I Have to Share a Room With Five Hormonal Juvenile Werewolves, Won't This Be Fun?!

Chapter 5

Felix’s P.o.v (long time no see.)
I felt weird, the pain wasn’t there anymore but her eyes were still in my head. Her startling purple eyes. I sat up and looked around; I was at Danny’s house, my boy Danny, told ya they’d come and get me. I knew it was Danny’s house, it smelt like him. I stood up on all fours, I was still a wolf. I should have transformed back now, what the hell?! I growled, being a wolf all the time wasn’t fun, believe me. I ventured downstairs, I could smell bacon cooking. I followed my nose and ended up in the kitchen. The smell of the bacon was making me drool; I let out a happy bark and trotted over to Mrs. Higgins. She was stood by the oven, frying the bacon; I whimpered and gave her my big puppy eyes. She looked at me,
“Okay, just this once though. Don’t tell the boys where there breakfast went or you will be breakfast.” I let out a growl, which was really me laughing. I hate it that I can’t talk. I sat on the kitchen floor head on my paws, and listened to the sounds of the Higgins household. The sound of the bacon sizzling in the pan crackled in my ear, the TV, the latest football match playing, the murmuring of Mr. Higgins cheering on the football. There was also the sound of conversation but all the other sounds drowned the voices out. I whined, when was the bacon going to be done? I was not a patient guy.
“Stop being so impatient or I won’t let you have any at all. Now do you want anything on it? Stupid question.” I growled sarcastically, she laughed and placed a packs’ worth of bacon rashers in front of me, glistening and dripping in oils.
“That how you like it?” she asked, I barked in approval, jumped up and licked her face. She laughed and, put eggs in the now empty frying pan. They popped and she called the rest of the lads down. I began on my bacon, the warm juicy meat in my mouth, I knacked it up, and sat back, and let out an almighty burp. Mrs. Higgins turned to look at me in astonishment.
“What, you’ve eaten it all already?! But that was a full pack; it only took you 8 seconds. You’ve beaten the record.” She grinned, I had beaten my record? This day just gets better and better, well apart from being stuck as a wolf. I let out a hearty grumble, feeling my body vibrated as I chuckled. The boys came in a minute later, and gaped at me, I snapped my teeth at them, and got on all fours in a crouch.
“Dude, why are you still a wolf?!” Doug cried out. He was at the far edge of the pack, if I tell you them in order from left to right it was Doug, Matrix, Danny, Oliver. There was five of us in the pack, including me I growled and leapt forward knocking Doug down. He was the youngest and was like a little brother to me. I pinned him down underneath me, growling I bared my teeth in his face. He laughed, and stroked my ear, I licked his face and got of him, I was ready to fight. I took a swipe at his leg and he fell into the splits,
“Fuck!” he yelped in pain holding his crotch, curling up on the floor,
“You little bastard, I oughta-” I laughed as Mrs. Higgins cut in sharply.
“No cursing in my kitchen.” She ordered. I bowed my head and Doug grunted in agreement. I trotted over to the kitchen island tail swishing happily and hopped on to a stoop, joining the boys. They had seated themselves down waiting for their breakfast. Doug got up and sat beside me shooting glares. Mrs. Higgins placed a bowl of eggs in front of us all. They groaned, Danny looked suspiciously at his mum,
“Mum, where’s the bacon?” he questioned her.
“I gave it to Felix, Felix stop that!” she yelled at me as I stuck my nose in Oliver’s dish and snatched his eggs. I chewed noisily, grinning, I had egg yolk on my muzzle, and I pawed at it wiping my nose. Oliver whined, and looked at me expectantly.
“What am I supposed to eat?”
I nudged my dish forward, it contained my eggs, he sent me a grateful smile.
“Thanks Felix, but im not happy about you eating the bacon.” I shook my head and grabbed his dish and nudged mine in front of him. I had his dish in my mouth so I carried it to the sink and plopped it in.

