I Have to Share a Room With Five Hormonal Juvenile Werewolves, Won't This Be Fun?!

Chapter 4

Charlie’s P.o.v
I awoke groggily and stretched, man that felt good. I looked to the side of me, Adam was there stretched out happily over my bed, his chest rising and falling at a steady pace. He looked so peaceful, laying there; I didn’t want to wake him. So I got out of bed, grabbed some clothes and got in the shower. I took my time, my body and mind relaxed as the warm water ran over my body. I made sure my stitches didn’t get wet; I got wash and just kept the water running. As I relaxed, I forgot about yesterday, I found myself thinking about the boarding school. I wondered what it would be like. Will people be nice? Will the teachers be strict? The water began to run cold so I stepped out and dried of, dressing in yellow waist high jean shorts and a black sleeved top. At least that covered the scratches and the bandage on my arm. I brushed my teeth and went into my bedroom to pick up the vodka bottle, which was now empty; I put it back in its hiding place. I looked at Adam again he was lightly snoring, he was still asleep, I had spent about an hour in the shower.
“Adam! Wake up sleepyhead!” I yelled at him, he just lay there, completely ignorant of me trying to wake him. Lazy git. I threw pillows at him, shook him, yelled some more and eventually pushed him off the bed-he didn’t even stir. Man he was a heavy sleeper.
I smirked this called for drastic measure. I filled a plastic bucket from the bathroom with ice cold water, I walked up to the side of him with the bucket, I don’t think it mattered if the floor got a bit wet. I tipped the bucket up over his head, he shot up, yelling, dripping wet, I ran to the other side of the room, as he yelled,
“What the fu- Cha-Cha!” I laughed, as he glared at me. He was dripping wet from his head to his waist, it suited him. He took his now wet shirt off, and looked at me, a mischievous smile on his face. While he stood there I took the opportunity to check him out. He had been working out, he was pretty tanned to, and he looked good, especially since he was wet. I have a good looking brotherly friend. He advanced on me so I ran, he chased me around the room, pretty soon I collapsed, I was tired.
“Give! White flag!” I panted. Adam came over smiling, he sat on me.
“Say your sorry.” He demanded childishly, I laughed and said sweetly,
“I am verry sorry for pouring water on you Mr. Adam.” He laughed and got off of me. He lay next to me propped up on his elbow hovering over me, all traces of amusement were gone of his face.
“Do you want to go down and see Maria?” he asked softly, I froze, Maria. Her eyes, I couldn’t face her again, but I had to I was her friend; I had to see if she was okay.
“Charlie?” he asked his face full of worry and concern.
“I’ll be there with you; I’ll pull you away if anything bad happens.” He comforted me, I gulped,
“Yeah, lets go down, I gotta see her eventually.” He stood and helped me up, we made our way down the stairs eventually we got the ground floor. I stopped outside the living room. My feet stood their ground; I was rooted to the spot. I couldn’t do this. Her gaze was scary, her eyes, it wasn’t Maria, it was something else, but I didn’t know what.
“Charlie, come on, I’ll be there with you.” He said snapping me out of my breath. He held out his hand, I inhaled a sharp breath. Now or never. I grabbed his hand thankfully, and sent him a weak smile. He opened the door up and we stepped inside, what we saw amazed me. Maria and Kayla were playing on the dance mats’; facing the TV, the song playing was Who owns my heart by Miley Cyrus. Luther was sat on the sofa laughing at them his back to us. The song finished and Maria and Kayla fell about laughing, Maria seemed to be normal, I’d have to ask my mum about it later. I looked at Adam who was staring at our entwined hands a puzzled look on his face. Maria and Kayla put the song on the telly and were now free styling, Luther being the audience, I let go of Adam’s hand and sneaked up behind Luther using my ninja skills. I laughed inwardly, me ninja impossible, but I liked to dream. I placed my hand on his shoulders lightly, and brought my head down to his level. He was too busy engrossed in watching the girls dance. I smirked and yelled in his ear,
“Boo!” he jumped up and fell over, I collapsed in laughter, and so did the girls and Adam, it was hilarious. Maria and Kayla rushed over to me and scooped me up in a bear hug, til my lungs thought they were gonna burst. God these girls are strong.
“Are you okay?”
“What happened?”
“How’s your arm?”
“Do you feel dizzy or anything?” they quizzed me after they released me from their killer grips. I laughed. They were such ditzy. Luther had got up and was switching his gaze form me to Adam. The girls stared at me expectantly; the look on their faces said it all. Spill it.
“Why is Adam half naked?” Luther asked accusingly. Funny story.
“I poured a bucket of water on him cos’ he wouldn’t get up, he’s a lazy git!” I told them, they laughed at him, while Adam grumbled.
“Charlie, you okay, come in here for a minute!” my mum called from the kitchen. I went into the kitchen, my friends still in the living room, I saw my mum on the kitchen island leaning over a big old musty book, a small, gothic looking box at the side of the book.
“What’s up?” I asked out loud.
What happened with Maria? Kayla and Luther don’t seem freaked out at all. It’s like they can’t remember, same with Adam as soon as he walked through the door of the living room. I asked through my thoughts. She replied instantly.
I put a spell on the door to make them forget, I replaced it with a memory of, you coming home, and passing out as soon as you got through the door, and that Adam carried you to your room, and he also remembers whatever you did your room. All of them now have that in their head, well all the humans here have. You still have the truth. Maria was possessed with a demon, it nearly took over you when your knees went. If you knees had hit the floor, you would have had the demon in you, that’s why I yelled at Adam for you to get out. I could hear the exhaustion in her voice as she spoke to me in her thoughts. I had to banish the demon, it wasn’t easy I brought her down to the basement, while Kayla and Luther were sleeping, I managed to capture the demon in the box, and it just adds to my collection, I was up all night trying to get it in that damned box. Wow, demon, that’s a new one I didn’t know my mum was some kind of demon hunter.
Okay, thank-you mum, I love you, I told in my thoughts.
I love you too honey, go do something for the day enjoy, your last couple days with your friends, she thought, and with that I went back to my friends,
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Some people might think where you getting this from? ive just transferred from quizilla ima work on one story this is it :) i put it up on both, i wanted to see what mibs is like... If you wanna see my profile on quizilla my name is xXLittleNugglerXx