‹ Prequel: Nevermore
Status: Updates every Tuesday.

Kingdom by the Sea

The boy by the sea.

The bottle touched the edges of her pink lips and with a tilt of her wrist the sake poured over her thirsting tongue. She couldn’t help but make a sour face as she pulled the heavy glass away from her. “What a stupid, stupid girl,” she drawled out, letting her eyes fall out of focus. The seas became nothing more than a dark smear on an already dark background and a light laugh left her drunken mouth. Perched on the deck, she swayed the bottle around, listening as the drink went round and round in harmony with the wet shore. Even the moon, to any sober person would have been an obvious mirror image of the clear sky above but to her, all she saw was a splatter of light scored into the shifting ground. She was much too drunk to be this close to the water, much too lonely, much too sad, much too much of anything there was to make it a clear risk. “Once more,” the bottle was lifted once again, “it can’t hurt.” But before the bottle reached her lips she hiccupped and fell back against the dock, eyes rolling back and gentle breathing echoing off her rising chest. A soft mumble left her mouth, heard by no one on the lonely night air and as she settled her face to the side she fell fast asleep into a drunken dream.


Walking down the nearly empty street above the illuminated shore was a young boy with pale, wispy blonde hair. His bright blue eyes probed the quiet night air, waiting for any sign of anything. It had been a strange evening and he was starting to wonder if anyone actually occupied the village he had stumbled into. A slight breeze caught his wrists and he shoved his gloved hands farther into his pockets, the sea air was still a bit too much for him to handle. Waves crashed along the icy shores and he looked down as the illuminated waters washed upwards. He hadn’t seen the sea’s in such a long time, he breathed in that almost familiar smell and smiled. It had been good idea after all to come here. As he walked he let his eyes wander up the beaches until he found a dark dock with an odd figure sprawled at the end of it. The boy came to a sudden halt and quirked his eyebrow at the sight. If he wasn't mistaken, there seemed to be a person sprawled on the edge of the planks.

Blue eyes snapped open when a dark thought flitted to mind. From where he stood, whoever was laying out there almost appeared to be dead. Unmoving and laid out in an almost unnatural and painful position. His heart beat painfully against his ribcage, echoing off the silent night, it happened to be all he could hear. It was times like these he wondered what he was supposed to do. Save them? No, of course not, you can’t save the dead. He looked towards his left then his right, hoping this could be someone else’s problem. He wondered if he should even bother walking down there, after all there couldn’t be anything he could do to help at this point. It was then the figure rolled over slowly, dipping half their face in the spilled sake that dripped through the wooden planks. He choked on his own conflicting thoughts.

So they weren’t dead after all.

His booted feet pounded on the street until he reached the border of the sandy hill, white minerals spilling around his shoes as he slid down towards the dock towards what he now saw was a woman. His mind shot left and right, partially angry at himself for standing around and waiting till she roused. At least if she had rolled off the dock and drowned after he had left, it wouldn’t have weighed on his shoulder like a ten ton block. The boy, as it was, was barely sixteen and traveling on his own away from home. He had enough to worry about without having to save a drunken wench’s life. Idiot. He hit the base of the dock with a loud thud and raced towards the unconscious girl, “What do you think you’re doing? You‘ll kill yourself being reckless like that!” Crumpling to his knees, he fell in front of her limp body. His hands wrapped around her wet hair and instinctively, he crinkled his nose at the stench. She wreaked of alcohol, something that didn‘t mix well with the salty scent of the sea air. “What now?” He asked himself, looking around for a sign of anybody. Not a single person but the two of them, he lowered his eyes back at the girl and sighed. Great, it was too late to abandon ship now.

She wasn’t as tall as he had figured, nor as heavy. In fact just the opposite. Despite her long and flowing dress she weighed naught more than he did, and he was significantly shorter than she was. The boy cradled the older woman to his chest, she couldn’t have been more than two years older than he and here she was drinking herself to death! It‘s probably all she‘s got willing to stand next to her, he thought sharply, grinning at his own crass attitude. After struggling up the sandy shore with the girl limp in his arms he finally made it to the street with lack of air. Slowly, he lowered her to the ground and watched helplessly as her head lolled sideways and she slumped down his leg. With a sigh he glanced up and down the road, farther south there was a poorly lit sign that was barely readable. With hopes high, he jolted her back into his grip, if it wasn't an inn she would just have to take to the streets instead. And if it was, well it was just for one night, once she sobered up she could pay him back. He looked down once more, watching with interest as she turned her face inward towards his chest. She was a fair looking woman, plain in his opinion. Dark hair and pale skin, she looked ghostly but in an almost, dare he say, classical way. Shaking his tousled locks around he brought his head back up towards the road, the sign became clearer and happily he realized it had been an old inn after all.

