I Have to Share a Room With Five Hormonal Juvenile Werewolves, Won't This Be Fun?!

Chapter 3

Felix’s P.o.v (the guy who hit her…)
I saw her before I hit her. I came round the corner and up the road on my red Honda motorbike; I was going pretty fast, probably over the limit. But I was in a daze, watching her skate down the path and across the crossing, she was halfway across when I hit her. Her friend in the car had screamed seconds before, well, I think it was her friend. The bike hit her, I lost control, and fell of, she landed a couple yards away from me. I sat up and checked for injuries.
You should probably check for her injuries.

A voice in my head said. I looked her over; I could feel my features twist in disgust at her injuries. Her arm was ripped to shreds, she had a huge gash down her thigh, and their was blood oozing from her head. Shit, I thought.
You shouldn’t have hit her then.
Shut up. I growled at the voice in my head. I stood up, and felt a sharp pain in my leg, I think I might have broken it, but I couldn’t go to hospital, they’d think I was some freak, I waited for a minute or two to give my leg chance to heal a bit before I limped over to my bike, I heard her friends, or what I thought were jump out off a car and run to her. I turned my head to look at her; a boy about my age was hovering over her talking to her quietly. Sucker.
No, that should be you over there looking after her and apologizing you jerk.
She’s not my problem, I replied. I kick started my bike and sped away the conversation in my thoughts was over. Or so I thought. I came up to a small forest, parked the bike, and begun my transformation. When I was in my wolf-form it calmed me. I was a werewolf; I came from a long line of pure breeds, mom and dad disowned me when I became 16, they said I had to live in the boarding school; they would pay for the fees. I guess they just didn’t want me anymore, but it doesn’t matter I don’t need them.
I shook my shaggy black coat and ran, I needed to run, get away from the image off her bleeding, and it hurt me.

Her face was emotionless, she was a dreadful pale, and her hair was matted in blood, red thick, sickly smelling blood. Her skin looked so soft, I just wanted to stroke her cheek, but it was her eyes that had me captured, startling purple eyes, I have never seen anything like it before, it was strange, new, exciting. I wondered what they looked like when she was normal.
Yeah, when she was normal and not getting hit down by some jerk.
I didn’t mean to. I thought, it was true, I didn’t mean to hit her, I just couldn’t focus, and she was so captivating.
Images of her on the street smiling at her friends played in my head, then her body when I hit her, she had been flung like a doll across the air, I hope she isn’t dead…… Wait. What? I don’t even know the girl and im wishing she wasn’t dead. What is wrong with me? I growled out loud and pushed my self, in a couple off seconds I pushed through the trees. I stopped panting a bit; I had reached the other end of the forest.

That was fast. It usually takes me at least 10 minutes; I had run over here in 5 minutes. I trotted back into the forest I couldn’t get her eyes, her face, well her out of my head, it was driving me crazy. My head was spinning, I felt dizzy on my feet. I lay down and whimpered, my head was really hurting. Werewolves can’t get sick, can they?

I let out an ear-shattering howl; my boys would come and get me. I laid my head on my paws and listened to then steady beat of my heart. I found my mind flashing over that girl, her eyes, the blood, her injuries, the way her body flew, and it was like a nightmare playing over and over again.

I scanned my surroundings, I was in a clearing, there were loads off rabbits just sitting and staring at me, silly creatures.

Suddenly I felt a pain in my heart, like someone was squeezing it too tight, I let out an agonized howl, and my boys will be here soon, they best hurry.

It became hard to breathe, I felt spots dance across my vision and I blacked out, just two purple eyes staring at me through my mind. Two purple, emotionless, dead, glassy eyes, the girl’s eyes.

Charlie / Cha-Cha’s P.o.v:
I stirred around in a dizzy haze, I heard a faint beeping noise, it was very irrating, my stupid alarm clock probably, I lifted my hand my eyes still closed, and reached to my bedside table, I patted the desk with my hand. Where was the fricking thing?

I opened my eyes slowly, and gasped as I took in my surroundings. I wasn’t at home. My memory suddenly came flooding back, my head hurting from processing it all. The skateboard, the crossing, the motorbike, Maria’s scream..
I remembered, I got hit by the bike! I looked down at my arm, it was in stitches, damn the doctors, I hate stitches, and they are too easy to break. Adam was talking to me about something, I don’t remember that well, he said Maria. Oh crap. Maria! She was in shock I needed to see her! She better be okay.

I sat up quickly, there was no-one in the room, good. I ripped out the needles and jumped of the bed, I felt better; carefully I made my way towards the door, I opened it a crack and peered out, empty hallway. I shut the door and search the room for some clothes; I saw a bag in the corner off the room, containing clothes and a note, I scanned the note, it read,
Darling, when you wake up, get dressed and get out off there, try look normal and walk out, I will erase your documents from the computer,
Love Mum x

I sent a thought to my mum.
Mum where are you? Thanks for the clothes, I need to see Maria, I need to know she’s okay, where is she?
I put the clothes on, which consisted of purple leggings, and a long sleeved black top, perfect. I combed my hair with my fingers, and picked up. Time to go! I slipped out the room and hurried down the corridor. I flew down the stairs, when I reach the bottom my mum answered me.
Hurry up darling, she’s here, she needs to see you, your welcome, come straight home, oh and when you walking don’t look anyone in the eye.

