‹ Prequel: Nevermore
Status: Updates every Tuesday.

Kingdom by the Sea

The end is in sight.

It was a strange evening.

The skies were a paling saffron tinted blue, veiled by the rippling of budding clouds. The sun dipped in closer to the horizon and the trees were beginning to look like silhouettes on a lit backdrop.

In a large field, blanketed by the lush green grass leftover from the ending season, there was two of them. Itachi, with his legs casually thrown out in front of him and his hands secured behind his head, watched the sky with a fevered intensity. Every now and then taking a wistful breath of the cool breeze that swept in through the valley, he wasn't used to feeling so at ease.

Especially with her around.

But Hinamei was much too distracted to be bothering Itachi at the moment. Her breath hitched up higher as her knees knocked together and her eyes were dedicated and bright with laughter. She ran through the grass, hands outstretched before her grasping at the grasshoppers that leapt out of her way as she whirled in broad circles.

He took a deep breath.

She dived forward with her fingers woven together. "I think I caught one!" She yelled out, looking over the tall grass towards Itachi's direction. She turned back to face her prize and opened up her palms to peek inside. "Oh," she said to herself as she pulled open her empty hands. "Nevermind." Hinamei stood up, rubbing at her green stained knees and she looked up with her hands rushing through her tangled hair. "Don't you just love it here?" She said loud enough for Itachi to hear.

She was met with a long silence before he spoke. "It's alright."

"Yeah," she replied dreamily. "It is. You're not bored are you?"

"No," Itachi sat up and looked at her with a deep seated frown. "But maybe you should give up. You aren't going to catch one." The obvious tone in his voice didn't go unnoticed with Hinamei. She swung around, pointing an accusatory finger in his direction.

"I said I was going to get you one didn't I?" Her mouth pulled into a defiant pout as Itachi stifled a sigh.

"I never said I wanted one."

"That's not the point," she grinned at him, suddenly forgetting Itachi's ever present attitude. "I want to. It's a present."

Itachi smirked to himself as he slung his eyes back to the sky. "That's a terrible present."

"You said you'd like it," Hinamei reminded him. A small bug leapt by her ankle and with quick reaction she snatched at it. Still turning up empty handed.

"I said," Itachi countered bluntly," that I'd have no choice but to like it. There's a difference."

But Hinamei was already back in motion and Itachi was left blinking after her. A sudden bittersweet feeling rose through him as she laughed.

Everything he wasn't, she embodied. Compassion, joy, spirit. In a way he envied her, though he'd never tell her so. But he couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to find such happiness within the simplest and smallest things. With his hands propping himself up, he turned away from Hinamei. It was growing darker out and within fifteen minutes the sun would have gone down. As it was they were out too late, his mother would come looking for them soon. But somehow, he didn't mind.

A brief silence fell over him and he took another deep breath as Hinamei fell forward into the grass. A delighted scream left her lips and she rolled over, holding her cupped hands up in the air for Itachi to see. "I caught one! I told you I would!" But his thoughts were somewhere else, things would be changing soon. After the chuunin exams were over, he wouldn't be able to enjoy the small moments he shared with her.

"Are you listening Itachi?"

She might hate him when he left. And it pained him to think this would be one of the few times he had left to see her smile like that. Smile at him.

Maybe one day she'd forgive him.

"Itachi! Itachi!"



Hands were pressing against his chest, forceful and unsteady. Though it wasn't the pain of the pressure that brought him about, but instead the haunting sound that tore into his senses.

Somebody was screaming his name.

Another force hit him and suddenly, his chest rose upwards and an unpleasant gush of water rushed into his mouth. With a sputter, he turned over on his side and coughed the cold water out of his aching lungs. His own hand rushed to his mouth, running over his wet lips. It took him a second to realize he wasn't in a field anymore. Slowly, he brought his head upwards towards the figure in front of him. Her lips were a pale blue, skin paler than he'd ever seen it. And even though it looked like she'd shake right out of her skin, somehow she found the strength to throw herself at him. "You're alright!" She cried out, catching Itachi off guard. His back hit the rocky beach with a smack, but she didn't notice. "You're alright," she repeated. Itachi relaxed as he rested his head back against the ground, going limp with exhaustion. He didn't have the energy to fight her fully right then.

"Hinamei, that's enough." His voice lacked its usual hardness and Hinamei pulled away gently. Her eyes wandering over his body. "Are you hurt?"

"Stupid," she retorted quietly. "What were you thinking?" Itachi pulled his tired eyes open and blinked up at the pitch black night. He didn't have an answer so she continued. "You could have died. What would be the point of us both getting killed by a fall like that?"

