‹ Prequel: Nevermore
Status: Updates every Tuesday.

Kingdom by the Sea

The other story.

"I never wanted to see the world."

Itachi inclined his head towards her, his eyes softly trailing the melancholy expression on her face. "Why do you say that?" Hinamei never looked back at him though, instead she focused all of her attention on the quivering beams of the days first sunlight.

"I told you once I wanted to. That I wanted to travel and discover new things, but in truth, I never wanted that." Itachi's ongoing silence urged her to continue. "I would have been happy to live and die in that village."

"Ah," Itachi breathed out. "I don't think you mean that."


"No. If you hadn't left, you would have lived your entire life wondering what the outside world looked like. But that's just how you are and always have been, perpetually discontent with your life." A small hum left her lips and she finally tore her gaze away. Itachi was still staring and their eyes met just briefly.

"I don't like the idea of you knowing me so well."

"Neither do I," Itachi half joked.

A small laugh escaped her and she shook her head. These were rare moments. Serene moments where the lighting was just right and the air smelled sweet. There was no anger, there was no uncertainty. There was only them. But moments like these passed by all too quickly, and this one in particular was nearly gone. "Is it time?"

"I'm afraid so." Hinamei watched Itachi stand up. His tall frame towered above her, cloak wavering in the draft that reached them. He was power in its truest form. "It can't be helped, you know this." She blinked and looked away in defeat.

"So you've told me," she stood up, hardly matching his height, and she turned away. "I think your wrong about this Itachi, there's a second chance for everyone."

"Not for me there isn't," Itachi quietly replied. "Either way, we need to get back-"

"Can I have just a minute to myself?" She caught the clear answer in Itachi's frown and she quickly moved to defend herself. "I won't run off if that's what you're thinking."

"Fine, but don't take long." As she turned away from him once more she caught the almost undetectable sound Itachi made as he left in a quick blur. Nothing had changed, not by much anyway. After getting the silent treatment from Yukio for the majority of the night, it had taken all the whining in the world to convince them to stop for the night. She couldn't do it any longer, she had been only seconds away from snapping. Again.

But sleep hadn't claimed her like it did Yukio and Kisame, and out of whatever kindness Itachi harbored towards her in the late night, they had wandered off to the edge of the forest and took in what small time the night had left to offer. She still didn't know where they were headed nor what awaited Yukio and herself when they did reach their destination. She was reluctant to ask, it didn't help either that Itachi avoided the subject at all costs.

Which only made the growing feeling in her stomach worse. It was unnerving and uncomfortable and nothing could shake it. She would have liked to brush it off as nerves but something told her she'd only regret it later when the actual truth hit her. She had a feeling Itachi was feeling the same way. Through the entire time she spent with Itachi, she tried hard to convince him that there were other options. They could leave, take Yukio and run away. He insisted nothing was as simple or as cowardly as running away. And knowing Itachi, even if it had been an option, he'd still refuse to take the easy way out.

Hinamei let out a loud sigh and blew up a defiant piece of hair that lie in the center of her face. There really was no escaping this. For once she had some structure in her life, as unfortunate as it might have seemed. But still she found every reason to be upset with it. Maybe Itachi was right, she'd never truly be happy with the outcome of anything. Either way, she'd have to move sometime unless she wanted Itachi dragging her back. Slowly and brimming with unease, she shrank back into the trees towards the rest of the group.

When she walked back into the circle, all eyes were on her. But only briefly. Yukio quickly looked away, Kisame mainly lost interest and Itachi returned to speaking to his partner. Feeling only slightly jilted, she lingered over closer to Yukio and stood over him until he finally sighed loud enough for her to hear. "What is it now?"

"What is it going to take?" She asked quietly so that their partners wouldn't hear.

"Nothing, I've got nothing to say to you." To his surprise, Hinamei dropped down to one knee and wrapped her arms around Yukio's collar. "Hinamei, please-"

"Shh..." She inclined her head towards his until she was resting on his shoulder. "How many times do I need to say sorry?"

"I don't want your apologies."

"You want me." He stifled a nod, knowing how childish it sounded of him. "You're too young for me Yukio, why would you want to settle down with an old woman like myself?" Yukio groaned and squirmed out from underneath her grasp, turning in the dirt to face her.

"Two years hardly makes the difference-"

"Almost three."

"Whatever!" Itachi and Kisame both pointedly looked over in their direction and Yukio cringed. "Look, just drop it. You're only making it worse." Hinamei shrank back, hurt. "It's fine now. I won't ignore you anymore, but only if you'll stop bringing it up." With quick relief, she sighed loudly and pulled him into a sudden hug.

