I Have to Share a Room With Five Hormonal Juvenile Werewolves, Won't This Be Fun?!

Chapter 18

Charlie’s P.o.v:
“Can you even dance?” I asked while eyeing him skeptically. He snorted unattractively,
“Can you dance, is the question?” he asked circling round me like a predator to his prey. I followed him turning round, always facing him. He gazed at me intently, my eyes scanned other people they were working out some sort of dance. Music began to play and I recognized the song, my eyes widen in surprise, Dance with Me by Drew Seeley came on, I knew this song back of my hand, I had the Tango to this song perfected. I didn’t realize I had stopped circling with Murphy until I felt hot breathing in my ear,
“Guessing you know the dance this?” he whispered,
“Yup.” I replied. He spun me around, holding my hands in his,
“So do I.” he confessed unashamedly, wow, I didn’t think Murphy would be a dancey type person, he seemed to arrogant for it. We got into the starting positions even though it was half way through the song, the song suddenly came to a halt, I looked at the docking station, and felt confusion wash over me as the song began again. I turned back to Murphy he smirked at me, did he do that? How?!
“Ready. Set. Go” he spoke before we flew into the dance, I was so focused, and it shocked me when we were swaying with mine and Murphy's arms around my waist when he spoke;
“Loosen up go with the music, not with your head.” Then he spun me out, I listened to his words, and felt myself dancing to the music, going along with it, letting the music take control. When we finished and the music stopped, he had me in a dip, he set me on my feet, and smiled a proper smile at me, before replacing it with a smirk,
“Not bad…” he smirked
“Not too bad yourself.” I replied.
I turned around back to where I had last seen Pyro, but I didn’t see him instead I saw everyone gawping at us, I smirked before yelling,
“Gosh, guys it’s rude to stare!” they all burst out laughing and clapping.
I turned to Murphy
“Why are they clapping?” we didn’t do anything. Did we?
“Well, our little dance, we accidentally ended up performing it in front of the class.” he replied casually. We performed in front of the class? Why didn’t I realize? I am such a dope sometimes. I shrugged,
“Okay, See ya.” I walked of leaving him standing there. I went in search for Pyro and found him at the back of the class, setting some gymnastic mats out on the floor. I skipped up to him and jumped on his back, making him stumble a bit but he regained his balance.
“Hola seniorita, you enjoy performing?” I couldn’t see his face but I could hear the smirk in his voice. I whacked him over the head,
“Idiot, why didn’t you tell me!” I screeched causing everyone to stare at us. I got off of his back and glared at him, hands on my hips while he rubbed his head,
“Ouchy.” He pouted; I swear he is a big grown up kid sometimes. I rolled my eyes and laughed, noticing everyone was still staring,
“How many times do I have to tell you. It’s rude to stare at people!” I yelled at them.
They bell rang and everyone scurried of to get changed. I helped move a couple mats, and finally went and got changed, I found the boys waiting for me outside, a grim expression plastered on their faces. I instantly became worried.
“What’s up?” I asked them.
They avoided my eyes and shrugged together.
“Tell me now. I will not having my boys sad, I want my happy boys back. Now.” I said pouting, folding my arms across my chest. They all chuckled except Felix who had his hands balled up in fist, anger evident on his face.
“Felix?” I asked my voice careful. I reached out to grab his arm but he moved away from me. I dropped my arm and was surprised when he grabs Danny and Oliver and barged past us, nearly knocking me of my feet.
“Okay?” I asked, we headed to our dorm, not saying a single word to each other along the way. Awkward.
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Now my story is fully updated from quizilla, lets get writing more off it :)