A long pregnant silence followed before he spoke. "I wouldn't have died, but you..." he stalled. "You're fragile."

"Well..." Hinamei's stuttering hand gently touched at his chest. His clothes were stuck to him, soaking wet and dusted with pebbles from the beach. "Thank you," her voice was hardly audible as her head dropped low. "I'm sorry for falling, but I was-"

"There's no need for an apology, just be more careful."


Itachi lowered his dizzy gaze towards Hinamei. He hadn't seen her smile in a while, at least not at him. He doubted he ever would again either. Though she smiled at the boy, yet another thing to add to the list of reasons why he resented that kid. A scuffling of dirt drew his attention back to the moment. "What are you doing?" Itachi asked warily. Hinamei was trying to stand. Her hands were propped up against her crooked knees, brittle and stiff with the cold. Her teeth were grinding together and her eyes were growing heavy.

She was getting sick.

"We need to get back up top. Yukio-"

"He'll be fine." Itachi stood up. His head spun slightly as he stood too fast but he quickly shook it off. "You're hypothermic though, you can't go anywhere like this."

"I'm fine," She replied clumsily. Her speech was starting to run together. Itachi sighed and started to unsnap the buttons on his cloak. When it fell off his shoulders to the ground it made a loud unpleasant sound. "What'reyoudoin?" Hinamei frowned at her slurs. She usually only sounded like that when she was drunk.

"We need to warm your body back up. But not too quickly or you'll go into shock." She forced herself to look away when his shirt came off, revealing his lean frame.

"No, I'm fine."

"Hinamei-" Itachi's hand wrapped around her wrist and forced her to stand tall. "Just shut up." His fingers swiftly unbuttoned her jacket and dropped it to the floor. Before she could pull away, her shirt had followed. Her eyes shut when she realize she was standing in front of him in nothing but a bind. And then she felt it. Itachi's bare chest pressed up against hers. A sudden release of air left her body in the sound of a dreamy sigh, and he pulled her in closer. She turned her head to the side and rested it against his chest.

"I'm stealing your warmth," Hinamei muttered, her fingers trailing his arm.

"It's alright."

He inclined his cheek into her wet hair and took a deep breath.

Where could it go from here? They were at the end of the world now, standing at the edge of another cliff. But this time there was either do or die waiting at the bottom, for the both of them. His eyes closed and his fingers drifted up to her dripping locks. He was only so strong these days, he could save himself for only a little longer. How was he supposed to save her too?

"Itachi." Her voice was a quiver against his skin. "I think I know how this is going to end." His dark eyes reopened, staring out at the dull crash of waves in front of him. "And I'm alright with it."


She pulled back, her fingers trembling to hold her upright by his shoulders. She almost looked like she was going to cry, but below was the unmistakable glimmer of a distant smile touching at her lips. Itachi couldn't help but think it looked out of place. "This time, won't you trust me?"

He wanted to say no. Grab her by the shoulders and tell her she didn't know what she was talking about. That he could still fix it all if she just waited a little longer.

But he knew better and the pain of this inevitable demise was becoming too much for even him to handle anymore. "Only if you'll do something for me in return."


His arm circled her lower waist as he stepped back, holding her upright in front of him. With his other hand he gently placed it against her cheek. While he had the chance, while nobody could see, it wouldn't hurt to let his feelings get the best of him. Just this once. His steep eyebrows softened and he tilted his head to the left, watching her frantic eyes sweep back and forth. "Will you smile for me?" Her eyes widened slightly and her hand flew to steady herself against his grip.

"That's all?" She whispered, he answered with a slow, subtle nod. Hinamei's eyes fell to the ground between their feet. She took a small shaking step forward and looked up into his passive face. The corner's of her mouth tilted upwards and she locked eyes with him.

And then she smiled.

Her lips were a faint blue, trembling against her teeth, but it was a bright and alluring as he ever remembered. "I love you." The words escaped her and slightly, her smile faltered. "Why is it so hard for me to stay away from you? Maybe I'll never be able to..." A small laugh left her and she looked back up at him with the faint edge of tears in her eyes. "But you probably don't care either way do you? I guess it's not important anymore anyways-"

A new warmth invaded her as Itachi sank forward and gently pressed his lips to hers. His grip around her waist brought them closer and she shut her eyes forcefully. His kiss deepened and a deep seated intensity passed through his touch. Unlike anything that she'd ever felt come from him. This wasn't the kind of passion he'd given her before. This lacked anger and madness.

This was, dare she say, almost loving and tender.