"Fine! I won't say another word. But I must ask," she said under her breath as she pulled Yukio away to arm's length. "How long have you felt like this because I never-"


"Right," she bit at her lip and forced an awkward smile. "I'll stop now." She stood up, letting her hands slowly fall back to her side, reluctant to let Yukio go. She turned toward the looming duo in front of her and lowered her head. "When are we leaving?"

"We were just waiting for you two to finish up, that's all." Kisame sneered. And though she swore she saw a cold flash rush across Itachi's face, he didn't say anything and instead turned away. "Bring your boy, and keep up this time will you? We're already late enough as it is." When he turned around Hinamei made a mocking face at his back, "stick that tongue back in girl before I bite it off." Startled, Hinamei clapped a hand over her mouth and glanced at Yukio. He only shrugged back.

So it was going to be that kind of day, was it?

And it was, ten times more so than she thought. Even from under the shade of the trees, the sun beat down on her back with a vengeance. A headache had found her and was showing no mercy and the faint delirium from little sleep was finally beginning to show its true colors. It was going to be a long day.

By the time dusk had touched at the horizon again, Hinamei had grown several shades paler and was feeling close to death. It seemed the touch of hypothermia she had from the other night still hadn't quite receded and Hinamei was skeptical to how much longer she'd last running non-stop.

But it didn't take long for her legs to give way like they did, dropping her with a sigh of near unconsciousness.

She fell like a stone, but luckily, Itachi had quicker reflexes to count on. He dipped under the branch he had just been perched on and caught Hinamei only seconds before she would have hit the ground. In his arms, she groaned and placed a hand to her forehead. "I think I'm sick." And despite the hiss of warning that came from Itachi's mouth, Hinamei rolled out of his arms and frantically crawled towards the brush just in time for her stomach to empty what little occupied it.

"She can't keep moving like this, what do you think? Should we stop early?" Itachi glanced up at Kisame and he shrugged.

"We're off schedule by quite a few days, but I won't lie, I'm in no hurry to get back there." Itachi nodded and Kisame took the cue, leaping down from his own branch with strong grace.

"No, I'm fine." Hinamei said, lifting her hand up as she fell back to rest on her haunches. "Really."

"Hardly," Itachi scoffed as he moved closer to her. He kneeled down next to her and brushed a piece of hair back. "We have plenty of time, I suggest you start getting on that and get better."

"Why can't we just keep going for a few more hours? I feel fine."

"I'm sorry, I can't afford to watch over you the entire time." His eyes flashed upwards before they settled on hers again and he lowered his voice. "Please, just relax for now."

"Alright," she replied reluctantly. "But only for a couple minutes." Itachi shrank back and watched Hinamei stumble upwards until she sat herself down by Yukio. She stuck her tongue out childishly at Itachi and brought her knees upwards. With her back to the tree she shut her eyes defiantly. He wasn't able to relax himself until he saw the steady rise and fall pattern of Hinamei's breathing as she slept. He crossed his arms and leaned back and as he watched he couldn't help but feel inclined to know what she was dreaming about now.

Yet, if he had asked her, she would have told him that he'd have been better off not knowing.

Hinamei stood before a sink, her arms elbow deep in suds and half washed dishes. A soft hum vibrated off of her lips, those that were touched with the slight curve of a complacent smile. Her soft dark eyes focused intently on her basin as she enjoyed the almost alien sound of silence.

But these days, silence didn't stick around for long.

Behind her a door creaked open and shut again. Soft footsteps sounded off of the wood floors and Hinamei turned, spilling soapy suds to the floor as she whirled around. "You're home early!" She exclaimed when she saw him, whipping her bubbling hands upwards in a loud exclamation.

Itachi looked downwards, his mouth tilting up in the sort of smile he only showed to Hinamei. Wordlessly he stepped forward and brought his gaze back towards her. His hand extended upwards and he gently brushed away the fallen soap remains that had seemingly found its way into Hinamei's tresses. "You're like a child with these messes, honestly." His hand fell back towards his side and he smiled. "Cleaning again?"

"Blame your brother," Hinamei replied, turning back around and digging through the water for her lost sponge. "He's invited himself over for dinner again and I don't want a guest seeing my kitchen in this state."

"Ah," Itachi sounded more amused than he should have been. "Though at this point I'd hardly call him a guest. Which reminds me..." The sudden guilty shift in Itachi's voice had Hinamei looking over her shoulder with a weary look.

"What have you done?"

"It wasn't my idea, it's only that Shisui has invited himself over as well."

"Of course he's coming, what day doesn't he-" her words were cut off by the sound of the front door slamming open.