“Good boy.” Mrs. Higgins said while ruffling my fur on my head, I hummed, I liked being stroked. While the boys were eating, I hopped back on to my stool and shook my fur.
I rested my head against the work top and growled as I remembered hitting that girl over, her eyes flashed in my mind. I abruptly stopped growling and let out a lopsided grin, I thought of her while they finished up eating.
When they were done, we headed up to Danny’s room. I stretched out, and then curled up on the bed; they took their positions up in the room, Matrix against the wall, Danny on the chair, Oliver and Doug on the sofa and me on Danny's bed.
“Why are you still in wolf form?” Danny asked me, he looked puzzled. I attempted to shrug and failed. Stupid not being able to talk thing.
“You were out for two days dude, you scared us. Seriously.” Oliver piped up. I let out a short bark, and howled as I saw her eyes in my head again, they were creepy, like they were haunting me, but they were unforgettable. I had a flash back and saw my self hitting her, her body flying across the air, her shredded arm, her ripped thigh. The blood. I shuddered violently, the shudders growing stronger, I felt my bones contract, and I was changing back. The boys watched in horror, as I shifted back, I heard bones snapping, shrinking back into place. I felt my hair curl back into my skin; my teeth and claws retracted them selves. I wrapped my self up in the covers; I was still wearing the clothes I passed out in. Weird how did they get there? I was still shuddering but not as violently.
“How did you do that?!” Matrix demanded. I looked at him,
“How the fucking hell I am supposed to know?” I retorted, I hated Matrix he was a complete ass-wipe. He growled at me but didn’t press it. Suddenly Doug gasped, I looked at him, dread was clear on my face, and if you couldn’t see it you must be blind. I covered my ears as he stood and yelled at me.
“Dude, you ran someone over, are you that much of an asshole! Didn’t you see she was there!? God, she could be dead!” She could be dead. Those four words rang in my head and I felt a rage build up inside me.

“I know I did. I saw she was there alright. It was an accident, I was mesmerized by her, I gotta get her outta my head.” I answered my tone deadpan. I ignored the anger I didn’t want to change again. The rest of my pack looked at me; I could feel the accident playing in their heads like a movie. I hated not having privacy.
“Okay, what we doing today then?” Danny asked breaking the silence, clapping his hands together. I pushed aside the accident and her eyes and focused on now. That was two days ago, I needed to forget it.
“Got any clothes I could borrow? Mine are all at school.” I asked Danny he was more or less my size,
“Sure, get ready to go out we are of to the skate park.” I grinned; I loved the skate park, just the thing to take my mind of stuff. I grabbed a pair of Danny’s skinny jeans, and an rhcp (red hot chili pepper) t-shirt. I changed and brushed my fingers through my mop of black hair. I grabbed a grey beanie and threw it on.
“You guys ready?” I asked them, they each had a skateboard in their hands,
“Yeah, lets go.” Doug said, holding out my skateboard. I stared at it, I had never taken much notice of my board, it was just a board, but it looked like the girls skateboard. Shit. Karma is a bitch. I felt a banging sensation in my head; I moaned and clutched my head, stumbling a bit. Bastard headache.
“You sure you’re up for this fee?” Oliver asked worry sketched on his face. I grabbed the skateboard, and stormed downstairs, I needed her out of my head, and it was getting harder to block her out. I slammed the door open the guys were following behind. I rolled my skateboard on the pavement, and then ran after and hopped on, the guys skated behind me, and they must have known I was pissed off. And I was. Extremely. I cruised down the street, wind hitting my face, brushing my hair down, I hopped down the curb and got out on the road, avoiding on coming traffic. We reached the skate park in a matter of minutes, and I went straight to the ramps, I needed to cool of some steam. The lads lounged about watching me, I was the king of the park, and I knew all the tricks and was always trying out new things. I skated for a while and lounged about with the boys,
“You know were flying out tonight? We gotta get back to school for Friday, and then we have the weekend to get sorted and meet our new roomie, can’t believe you’re not with us this year Olls.” Danny stated. I groaned, if we had a vampire as a roommate I was going to kick some major vampire-ass.
“Why cant we just share a room together, can’t believe I have to be kicked out the room, all I did was flood the bathrooms as a dare!” Oliver whined, I laughed,
“The door misters face was hilarious! But it sucks that you’re getting kicked out, it was only a dare. Hope you don’t have pesky vampire roommates.” I sympathized for him, poor guy; then again, he would be over everyday. I chuckled at the thought.
“I wonder who our roommate will be, it better not be Travis, I hate the dude.” Doug thought. I watched matrix carefully, he hadn’t said a word, and he had that knowing look on his face. Everyone grunted in agreement.
“What do you know Matrix? You’ve got that knowing look on your face, you know about or new roommate.” I accused him, he wasn’t slithering out of this,
“Who is he M?” Doug asked followed by, Danny and Oliver, curiosity always gets the better of them. But curiosity killed the cat.

“She. And you know her, Felix.” Matrix stated glaring at me, i heard the boys gasp.

“She isn’t going to be very happy if she recognizes you, that’s if she saw you.” He kept going, almost taunting me.
“Who?” I asked through gritted teeth, even though deep down I knew the answer

“The girl you hit on the motorbike.” He told be with as much acid as he could in his voice. That was when I lunged for him.
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Hope you like thew turn of events.