I Have to Share a Room With Five Hormonal Juvenile Werewolves, Won't This Be Fun?!

Chapter 2

Charlie’s P.o.v

“Don’t they look cute?”
“They do don’t they!”
“Of course! Their both cute, cuddly teddy bears!”
I heard voices as I woke from my sleep, man I was tired the floor wasn’t exactly the comfiest. I looked to my right and saw my arms cuddled round Adam, he was cute, and warm, I was freezing. I looked up at my friends who had each of their cameras out and were clicking away, some off me and Adam of them, all sorts. I sat up and stretched. Adam moved, flipped over and grabbed me by the waist and pulled me down.
“Warm… nice….comfy” he murmured. I chuckled as Luther, Maria and Kelly stared at us with confused expression.
“Are you to-” Kayla began, I cut her off,
“No, I just comforted him and we passed out together. Must have been that entire day of twister! Speaking of twister-” I hinted, but they all groaned, and sat on the floor beside us.
“ChaChar, not all of us are as flexible as you cupcake.” Maria moaned.
“I know what else flexibility helps in…” Adam whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine, I had forgotten he was behind me.
“Oh yeah?” I asked him, as he trailed a hand down my back and brought his mouth to my ear, his lips grazing my skin,
“DISCO-DANCING!” he yelled in my ear, before getting up, and sprinting across the room.
“You rotten stinkybag! My ear hurts now! You have to kiss it better!” I whined, knowing he would give in. Luther watched in amusement, as I sat up arm crossed and legs crossed pouting.
“Or else?” Adam challenged.
“I’ll-” I began but Maria interrupted,
“She’ll kick you out of the house and won’t let you stay for the week-” “Maria! I told you not to say anything!” I whined, I was planning on letting the boys and Kayla stay for the week, I had already asked my mum in my head last night, she had agreed as long as we didn’t use the basement or the second floor. I had texted Maria before falling asleep about it.
Kayla, Luther and Adam, just stared at me dumbfounded before rushing over and tackling me into a group hug.
“Limbs failing……..Lungs disintegration……..Lack of oxygen…….Death on the doorstep” I gasped over dramatically. They chuckled and released me,
“Well I guess that settles what were doing to today then!” Kayla grinned cheerily.
“What?” I questioned, although I had a pretty good idea off what to expect.
“SHOPPING!” she yelled excitedly, this girl will be the death of me. Ughh I hated shopping! Never really got the point of buying pointless things and browsing shops, seemed so pointless.
“Donkey arse bollocks.” I spoke, my tone deadpan. They stopped cheering and stared at me grinning.
“Wow. That was a new one. I’m still amazed you have any words to curse, think of all them times when we took you shopping, all those colorful words you said to us… ahh, wonder when you going to run out of words…” Kayla chirped. I sighed, every time we went shopping- which they loved of course! I managed to come up with a new set of insults to the idea of shopping.
“Okay, get dressed; you should have clothes in the house… somewhere. Don’t go on the second floor. Meet you guys on the ground floor!” I called before walking out and up to my room in the attic.
Today was going to last forever, especially with how big that mall is. These girls were addicted to shopping, and the guys just snuck out to the back of the mall where the skate park was, this time, however, they were either coming shopping or I was sneaking off with them. I planned us sneaking off like 007 agents, man that would be piss-funny. I showered and dressed in my skate shoes, skinnies and a green and orange top with an apple in the centre saying ‘eat me’, I thought it went well.
I sorted my hair and grabbed my skateboard before rushing out my room and skating along the first hallway I saw. I plugged my ipod in before I stopped at the stairs; I flipped my skateboard into my hands and jogged down the stairs, stopping at the bottom, in a crouch as I heard voices.
This was the second floor, no-one. I mean NO-ONE was allowed on the floor, the whispers went quiet and I held my breath there was some shifting and mumbling. I peeked around the corner and found no-other than Luther and Maria in a passionate embrace. I took my cell phone out my pocket and put the camera on them just as they were about to kiss each other.