"Oi, Hina-chan!" Sasuke called out from the hallway. "What's for dinner?"

"Our first guest of honor has arrived apparently." Hinamei said with a twitch to her crooked smile.

"Don't stress," Itachi said. He leaned forward and gave her a small kiss on the cheek. "I'll keep him busy."

"Thanks," she said with a small laugh. She couldn't be mad now though, but she was grateful for Itachi's efforts nonetheless. When Itachi walked out Hinamei hurried through the rest of the dishes, cleaned the mess on the floor, and wiped the counters before she hung up her apron and smoothed out her hair. "Sasuke!" She called out as she fixed her shirt.

"Huh?" An inky shock of hair appeared before her.

"Would you come to the store with me? I'm going to need an extra set of hands."

"Sure, sure. Let's go."

Outside of the house the sky was glowing with the faintest edges of orange and yellows. Birds cried out and the hustle and bustle of the village outside of the compound was carried on the small breeze that smelled faintly of honey.

Hinamei looked over at Sasuke, who not long ago had been standing only several inches past her knees. The sixteen year old boy glanced over and quirked a brow. "What is it?"

"Nothing," Hinamei replied, turning away quickly. "You're just so big now. I'm afraid one of these days you'll be taller than I am."

"Tch," Sasuke remarked. "I'm already taller than you." She smirked but ignored his chiding tone. "So Hinamei," the boy looked over at her and she could feel where this conversation was headed. "Have you told him yet?" Her fingers lingered over to her stomach, rubbing in small comforting circles.

"Not yet, I was going to tell him tonight but that's no good."

"My fault?"

"Nah," she replied quietly. "I probably wouldn't have been able to work up the nerve anyways."

"He'll be happy you know," Sasuke said wistfully. "I don't know what you're afraid of, Itachi would make a great father."

Hinamei stifled a sigh and let her hands fall. "I know he would, I can't explain it, Sasuke. It's great and yet it's terrifying at the same time. Maybe it's myself that I fear. Am I ready for this? Growing up, I couldn't even take care of myself and it's not like that's changed. How am I supposed to care for a child?"

"You'll figure it out." She almost snorted at his answer, but that was Sasuke and she really couldn't blame him. She had put him in quite the compromising position the day she told him the news and then begged him to keep his mouth shut. Not even Shisui knew yet, but that went more without saying considering how attached at the hip Shisui and Itachi were.

Because of her conflicting thoughts, a comfortable, though not far from awkward silence befell them. Sasuke every now and then would glance over at Hinamei and shake his head, only to look forward once more. They took their time at the market and by the time they finished, their lack of words only seemed to further their appreciation of the other's presence.

Sasuke had always liked Hinamei. As a child, she was always there for him when Itachi was away. When Itachi had been intolerable, she seemed to have a knack for fixing it. In many ways, she was the sister he never had. But in a different way than Shisui was a brother to him. "I'm always here to help," Sasuke said suddenly.

"Help with what?"

"With the baby. You asked how you were supposed to care for it, well, I'm telling you now that you wouldn't be alone." Hinamei inclined her head towards the boy and now that she looked she realized Sasuke was right. He was a good two and a half inches taller. Her eyes softened and she looked away.

"Thank you Sasuke. That...helps."

"You know, if you walk in the house looking so down, Itachi won't leave you alone until you tell him what's wrong." His eyes glanced upwards as they neared the house and he smirked. "And by the looks of it, Shisui's already there."

"Heh," Hinamei rolled her eyes. "Figures. I'll be fine, maybe after everybody goes home I'll tell him."

"I'll be by first thing in the morning then." She nudged him playfully with her arm and he grinned that famous Uchiha grin. So different from his brother but in ways, they were just alike. And as infectious as it was, she couldn't help but laugh.

Before they touched the front steps, the door opened with a flourish and a proud, if not cocky Uchiha blocked their way. "Took you long enough," he replied haughtily.

"Hinamei shops like she's eighty years old," Sasuke said as he dipped under Shisui's arm into the house. The tall boy moved aside and winked at Hinamei as he bent down to take her bags.

"What's got you?" She shook her head, almost too fast.

"Nothing! I'm just a little tired-"

"Great!" She shot him a flat look and he shrugged. "I'll help you in the kitchen then. I brought extras anyways, especially since you're eating for two now." Shisui laughed to himself and without waiting for a response he stalked off with all the groceries. Hinamei however stared unblinkingly at where he had just stood. Had he said what she thought he said? Eating for...two? She took a large breath in and closed her eyes. Honestly, these Uchiha's.