Upon walking into the double set of doors he gave a sour glower at the bewildered man behind the desk, almost dropping the girl in his arms as he spoke, “one room please, preferably with two beds.”

After the shock left the man‘s frazzled face, he recovered quite loudly. “Now wait jus’ a minute lad!” The older man stalked out from behind the desk and eyed him curiously, lowering his gaze until his eyes fell short on the sleeping woman. Before the innkeeper got a chance to speak the boy snarled in response.

“Hey, this isn’t my broad old man! I just saved this girl’s life, if you know her please, speak up!” The boy retorted angrily. He had gone out of his way as it was and here he stood being accused wrongly by a man with one blind eye. The nerve of some people, it truly amazed him. To his surprise the older man grunted and gave a short nod, moving a piece of brown hair out of the drunken girls face.

“Yeah, I know her alrigh‘. Drunk again, eh?” The young boy shot him a smart stare and responded back with a sharp tongue.

“Your first clue?” He shook his head and bit back the growing impatience that was breaking through, “Look, you’ve got to understand. I’ve been walking for three days and I’m tired. Not to mention, this girl is covered in alcohol. It’s not very pleasant you know.” The innkeeper waved his hand in understanding, grabbing a key from behind the counter and motioning him to follow through a weathered door. Grunting in discontent, the young boy hitched the sleeping girl higher. Her head lolled back and her mouth fell agape. In fear she would choke he struggled her head up straight. “So tell me, who is she then?”

“That there is Tsukiyo-san, or to us villagers she’s more well known as the reaper.” The boy shifted uncomfortably and as well as he could, he held the girl farther away from his body. As if she was going to suck his soul out right then and there. The innkeeper threw a look back before breaking out in loud laughter. “Not to worry boy, she’s a harmless lil‘ thing. She wandered in here over five years ago and since then she’s granted a peaceful death to the sick and the old with some kind of ninja skill she learned overseas. A favor really is what she’s doin. Now, I might know her but I’m sure I’ve never seen your face before.” The boy perked up and smirked, hitching up Tsukiyo once more.

“I’m not from around here. Wandering about myself, traveling actually. You can call me Yukio.”

“You got a last name boy?” Yukio shot a daring glare at the man before redirecting his eyes to the concrete corridor ahead of him.

“Not around these parts, I don’t.” The innkeeper stopped for a second before deciding it wasn’t worth his time nor safety. After all, this village had a lot of strange ones wandering about and looking for a place to stay. It was secluded and innocent, not many came here looking for a vacation. This boy couldn’t be too much of a threat and the old innkeeper told himself that over and over again. He didn’t want trouble, never did. Unfortunately for him, trouble seemed to find him more often than he would have liked.

“Well, Yukio-chan, are you here to stay? In the village I mean.” The man stopped at a door and whipped the key from under his sleeve, unlatching the lock all while keeping his still seeing eye latched onto the boys pale face. Yukio seemed to stumble on his words and at the same time he avoided all possible eye contact with the innkeeper.

“I don‘t know yet, this is the room then?” The man gave him a curious look but nodded in response. As the boy passed by he thanked the man and dropped the drunk girl on the bed. Not caring whether or not she bounced back painfully, it wasn’t his problem any more. “Thank you…uh, I’m afraid I haven’t gotten your name yet.”

“It’s Tobikuma,” he grunted, waiting for the boy to respond. Instead Yukio gave a curt nod and stripped of his coat.

“Well, thanks for your generosity. I’ll be leaving early in the morning, but I’ll leave the pay on the desk.” Tobikuma gave another hard grunt before shaking his head and turning around with a wave of his hand. Before he could say anything back, Yukio snatched the door key and shut the door, securing the lock. As he stripped of his clothing he patted himself down, knowing full well he didn’t have enough money to pay for the room he had rented. He cast his eyes at the sleeping girl and suddenly, a grin cut across his young features. “What is that? You'll pay my expenses? How considerate of you.” He spoke to himself as he sauntered over to the unconscious girl, slipping his hand down the sides of her arms he ran his fingers over a small bump around her wrist. He knew from experience that’s where girls usually held their cash at, especially when shoved into a dress like the one she wore. Pulling her sleeve up he greedily opened the light linen bag and eagerly, groped around inside. It was empty, nothing but a few spiraled locks of string. Suddenly a scowl marred his face and he lowered his eyes. “Obviously, she’s broke, lousy drunk.“ He walked towards the bathroom with his hands held out in front of him like a disease. After washing his hands he settled out of his outer clothes entirely and curled up on the bed across from his new partner in nothing but his undergarments. Her chest fell and rose softly, at first he was afraid she might get sick and choke but no matter he figured he had done enough already. I’ll get the money from her tomorrow one way or another, he promised himself, no way am I letting her leave without it.