Itachi pulled away slightly, eyes lofty and unfocused against hers. "Do you need me to say it?"

"No," she whispered against his mouth. "But what about yourself?"

Itachi leaned in again, closing the small gap that was left between them. As her fingers ran through his tangled hair, her body stopped shaking. Her cheeks grew pink and heated as he slipped farther and farther away from his control. But not for one second did he stop being gentle.

She broke away with a gasp, her head was spinning. But not from the cold, no, she was feeling far too warm for her own good now. Her eyes closed involuntarily and she leaned into his chest, trying hard to regain her breath that had been stolen from her. Itachi's breath was heavy and he leaned in closer to her ear. "Uchiha Hinamei, I've spent too many nights awake worrying for you to not love you. That must be it."

If Hinamei had known that this one moment would be the last time she ever heard those words leave him, she would have cried a little harder.


"Yukio!" Hinamei cried out, her hands unclenched themselves from Itachi's cloak and she stumbled awkwardly towards the collapsed boy. He winced when her arms circled around his neck and tugged him upwards, but he couldn't complain. His sapphire eyes looked over her shoulder towards Itachi, their eyes met only briefly but Yukio couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, really." Hinamei pulled away quickly and brushed a piece of hair out of his face. "You're all wet."

"Long story," she mumbled. "But, Itachi has agreed to heal your leg." Yukio couldn't refrain from rolling his eyes.

"How thoughtful of him." Immediately he was silenced by the stern look on Hinamei's face. Yet, he had expected it.

"Having some fun were you Itachi?" A chilling voice slithered in through the shadows of the trees. "You shouldn't toy with your prey like that, no matter how amusing it might be." Hinamei's face fell and she rocked back on her heels, an instant glare smeared across her features when she matched his beady stare.

"You're still here," she replied coldly towards Kisame. His eyes lit up in amusement.

"I could wonder the same thing." His reply was so sharply cruel she almost got up to say something more, but Itachi interfered just a second too soon.

"Kisame, not now." He turned his dark stare towards Yukio, forcing the latter's eyes away. "Boy, which leg is hurt?"

"Left," he replied curtly. Hinamei kept her head down as she moved aside for Itachi. And though Yukio tired hard not to look, he couldn't help himself. Itachi bent down on one knee, his long delicate fingers splayed out in front of him over Yukio's legs. A sudden glow of green erupted from his palms. The normally soft gentle light shone like daylight in the deep shadows of the woods, but Yukio could feel the muscle beneath his skin tighten in response.

"I know only minor medical jutsu," Itachi said suddenly while turning to look at Yukio. The boy only tightened his mouth in response. "Your leg will still be sore, but you'll be able to walk without much difficulty." A spasm in his leg snapped his eyes wide and he quickly withdrew himself from Itachi's proximity. Standing up, he stumbled back into a tree and glowered.

"I'm not thanking you," he bit back sourly. From the corner of his eye he saw Hinamei place a hand to her forehead in exasperation.

"I didn't do it for you." Yukio's heart hammered against his chest at Itachi's blunt response, his eyes darted from the first Uchiha to the second. What exactly happened to them? It wasn't so long ago that Hinamei had been running away from him and now he was doing favors for her? Though he had expected Hinamei to fall into his trap again, he never thought Itachi would be the type to fall for her charm and give in. Even from the memories he had seen, Itachi didn't come across as a favor kind of person.

"Ah," he leaned against the tree and took a deep, wavering breath. His leg still hurt, he pulled away before Itachi could properly finish. A hand brushed at his shoulder and without even looking, he rolled his arm and brushed Hinamei's hand away.

"Yukio I-"

"Save it," he muttered. "Just make up your mind already, whose side are you on?" Her hand fell back to he side and her nails dug into the soft flesh of her palm. But for once she was at a loss of words. With a shove against the wood he brought himself back into standing position. A pained look fleeted across his face but he pushed on regardless. "Are we going or not?" Kisame grinned and laid a heavy hand on the boy's shoulder, nearly flinging him to the ground.

"Itachi, I think I'm beginning to like this brat!" Yukio answered with a strangled scoff but pulled free from the large man's grasp.

"Hn." Itachi slung a half glance backwards at Hinamei and nodded. "Keep him under control."

She could hear the agitated breath that left Yukio's mouth but she nodded regardless. "There's no need to babysit me, It's not like I can go far on my own anyways." He turned on his heel, making sure to keep light on his hurt leg. "Did you hit your head or something?"

Hinamei's hand flew to her collarbone, and despite the wash of pity that overcame her a part of her was furious with his rude demeanor. "I'm not your enemy! Stop treating me like I am!" She yelled back, ignoring the looks she was receiving from both Kisame and Itachi.