"Sasuke!" Her hands were fisted by her sides and if she hadn't had more control she would have punched the kid in the face the moment she saw him. When he did appear, he took one look at Hinamei and sighed.

"He said something didn't he? Dammit Shisui."

"I told you to keep it a secret! If Shisui knows than Itachi knows too-"

"Knows what?" Hinamei swallowed and glanced over Sasuke's shoulder where Itachi stood in the hallway. An eyebrow quirked and a serious expression on his face.

Sasuke quickly turned around and waved his hands. "Nothing! It's a...surprise. Hinamei got you something and I accidentally told Shisui. And you know how big of a mouth he's got." Hinamei placed a hand to her forehead and sighed. This was going so badly it was almost comical. Almost.
"Really," Itachi remarked. Both Hinamei and Sasuke knew he hadn't bought it. "Hm." He shot a warning look to both Hinamei and Sasuke before turning to move back towards the kitchen. Hinamei nearly yelled. She pushed past Sasuke and ran right through the door just seconds after Itachi did. Both Uchiha's shot her a strange look and she grinned.

"Itachi, Shisui and I are making dinner tonight. You better go keep Sasuke occupied."

"What is wrong with-" The sound of something falling tore Itachi's attention away and he sighed. "Sorry," he said lowly as he walked back out the kitchen door. Hinamei let a sigh of relief out, reminding herself she'd have to thank Sasuke for the distraction later. That was if he hadn't broke something of hers. Either way, that wasn't important, she had bigger things to deal with now.

"Hinamei," Shisui said politely. "What are we making exactly?"

"You haven't said anything have you?" Hinamei cut in quickly.

The taller boy answered with a sigh and turned towards Hinamei. "Of course not, I'm not stupid. But," he held a finger up and waggled it towards her. "I am disappointed you told the brat before you told me. I thought we were better friends than that."

Finally, Hinamei felt like she could breathe. Sure, she should have given him more credit but with Shisui you never really knew. It all depended on who he favored more that day. "I know, but even with Sasuke it had been kind of an accident. I didn't mean to tell anyone."

"Well when will you tell Itachi?"

"Tonight," she said reluctantly. "Sasuke's already made sure of that." Her eyes heightened as Shisui stepped closer, his hands cupped her face as he smiled.

"I'm happy for you," he leaned in and placed a small chaste kiss on her cheek. "But I have to admit, I'm a little bit jealous you'll be stealing Itachi away from me. You'll have to expect me over more often."

"I can handle that," she replied, a glowing tone from her voice. "Thank you." His hand slipped from her face to her hair and he tousled it with a laugh.

"I still can't believe you two got married, never thought that would actually fall through. But now a baby? My crybaby Hinamei is all grown up! I'm so proud!"

Hinamei nudged him in the ribs and scoffed, "Okay, okay. Shi, shut up. Aren't you supposed to be making dinner with me?"

Shisui blinked and looked down at the bag of groceries on the counter, all traces of humor gone. "Oh, we were serious?" And like many things Shisui often said, she'd ignore that one too.

Overall, Hinamei had enjoyed herself. Despite the strange looks she received from Itachi throughout the night, she was glad her two best friends had stopped by to stay. There was a strange feeling in her stomach while she was saying goodbye to them that night, and she accounted them to nerves. "Good luck," Shisui whispered into her hair as they hugged. She pulled away and nodded. Sasuke looked over at her and winked, waved goodbye and set off wordlessly towards Mikoto and Fugaku's house. By the time Shisui had left and it was just Itachi and herself there, she felt ready to explode.

"So," Itachi started as he closed the door. "What's going on with you?" Her hand fluttered nervously at her collarbone and she looked away guiltily.

"Nothing," she replied calmly.

"Don't lie, you've always been terrible at that. You're keeping something from me." He crossed his arms and smirked. "If you don't willingly, I'll make you tell me." Hinamei shuddered at the memories of last time she tried to keep a secret from Itachi. He had quite an array of clever and unconventional methods.

"Fine, I'll tell you. But I think you'll want to sit down."

"Hinamei," he said, inclining his head towards her as if he didn't believe her. She stared warily at him for a while before he raised his brows impatiently.

She took in a deep breath and placed her hand back over her stomach. "Itachi," Hinamei shut her eyes as hard as she could and she said the words in a jumble. "I'mpregnantandItoldSasukeandhetoldShisuibutI-"

"-What?" Itachi breathed out suddenly. Hinamei opened up her eyes, eyebrows a steep incline and her mouth a thin line of worry. His arms had become uncrossed and he was leaning against the wall, his eyes staring at the ceiling with a look of utter confusion across his face. "You're...pregnant?"