He didn’t sleep much that night, worry about this strange reaper girl had him sleeping on the edge. He watched her for most of the night, waiting for her to move or strike. But she never did, and soon sleep claimed him in the early hours of the morning. He woke with a rude start at a sudden movement and to his surprise the bed to his left was empty. “Oh, you’re awake then.” He snapped his head at the voice and narrowed his tired eyes. The woman looked even paler than she did the night before, he guessed she had already rid the alcohol from her system. Yukio looked away with a indignant pout and quickly averted his eyes out the window. The sun was already up and staining the room in the soft glow of late morning.

“Dammit, I was supposed to be up early!” He flung the blankets from his legs and tore off of the bed, soon stopped however as the ghostly woman stepped in front of him. Her hands were held out at length, blocking his hurry.

“Calm down, I’ve already paid Tobikuma-san if that‘s what you‘re worried about.” She waved her hand by his face in dismissal and sat herself on his bed in a tired sort of fashion. “Please, sit.” When he didn’t she left him with a glare and grudgingly, he sat back down as far from her as he could manage. “Tell me boy, what am I doing here?” His face reddened with an obvious rage and he found himself standing on his feet once more.

“You’re here because of me, wench! Do you remember anything from last night, I suppose you wouldn’t considering you drank yourself into a mindless stupor! I couldn’t exactly just leave you there, what would happen if you rolled off the dock?” A light laugh left her rosy lips and she opened her deep charcoal eyes at him. It shut him up momentarily before he was gritting his teeth again. “What the hell is so funny?”

“It’s nothing, really. I’ve never met someone so considerate and yet, you’re completely intolerable. But seriously, lower your voice. I’m afraid I’ve got quite the hangover.” She fell back against the bed with a loud thump and sighed. “If it’s any consolation to you kid, I wouldn't be able to leave without giving you a proper thanks.” She peeked at him from under her slender hand and grinned almost painfully. “So tell me, what do you need?” A slight mumble left his mouth and as his eyes brightened he turned towards her once more with a sheepish smile on his face.

“Have you got a place to live lady?”

She answered with a scowl, “I do have a name brat, it’s Tsukiyo. And for your information I do have a small house near the waters edge. Why? Are you looking for a place to hide, hm?” He shuffled backwards and fidgeted nervously, so much for his cool demeanor.

“What? No! Are you implying I’m some kind of run away? Look I just need a place to sleep for a couple of nights, do that and we’ll forget all about me saving your pathetic excuse for a life,” he ended it with a smirk. “And besides, you could probably use the help.” But she waved him off nonchalantly and stood up, still swaying about.

“Fine, fine, just stay out of my stuff and I’ll be nice.” Ten minutes into meeting this woman and already he couldn’t stand her. “Now, what’s your name?”

“Like I would tell you.” He replied almost immediately and judging by the off look that suddenly swept across Tsukiyo’s face she wasn’t expecting it. Immediately following, she shrugged him off and walked off towards the bathroom.

“Then I suppose brat will have to do. It really does fit you.” Before he could respond she slid shut the bathroom door and the sound of running water filled the room. Cautiously, he stood, wondering if maybe he should just make a run for it. Maybe living off the streets for a few days was better than staying with some wayward drunk. But before he could even so much as finish the thought the bathroom door slid open and a tumble of brown hair fell downwards. “Oh, and don’t even consider leaving this room. I’ve already asked Tobikuma-san to call the police force if he sees you wandering around by yourself. See, they don’t know you. A stranger’s word against my own? Please, you’ll be dead in less than a minute.” She pulled back and the door shut, leaving Yukio in a stunned state. That bitch, he thought suddenly, falling back against the bed with his lip torn between his teeth.

While she bathed he took the liberty of cleaning up, not to mention going through the small objects she had laid out on her beside table. Aside from the first empty bag, he realized she had another bag that carried her money in it. Must of had it in a pocket, he thought as he shuffled through it. Empty, the hotel had completely cleaned her out. Alongside the two sacks was a semi-precious stone hung on a necklace, he wrapped his slender fingers around it before setting it back down. The water had turned off.