Weird. Why can’t I look anyone in they eye, I’ll ask when I get home. But Maria needs me. I speed walked down past the reception area, as soon as I got out side I ran, keeping my head down, and ignoring the stares I got from people. I focused on my heartbeat and the rhythm of my feet against the pavement. I pushed myself faster and faster, and soon enough I was running up the drive.
I paused at the door to regain my breath, before I entered.
“Maria! Mum! Adam! Kayla! Luther!” I yelled.
“In here!” Kayla called. I ran to the living room, Maria was laid on the couch, Kayla on the love seat comforting Luther. He had his head in his hands, tears falling onto the carpet. I felt that Adam was here in the room but I couldn’t see him. Maria suddenly sat up and looked me in the eyes, our gazes were locked for over five minutes.
“Stop them looking at each other, Adam take Charlie away!” I heard my mum yelling, but she sounded distant. I felt as if I was being dragged into Maria’s head, her eyes were misty; it was freaking me out big time. Suddenly her eyes held horrible, cruel laughter, she pointed a finger at me menacingly, my knees buckled almost as if I was obeying, surrendering. Before my knees hit the floor I felt to warm, safe hand snake around my waist and drag me out of the room. When my gaze with Maria broke, I screamed. The arms around me tightened. I looked up and saw Adam; I immediately stopped screaming, and turned round in his arms. He removed his hands from around my waist and held me at arms length, he studied me for a second, before wrapping me up in a hug, I put my hand round his waist and leant my head on his shoulder, his lips were on my forehead but I didn’t mind it was comforting. We stood there for what seemed like hours. He broke the hug, but I kept my arms round him, holding on to him. I was scared, scared that if I let go, I’d have to see Maria again. I wasn’t scared off her it was just something about her eyes, like they weren’t hers… I’m not sure. He tried prying my arms off but I wouldn’t let go. I moved my arms from round his waist to his shoulders and I wrapped my legs round his waist. He chuckled and sighed, before placing his hands on my lower back. I nuzzled into his neck, I needed comfort right now.
“Do you want to go to bed?” he murmured in my ear. I simply nodded, I was afraid if I spoke I would end up screaming again. He held me close and carried me up 5 flights of stairs to my attic room; my mum must have told him to comfort me. Bless her. I must have dozed off a bit because Adam whispered to me,

“Charlie, were at your room go on in.” you see no-one has ever been in my room I don’t allow them, it’s my personal space, no-one but me has ever been in, not my mum, my friends. But tonight I was going to let Adam in; I don’t really know why I just thought he would like to know what its like.
“Come in with me, I don’t wanna be alone.” I murmured to him. I looked at his face; he looked confused, bewildered, he’s adorable.
“Okay then.” he replied. I studied him as he opened the door and stepped on through.
“Wow.” He breathed, his facial features arranged in pure awe struck and amazement.. I smiled, and asked him,
“Do you like it?”
“Love it,” he smiled and nuzzled into my neck. I laughed, I am very ticklish. He laughed with me and then pulled away and once again looked round the room. I had one wall full of posters off my favorite bands, another wall of my art designs, one checkered was my paintings filling the blank spaces, my last wall is the on I loved the most I had painted a picture of Luther, Maria, Kayla, Adam, Zed and me. We used to be friends with Zed a while back, but he moved away, in the picture we were all smiling and stood together. It had taken me weeks to do this. I had wanted a reminder that they were always there, around the painting it was full of photos of us, the modeling photos we paid for together, the holidays, the childhood years, everything. I watched Adam faces, different emotions flickering across his face as he looked at the wall. I yawned,
“Adam… sleeps… please?” I whispered, dozing of a bit.
“Okay little darling.” He whispered back, I giggled, I liked the name.
“What?” he asks puzzled, I giggling again, he is such a dork.
“Little darling that’s cute.” I smile at him. He puts me down on the bed, and puts his hand on my legs to pull them off of him but I pull him down on top of me, his hips thrust against mine and he lets out a gasp. I flipped us over so I was on top. I look him in the eyes and say to him,
“Stay here while I get my pajamas on.” He nodded, I got up of him and walked to my dresser, I got my pajama shorts and my spaghetti strap tank top, comfy clothes for me. I walked into the ensuite bathroom and got changed, brushed my teeth and washed my face. Before I went into my bedroom I opened the secret cabinet in the wall and pulled out a bottle of vodka. I walked into the bedroom with it and I thought I saw Adam’s eyes go wide, but that was probably my imagination. I looked at my thigh, more stitches, great.
“Adam.” I moaned, he looked at me as if to say what,
“Stitches, I bloody hate them, you want some?” I asked offering him the bottle. I flicked on the TV, and looked at Adam; he was leaned up against the headboard, I crawled onto the bed and sat in between his legs. He took a swig from the bottle and handed me it. I took a huge gulp and put the bottle in between my legs. I shifted my position and leaned more into him. I felt safe with Adam, I trusted him, he was like the big brother I never had. He let out a groan, and I felt him against me.
“Will you stop moving Cha-Cha!” he whined, I laughed, which caused his to moan and cuss.
“Cha-Cha stop it or I will go and sleep downstairs.” He threatened; I immediately stopped laughing and settled down, we were both quiet for a while, we were watching Wizards of Waverly Place, I loved the programme, it was awesome! I heard Adam clear his voice, I sat up and looked at him,
“You okay?” I asked,
“Yeah, give me a swig,” I passed him the bottle, “I’m gonna go down and get some pjs yeah?”
“No, if you are im coming with you. I don’t wanna be alone.” I said while looking him directly in the eyes. He put the bottle down and scooped me up into his lap, my head leaning on his chest.
“You’re really shaken up aren’t you?” he asked, I nodded but remained quiet, relishing the safe and warm feeling of being in his arms.
“Don’t worry everything will be okay, im here, I’ll protect you, I’ll be here when you need me.” He whispered
“Promise.” I asked.
“Forever, no matter what.” He whispered, I took a huge gulp of vodka, so did he and I soon fell into a deep sleep to the theme tune of Wizards of Waverly Place, curled up on Adam’s lap.
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