I Have to Share a Room With Five Hormonal Juvenile Werewolves, Won't This Be Fun?!

Chapter 17

Charlie’s P.o.v
“Pyro!!!!” I screamed and ran up to him leaping into his arms.
“Charlie what are you doing here? How are you how is you mama? You been practicing your Italiano?” he asked his voice thick with his accent. Pyro was my salsa teacher; yes I did salsa when I was a shorty. He had moved when I finished my first two years of salsa dancing I was sad when he left and stopped dancing the salsa.
“Hey Pyro you’re here why are you here? My mama is fine, ermm no not since you left.” I said scratching the back of my head sheepishly, I guess I forgot.” I untangled myself from Pyro as he tutted.
“I moved back to Italy for a while then I got offered to come here as a Dance teacher, still remember everything? My little seniorita?” he asked draping his arm round my shoulders.
“Yeah, I think. So you’re gonna be my dance teacher again?”
“Yep, now go get changed into your kit. We need to get started.” I ran of to get changed and was back a couple minutes later. Everyone was in a crowd, Pyro stood at the front of the gathered crowd.
“Hello class this year I will be your Dance teacher, I go by Pyro please, not Mr. P, Pyro. We are going to be learning the salsa for starters. Anyone ever danced the salsa?”
I gulped and tried sneaking to the back obviously my bright red kit wouldn’t help; I wish I would have worn black today like everyone else usually does, but no I thought it would be a good idea to wear bright neon red. How smart am I?
“Ahha, Charlie, my seniorita, I know how you like to Cha-cha, so you can dance with me and show the class how to do the proper salsa.” He exclaimed clapping his hands together lightly.
Great. I groaned. I went to the front of the class, I caught the leotard and skirt he threw at me,
“Go put it on and the red skirt, you need to look the part.”
“No, I hate skirts they make everything weird.” I whined stomping my foot, but went and put it on anyways. The leotard was black, the skirt was ruffled, stopping at my ankles there was a huge gash in it showing the bottom half of the leotard and my left leg. I looked stupid. I marched out and stood there watching Pyro smirk triumphantly. He threw me some ballet pumps. I slid them on trying to ignore everyone’s stare. Pyro played the music and we began.
I felt myself relax, smiling at the familiarity of the music.
We danced quickly and furiously, stepping, spinning, ducking, sweeping, the dance itself driven by passion, mine and Pyro’s passion for dancing clashing together making the dance seem to look sexy. I swayed my hips to the beat and spun back into him, letting him dip me before we completed our final steps of the dance, to the end note of the music.
We stood our position as every clapped and cheered for us, my leg around Pyro’s waist his hand on my thigh, we let each other go and took a bow, he made a gesture with his hands, everyone fell into silence.
“I expect you all to be able to get at least the first steps for this dance sorted by the end of the lesson, partner up with a person of the opposing sex.” Everyone rushed around getting into partners, there were two people left unpaired. Max and Felix.
“Right seen as these two is the odd ones out my partner in crime Charlie will be working with both of you, she will also assist any of the class if they have difficulty, as well as my help. Proceed.” I looked at him, my mouth agape while he just smirked at me. I pouted that was mean, Pyro began to help other people, and I felt two arms wrap around my waist.
“Well little miss Chica you never said you did the Cha-cha.” The all too familiar person whispered in my ear. I spun around and came face to face with a smirking Felix. I pulled out from his arms and faced him,
“Right best get on with it.” I murmured. After a long agonizing hour the boys had finally gotten the first steps together, and I was sick of teaching the same step over and over. I looked at the clock 20 minutes til school finished. Yes!
I looked up as Pyro clapped his hands together gathering everyone’s attention.
“Right, there is 20 minutes to end bell si? Well now it is time to jam! I am going to partner you up, and you have 5 minutes to come up with a quick routine on whatever style of dance you want you then have to show your routine to the group, if I pick you.” A couple people groaned, as he yelled out names. I remained quiet until he called my name
“Charlie Danthea & Murphy Shawn.” Oh snap crackers. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him swagger up towards me a smirk plastered on his face. I watched as his he flung his hand out to slap my arse. I spun around and grab his wrist before he made contact. He looked at me a playfully look in his eye,
“Don’t too my booty, mine only.” I said then laughed releasing his wrist. I ran off to the changing rooms and changed it to my red kit, e.g. leggings and a plain tee. I saw everyone was partnered up so I unwillingly stood alongside Murphy.
“You have 5 minutes.” Pyro said and went to help a couple people.
“Why, hello again my saucy seniorita.” Murphy purred, his smirk seemed to be plastered to his face. Jerk. A light bulb went of in my head; I have to dance with Murphy. Murphy Shawn to be exact. I. Am. Buggered.