I snapped the picture and ran down the stairs, past their startled faces, yelling and singing.
“Gotcha! Gotcha! Luther and Maria sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a golden carriage!”
I reached the ground floor and looked around to see the amused expression of my mother.
“They finally hooked up then? You got a picture for proof? Isn’t this fabulous, we could set them up on a date! We should hold it here!” she burst, babbling on about decorations, food, flowers, dresses for the date, etcetera. I chuckled and showed her the picture,
“Oh my baby Jesus, they look so good together!” she whooped. I giggled, I loved her when she was like this so childish in a way, like she was my age, she looked it as well, and she could be fun when she was in this mood. I looked at her with my big pleading purple eyes-Yes purple because my mum has purple eyes! And asked in a small voice
“Mummy, can you do me a favor?”
“Depends on what it is.” She replied.
“Can you please, please, please set up a date for when we get back from shopping for Maria and Luther?” She hesitated,
“Pweaassseee!” I begged
“I’d loved to sweetie, just stay out shopping til about four, keep out of the way and stay in your room til six, then it will be perfecto!” she said enthusiastically, whilst grinning, I knew something was up because her eyes were dark, they were normally a light violet colour, but I decided not to press it.
“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” I cried, while hugging her tightly. I released her and she smiled and walked into the kitchen. I heard footsteps behind me and saw Luther and Maria looking sheepish a blush evident on both their cheeks. Too cute.
Adam and Kayla ran down the stairs after them and tackled me to the floor; we rolled around laughing and giggling. After we were down I lay down and glanced at Maria and Luther, they were hysterical, doubling over in laughter. With a confused expression I looked at Adam and Kayla who were also laughing. Adam tried to speak,
“ChaCha look – gasp – at your –gasp- hair!!” then he began laughing, puzzled I got from the floor and left them there and walked down the hallway, it had full length mirrors all along it. I looked at my hair and laughed, it was sticking up everywhere, thanks to them!

It looked like a bird’s nest. I walked back to them, who were just getting over their latest giggle session. I was going to go out with my hair like this, it was kinda cool.
“Come on guys, it’ll be busy by the time we get there!” I knew this would make Kayla and Maria shut up. And I was right. Kayla hopped up of the floor and scurried outside Maria in tow. They boys got up to follow them outside; I put my hands on their chests and looked at them both.
“Right I’m gonna make you a deal, either you take me to the skate park or you go shopping with us, which d’ya choose?” they looked at each other before saying
“Skate park!”
“Good!” was all I said before we walked outside. I had my skateboard with me so I hopped on and cruised down the street.
“Hey, aren’t you coming in the car?” Kayla asked yelling to me.
“Naa, see you there!” I yelled back, I put in my earphones in and My Chemical Romance-Ghost of you blasted out. Kayla and them all drove past shouting and waving. I pretended to not know them, and continued skating pushing on faster and faster. I looked ahead there was a crossing; the light had just turned red. I scooted on, I could make it ahead, and the lights wouldn’t turn back green til I was across. I was halfway across the crossing; I looked up when I heard Maria’s scream. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my left side; before I knew it I was flying across the sky before I felt my self hit the ground with a loud thud. My head banged against the pavement, causing me to groan. I tried to sit up but I couldn’t, I looked down and saw my left hand side covered in blood, my arm was in shreds, and I had a huge cut down my thigh. I lifted my head, and the world spun. I settled it back down. I felt myself dozing of.
“Cha-Cha, please don’t go to sleep, stay awake for me baby, stay awake til the ambulance get here.” It was Adam’s voice,
“Okay, what happened…” I mumbled, my head was throbbing I couldn’t feel my arm; my ankle was throbbing as well.
“This young dude on a red motorcycle hit you, ran straight into you. You went flying; he fell off his bike after he hit you. He just got up and limped to his bike and took off again. Char, we were and are so worried.” He explained softly his voice cracking a bit. His thoughts were audible he was praying for me, and thinking every possible what if imaginable.
“Adam is she awake? Is she okay? Ambulance will be here in 10 minutes; do you think I should phone her mum?” that was Karla I think. I couldn’t remember, my mind was hazy,
“Yeah she’s awake, for now, she’s pretty cut up, phone her mum and fast, she can get down here and help.” His voice was rushed his tone angry.
“I’m gonna kill the bastard that did this.” He growled. I groggily opened my eyes and gave him a smile; I lifted my right arm, wincing in pain and stroked his face. He grabbed my hand and held it there.
“Where’s Maria? Luther?” I croaked. He glanced up and looked back at me.
“Maria passed out the minute you got him, her breathings getting shallow. We think she’s in shock, her eyes are wide open and staring into space, she isn’t moving, just murmuring your name.” his voice seemed to get quieter as though he was fading away. I felt my eyelids droop so I closed them.
“Luther’s looking after her at the moment, he’s really worried about both of you, so am I and Kayla…” We lapsed into silence. I was concentrating on breathing, I was struggling, and it hurt too much. I could feel Adam’s eyes on mine, his hand still holding mine up to his face. I started seeing black dots dance across my mind, I felt my hand go limp in Adam’s grasp and my head loll to the side. I heard him yelling my name and telling me to stay awake, but then everything went black, at least I don’t have to go shopping now, I just hoped to god I lived, even if it meant going to that boarding school, after those thoughts I fell into a deep sleep.
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