated proudly letting go of his hand. He smiled, showing dimples and the crow’s feet near his eyes. I turned and went to sit where they boys had now parked their asses. Felix, Doug and Danny were sat on the tables while Max and matrix were sat on the chairs slouching. We sat and watched as people sauntered in gathering in groups, saying their hello’s and how are you’s. Everyone was in the class and soon everyone was seated, I laughed when Oliver rushed in the room, shoving his converse on.
“Hi, Mr. Jeff dudes. Sorry im late, the bed didn’t want me to leave.” he said smiling as the class laughed; guess he was the joker of the class. He took a seat beside me, and the register was taken, and we were left to chat amongst ourselves.
“Hey I heard your new here?” a redheaded girl came up and asked me, she was tiny! Bless her!
“Yeah, first year here. Oh and I’m Charlie!” I smiled at her enthusiastically.
“Fern, second year here, see you met the pain in the ass pack.” She laughed and gave Oliver a hug and a kiss on the cheek, before sitting in his lap and turning to me, a slight blush on Oliver’s face. I smiled they seemed like the perfect pair.
“Yeah they really are a pain in the ass!” I laughed, the guys shouted a couple of ‘hey’s!’ but left it at that. After homeroom we headed to English, I sighed happily I liked English. I had this lesson with Doug I hope the teacher is nice.
We got to class before everyone else so we took the seats at the back near the window and waited for everyone else to arrive, shortly people began filing in and the teacher looked up and smiled.
“Hello class, as you may already know I am Mrs. Didivida. I would like you to address me as either Mrs.D or Didi, understood?” we all nodded.
“Right when I take attendance I want the person I call to stand up and say something about themselves.” I smiled I liked this teacher already; she was weird in a good way.
She got to my name and I stood up a cheesy grin on my face and yelled,
“Hello people! I am Charlie as you known and I set Fi-fi on fire!” I smiled proudly as the class laughed, Mrs.D chuckling at my statement. When the classed settled down she continued, everyone said rather boring things like,
“My favorite colour red.”
“I like cheese on toast.”
“I have a cat called Snuggles.” And so on man it was boring. I yawned and propped myself up on my left arm, watching the class, my ears perked up when I heard Doug’s name be called.
“Hey guys, you know me, im the Doug. One and only. Charlie is my wife.” He stated calmly. I jumped and started laughing at everyone’s face; they were like oh my gawd. They gawked at me as I fell out of my chair, landing with a thump clutching my side, Doug laughed at me also clutching his stomach. When I finally calmed down everyone was still staring, Mrs.D cleared her throat at looked at us.
“Is what Doug proclaims true? Are you his wife?” she asked amusement glittering in her eyes, she all ready knew that we weren’t. I looked at Doug,
Go along with it.
I jumped at Doug and threw my arms round his neck and yelled
“Yes I am. I love him very muchly!” everyone gasped and I whipped my camera out a took a picture of there faces before running up to Mrs.D and showing it to her. She burst out laughing, addressing the class she spoke,
“Ah, young students, you were fooled easily, for the love they feel for each other is only a brotherly sisterly love, nothing more.” The class all looked embarrassed as Mrs.D finished the register.
“Okay class since two pupils have made my day, you can have this class as a free period! If you want to know anything come and ask me. Oh! And I would like some of you young spirits to sign up for this year’s musical-Beauty and the Beast!” she announced happily before sitting down at her desk, there were choruses of ‘thank you’s’ running throughout the class.
I turned to Doug and we chatted randomly and before we knew it the lesson came to an end. Lessons flew by, they were funny all the teachers were nice. Soon enough the lunch bell rang, Danny gave me a piggy back to the cafeteria. We grabbed our lunch and met up with the others. We made short conversation, before chowing down on lunch.
“You ready for gym next?” Max asked me.
“Yeah, wonders what we will be doing.”
“Well I’ve heard a bit from the others, if it’s what they say it is you’ll like it.” He spoke in a riddle, what did he mean? The lads chuckled, I glanced around us and noticing everyone glaring at me.
I sent my thoughts out to the lads,
Why the hell is everyone glaring at me?
Cos’ you sat with the hottest of the werewolf packs, and words spread, everyone knows your rooming with us. I heard Felix snigger.
I’m not having this. I growled audibly at them. The cafeteria grew quiet, I felt everyone’s gaze on me. I stood on the table, hands on my hips.
“Will you all stop staring and glaring! I am not a zoo exhibit, I mean I know the asses sat with me are but stare at them. I know most you bimbo’s do anyways.” I yelled. Still standing on the table, the lads chuckled.
A blonde girl who had way to much fake tan on stood from her chair and sauntered over to our table looking at me. She was caked in make up. She was wearing a see through tank top, the shortest or the shortest miniskirts and 6-inch heels, man she looked like a Dorito chip on legs. I snickered.
She glared at me, and spoke in a whiny pitched voice,
“Were not staring at you, were staring at the sexy beasts.” She purred at the boys winking at Felix. I snorted.
“Anyways, I don’t know what there doing with such a looser like you, ha. Who would ever want you? You’re ugly!” she continued. I flipped off the table and landed in front of her, I noticed no off the boys would look at her. Weird. I looked her in the eyes, and looked through her head. She was a siren. That’s why the boys wouldn’t look at her. I snorted.
“Well, pleasure to meet you too.” I circled her like a predator.
“Oooh look she’s a lesbian, looking me up a down!” She cackled earning snickers from a few people.
“Actually I’m pretty sure of my sexual orientation, thank you. I’m straight.” I was now standing in front of her. a dude at the back of the cafeteria yelled
“I’d tap that,.” He received praises from his friends. I ignored him and glared at this Barbie.
“Right, I’m not very judgmental but I can help it when it comes to a case like you. Let’s see, hmm, bright orange tan, fake platinum blonde hair, skirt showing of your arse, fake boobs, high heels, false hips I presume, with the way you walk? You’re a siren that’s why no one can look you in the eye; they don’t want to have a quick shag with you. Tell me have you ever had a kiss that wasn’t because you were a siren?” I asked her harshly.
She looked at me with tear filled eyes turning bright red at my question. She slapped me and set of running out of the cafeteria. I laughed, yep I laughed. Her clones glared at me and took of after her. Everyone went back to doing their stuff.
“We off to gym now?” I laughed as the boys congratulated me on my evaluation of Barbie.
We walked to gym in a comfortable silence. When we entered the gym I saw someone I never thought I’d see gain.
“Pyro!!!!” I screamed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Pyro, amazing name.