I Have to Share a Room With Five Hormonal Juvenile Werewolves, Won't This Be Fun?!

Chapter 6

Charlie’s P.o.v (the day leaving to go to boarding school had to move the story along)
The week had flown by, literally, we created good memories, I had to pack my stuff 5 times because the guys kept un-packing me. I wasn’t bothered about going to boarding school, I knew if I didn’t my mum would throw a fit, and trust me her fits are not pretty. We were currently in the living room where Maria was when I came home from hospital, it still spooked me. At the moment I was being tied to the sofa by Maria and Adam, Luther and Kayla were laughing at me and pretending to be photographers, I pouted and shook my head
“You won’t get your goodbye hugs now.” They looked at me and hurriedly unwrapped me and enfolded me into a giant hug, it was tight and squishy but I didn’t mind. My mum came in and spoke,
“Charlie our cars here.” Mum was coming with me to the airport as the school was in Chicago, cool right?
“One minute mum.” They released me and I each gave them a long lasting hug, Adam was last. He gave me the longest hug, and pecked me on the lips as Luther took a picture of us.
“Payback.” He smirked,
“Rotten fish socks!” I cursed under my breath. They laughed and Maria began to cry, bless her, they walked me outside, my stuff was already loaded in the car. The car was a red jeep Rubicon, it was awesome, and I loved it. They gave me one last hug before I hopped in the car and we were on our way. When we arrived at the air port it was about 6’o’clock, we unpacked the luggage and we made our way to my flight, my mum left me after we did our goodbyes. I went through security and I was soon on my flight to Chicago, I took my seat and put my earphones in, the volume on full, bring me flowers by hope was on, I sung the lyrics under my breath and looked out the window for the rest of the flight. I eventually fell into a light sleep.
We arrived at Chicago airport and I grabbed my cases, I scanned around for a board with my name on, I recognized it immediately and groaned, they put my last name on it, idiots, everyone’s gonna think im weird, but then again, perfect for me, just as long as they don’t ask about my dad. I made my way over to the person holding my name, he had longish brown shaggy hair which was tied back in a pony tail, he had bright blue eyes and a square jaw line, and he looked about 30 or 35 at the most, he was about my height, which is small and had broad shoulders. He gave me a warm smile and grabbed my luggage for me, holding his hand out while introducing himself,
“Hello, I am Tony, I am going to be your chauffeur for most of the year, nice to meet you Charlie, no offence but to be honest I was expecting another hormonal werewolf boy but your not are you?” God he could talk, he reminded me of Kayla a little. I shook his hand, he had a firm grip, but how could he talk about stuff like werewolves in public? It was confusing.
“Hi Tony nice to meet you, you’re going to drive me round for a year? No offence taken, and no I am not another hormonal werewolf boy” he laughed when I said that, we released our hands and I followed him through the airport, half listening to what he was saying. We got outside and he led me over to an old yellow Volkswagen beetle, it was cool, I liked it better than my jeep. He popped my stuff in the trunk and got in, I was already buckled in, and we talked all the way to the boarding school about the school my home life what we like, everything, I don’t know why but I trusted this guy. When we arrived I was almost disappointed I liked talking to Tony, he was funny. He got my stuff out and walked me to reception, we said goodbye and I got my schedule and room keys and a map. I walked of to building B, this was where my dorm was, it was on the top floor, I jogged up the stairs easily my luggage in my hands, when I reached the top there were 5 doors, I also noticed that on my way up here there was hardly any girls in sight, weird. I checked my paper room 206. I got my key out and opened the door, I stepped through the door and heard people gasp. I locked the door and flopped down on the couch, leaving my luggage by the door. I looked around there were all boys. Brillo-pads. Their eyes were wide and their mouths hanging out, three boys were on a couch opposite me, one leaning against the floor and one on the floor, I scanned each one quickly,
“Guys? Hello?” I spoke, they didn’t move, their gazes still fixed on me. I turned to the one closest to me, which was the one on the floor and waved in his face.
“Hello!” I yelled. He didn’t even flinch. I sighed and growled in frustration and crossed my arms. Well this was awkward. I can’t wait to meet the girls who I share my room with, if they were anything like these dorks, I was doomed.

Felix’s P.o.v
We were all having a laugh, talking about the good times we’ve had when the door clicked, we froze, the new roommate was here. I glanced at Matrix he was smirking and laughing through his eyes. He was joking wasn’t he? It couldn’t be her, could it? A girl who was average height and had long legs and was very skinny, walked through the door, I couldn’t see her face her long black hair was in the way, she was wearing purple skinny jeans, they hugged her figure and looked nice on her, she wore a studded belt which hung of her hips, and converse. She locked the door and turned to us, scanning our faces, probably thinking where the girls were. We all just stared at her, her eyes was what caught my attention. Her purple eyes, she looked confused and puzzled. She walked over and plonked herself down next to on the couch which I was leaning against. I was sat on the floor, matrix was leaning against the wall and Doug, Danny and Oliver occupied the sofa opposite.
My mouth was open in shock and I knew it, I bet the boys were as well. She scanned our faces again, her eyes darting from one to another, I couldn’t break my gaze from her, she was beautiful, her shocking purple eyes just amazed me, and they were the prettiest eyes I had ever seen. Heck they were the only purple eyes I had ever seen.
“Guys? Hello?” she spoke, her voice was soft like a melody; I wanted her to speak more. I was transfixed. She turned to me, I felt my heart skip a beat, did she recognize me? Would she hate me? Would she shout at me? I stared at her eyes, as she waved in my face and yelled,
“Hello!” I didn’t react, her eyes were fascinating heck she was fascinating. I knew she would shout at me. Told you so. She sighed, she looked distressed, the image of her eyes when I hit her flashed in my head, I cringed inwardly, and I didn’t want to remember that. Matrix best not bring it up with her or this time I would kill him. Wait why do I care, she’s just a girl, and I could have any one I wanted.
But you like her.
My inner voice spoke, damn you. I ignored it and continued staring; I couldn’t break my eyes away. I bet this was awkward. I guess it was going to get worse when we told her there were no girls apart from her living in here.
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Just putting this on before school.... gosh i really hate school.