"Well you sure as hell aren't theirs anymore! What else am I supposed to think!"

"I-" She looked around, flustered. "I don't know what's happening anymore!" Her voice died down and she could feel the skin on her palm breaking beneath her nails. "You couldn't possibly understand where I'm coming from..."

"This again?" Kisame cut in, giving Itachi a flat stare.

"Oh shut up," Hinamei snapped. "All of you." Kisame's face looked slightly taken aback before a sudden wave of anger crossed his features. But he was stopped immediately as Itachi's slender hand moved in front of him.

"I'd like to see this." The taller shinobi's face contorted and he looked down at Itachi with mixed feelings. Though he had plenty of questions, Kisame couldn't help but be silenced by the strangely curious look in Itachi's dark eyes.

"No, you shut up, for once!" Yukio yelled back, his gloved hands trembled around his side as if he were going to fall. His eyes were wide and cheeks flushed with irritation. "You knew this whole time we weren't escaping didn't you! Why did you keep me here? So you could run off with him and leave me for dead when the time came?"

"That's not true at all! I told you I didn't know what was going to happen. I still don't!" She was teetering on the edge between hysteria and rage, "I was fully prepared to keep going with you. You were the one who told me to leave remember?" A small disbelieving laugh left Yukio's mouth and he threw his hands upwards.

"I didn't expect you to come back wrapped around-"

"That is none of your concern! I'm still here aren't I? Why do you care so much anyways?" A thought fleeted across her mind and she stopped yelling, her defenses lowered and she withdrew back into herself. "You don't believe me at all do you?" Her eyes fleeted upwards and Yukio sucked in a tight breath. He didn't answer and the last string holding her together finally broke. "I get it," she whispered. "Go ahead and leave. You don't think I can protect you, you don't think that I care? Well I care enough to let you get away while you can."

"Hinamei wait-"

"I can't live knowing you felt like I'd betray you so easily!" Her shoulders started shaking and her arms fell in defeat by her sides. It wasn't until she started crying did she remember they had an audience.

"How stupid can you be?" Yukio's ruthless words delivered a sickening blow and she took in a deep breath that stopped her crying immediately. "Even if I wanted to go I couldn't," the boy turned his head away from Itachi and Kisame. He had never wanted it to come to this, at least not here.

"What do you mean?"

"How can you not see it?" He murmured under his breath and his heart was slamming up against his chest, but it wasn't the thrill he always imagined it would be. It was terrifying and humiliating, knowing full well the heartbreaking feeling that would come along with this confession. "I care so much for you and I hate the fact that you only have eyes for someone like him." His eyes shut, he couldn't bear to see her reaction. Nor the look of satisfaction he knew was sweeping across Itachi's face. "I can't just leave you here, even if you wanted nothing to do with me."

But it was just as he feared, pointless. "I-I don't know what to say to that Yukio."

He held up a hand, while the other wrapped around his midsection. This hurt. It all hurt too much. "You don't have to say anything. At least I'll die feeling like I gave it a shot."

Itachi's hand dropped from Kisame's way and the older shinobi looked down at his partner. Itachi was smirking. So this was what he was playing at. With an air of superiority, Itachi turned and nodded his head forward, he started walking away without another word. "Well that was entertaining," Kisame broke the awkward tension in the air. "It's a shame we're running late as it is. Hurry up kids, we're leaving."

Hinamei stood still from across Yukio. He didn't look at her as he turned to follow behind Itachi and Kisame. But that unmistakable look of shame and humility across his face sent a jab to her chest. Her fingers drifted upwards to stop him, but he wasn't looking. He was getting farther and farther away from her and nothing she could do would stop it.

But there was nothing left to do now but wait. Wait for the end, and hopefully within the small time she had left, she'd have a second chance to make it right.

If she didn't destroy whatever was left of it all first.


"Is that him?" One masked man asked another from where they were perched in the trees.

"Definitely, there's no mistaking it." Beneath the thick fabric that covered his face, the second man grinned. What luck, what were the chances of finding him of all people in such a secluded area perfect for assassinations? They were going to get a healthy pay for this one. "But we need to wait."

"For what?"

"For backup. We can't take all of them on our own. Tomorrow night, we'll trail them until then." He looked over to his partner and nodded. The first man took out a sharpened knife and cut an indent into the tree branch he was gracefully balanced on. "He's the last one left." The second shinobi turned his eyes towards the vacant space far ahead of him. "Zuishi, you were hard to find but we've got you now. You can't escape twice."
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Ah, :(