"Afraid so," she replied. Her heart sank a bit, she had thought Itachi would have been happier. But instead there he stood going into a catatonic state over it. In fact, she felt a bit stupid. But all those feelings were quickly doubted when Itachi blinked and suddenly out of nowhere began to laugh. "What?" She asked, narrowing her eyes at him. He further ignored her and placed a hand to his head. "Why are you laughing at me?" Itachi shook his head and moved forward, placing his hands firmly against her cheeks. And then, without any warning, he fell forward and closed the gap between them.

Though at first taken back, Hinamei quickly fell into him. Her arms wrapping around his neck and pulling him closer. Itachi pulled back slightly, resting his forehead against hers. "This is wonderful," he whispered and he smiled. Kissing her against the lips quickly. "I love you."

"I love you too," Hinamei said quietly, her voice quivering with emotion. This was it. This is what every person strives to live for. Happiness. And suddenly, she couldn't hold the emotion back any longer.

And there was no shame in it this time.

He debated whether or not to wake her, either way he wanted her to stop crying.

Her eyes would scrunch up, her mouth would tighten and frown and her hands were restless on her lap. Next to her Yukio nodded in his sleep and behind him, Kisame had somewhere wandered in through the trees and hadn't returned. And Itachi watched it all unfold like a tragedy upon the stage. The only question he posed was when would it end? This was miserable and he wouldn't be able to stand it much longer.

He knew she was dreaming of him. And it was hurting her all the same because nothing good ever came out of a memory involving him. Itachi sighed and closed his eyes. Maybe if he didn't look he wouldn't notice.

Hinamei whimpered, no, she said something. Itachi's eyes snapped back open and he stared, disbelieving. Though it was faint, there was no doubt about it. Hinamei was smiling.

And if one could believe it, that only seemed to make things worse.

"Hinamei," Itachi said loud enough to stir Yukio out his sleep. But she didn't move. "Hinamei, wake up." Her eyes tightened behind her lids and she took a deep breath. Her hands strayed up to her face and she wiped at her cheeks with the back of her hand.

"Huh?" she tiredly opened her eyes and stared. Crying? Of course she was. "Sorry," she mumbled, not wanting to look Itachi in the face. "I didn't mean to."

"It's not your fault." Itachi spoke softly, but one glance at Yukio and whatever compassion he had in him seemed to dwindle away. "Do you need something?" His words came out harsh and Yukio, having realized he was staring, quickly looked away and occupied his sights with the ground. "Hn."

Itachi was feeling angry. At himself, at everything. So he stood up, brushing at his cloak when he froze suddenly. Hinamei, who was watching intently narrowed her eyes and stilled. "What is it?"

"Quiet," Itachi said darkly. He stood up tall and dropped something down from his sleeve into his hand. From behind him a fleeting shadow appeared out of nowhere. "Kisame," Itachi greeted quietly as the taller shinobi strode from the trees. He had blood lust in his eyes.

"You feel that too?" He inquired, a faint smile coming onto his thin lips. "Twenty-three of them. We're outnumbered it seems."

"I don't know these chakras." Itachi looked over his shoulder and nodded at Kisame. Hinamei wrapped her arms around herself and looked up into the trees. Someone was coming for them?

"I-" All eyes turned towards Yukio. His eyes were wide and petrified, he seemed to shrink into himself. "I know these chakras well. Their from my village, they've found me..." Yukio pushed off the ground and stood up, "you all need to leave!"

Kisame cut through the air with a cold laugh. "I think your underestimating my powers, I don't run away from a fight."

"You don't understand, these people-"

"Hinamei," her dark eyes snapped upwards towards Itachi. His slender fingers flipped open the side of his cloak and pulled from the sheath her katana. He tossed it up in the air and she caught it clumsily. "Watch the boy, don't let him escape."

"R-right." She awkwardly stood up and stepped in front of Yukio. Looking over her shoulder, she smiled. "It will be okay, I promise."

"Hinamei, listen to me-" His hands pulled desperately at Hinamei's sleeve but she shook her head and held a finger to her lips. Kisame pulled out his sword, his mouth stretched into a wide grin now as he looked upwards at the tree line and Itachi's sharingan was bright as he followed Kisame's stare.

Hinamei stared upwards with the rest of them. She was sore, still tired and her head was still pounding despite the couple hours of sleep she had fit in. But this was much more important. Important enough for Itachi to feel the need to involve her. And besides, she had something to protect. Two somethings. And no headache would stop that. "Itachi?" His scarlet gaze flickered over to her. "Be careful," he nodded curtly and paused for a small second before speaking again.

"You too, Hinamei."
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