Tsukiyo stepped out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around her slender body. She narrowed her eyes at him and when he opened his eyes wide in mock innocence she scoffed, “don’t act so naïve, get out of my things. Trust me, it may look expensive but all it holds is sentimental value. Now wait in the bathroom, I’ve got to get my clothes on. We’ll head to my house immediately after, understood?” Before he could retort however, she was pushing him into the bathroom. With one last hard shove he fell onto the damp tile, face first.

“What the he-” the door slid shut in his pink, flustered face. This was going to be a bigger challenge than he was up for. He waited impatiently on the edge of the bathtub, hitting his foot against the floor, “come on, it doesn’t take that long to slip a dress on!” Suddenly the door slipped open in front of him and he was faced with a bigger issue.

A very distressed looking Tsukiyo.

“I didn’t realize until now how bad this dress smells. Like I bathed in alcohol, I can’t go anywhere smelling like this!” But Yukio stood up tall and grabbed her by the dress until their faces were but inches apart.

“Look lady, I don’t have the time or the patience to be dealing with this kind of nonsense. Now, take me to your house, you can get changed there.” He led her over to the table where he grabbed her things and shoved them into her open palm. Before she could speak he was dragging the blushing Tsukiyo out of the hotel room and into the warm sunlight. “How far is it to your house?” He asked as he led them to the portion of the main road.

“Not too far, oh, and I can walk myself thank you.” She said as she yanked her hand back and rubbed it. Her dark eyes washed over to the boy and she smirked as he sniffed gingerly at his gloves. His own blue orbs narrowed and he plucked his gloves off grudingly.

"You've made these smell too, disgusting." He shoved them deep into his pockets and turned to walk back towards the road. As he muttered he didn't see Tsukiyo raise her hand in warning and he collided with an older woman. His hands wrapped around her arms to stable her and he stilled, blinking at the surprise strewn across her softly etched face. He muttered an apology an released her arms like they had shocked him. The woman's surprised eyes left Yukio and she smiled at Tsukiyo.

“Tsukiyo-san, just the person I was looking for. What are you doing here?" The brown haired girl smiled broadly at her welcome and she bowed, letting soft curls fall over her shoulder like water.

“Ohayo Sakibi-san! I was uh, visiting my brother!" She tacked on helplessly. "He stayed here last night,” she replied, motioning to the growing impatient boy by her shoulder. He shot her an odd look before giving a half sort of wave at the curious woman. “Sakibi-san, this is…” Tsukiyo cast her head over her shoulder and gave a pleading look at the boy, he frowned in response. Pushing past the flustered girl he bowed at the older woman and looked up into her face with mixed feelings.

“Yukio, it’s a pleasure to meet you Sakibi-san but I’m afraid we’ve got a very important appointment to catch.” The older woman raised her hand to say something more but it was already too late, Yukio was already pulling back on his gloves and had his hand firmly around Tsukiyo's wrist.

“Hey! She wasn’t done talking to me!” Tsukiyo cried out as they turned the corner of the building.

“Really, it’s not worth it don’t worry.” Before the girl could hurl a retort he continued, “she wanted to know if you could see her sister. Her sister has got a brain clot and was told she’d die within the week, the old hag wanted you to work your voodoo.” At first she felt the need to continue until she stopped her thoughts short at noticing how strange it was that he even knew that. Without saying anything she stopped walking and dislodged herself from his grip, staring at him curiously. He only stared blatantly back and waved his hand in dismissal. “Don’t bother asking. You smell remember? Please, lead the way.” He extended a hand towards the road and with another tight scowl she pressed forward. Maybe it was the alcohol still in the system or maybe it was just because it wasn’t her day, but she was angry-

Angry at Yukio, angry at the sake being gone-hell, she was angry at the world.

Her knuckles turned white at the edges as she clenched her fists tightly, the truth was she wanted to help Sakibi. She wanted to help the sick, the dying, the frail. It was the only thing that made her feel right, the only peace she had ever been able to bring. And here stood this high and mighty child ruining it all. “Yuhiko?”

“You’re saying it wrong, it’s Yukio.” He replied hastily, sparing her a look that just screamed idiot.

“Whatever, look, if you’re going to be staying with me I expect you mind your manners. And if that means keeping that big mouth of yours shut then by all means, do it. Is that understood?” She turned her head slightly, giving him a view of what she looked like angry and still slightly under the influence.

“Of course, princess Tsukina.”

“It’s Tsukiyo, brat.” With a tilt of his head she caught a smirk and then he actually had the nerve to scoff.

His blue eyes wandered over slowly towards her, challenging her glare with his own bristling self confidence. With another smug grin for her to feast her resentful eyes on he replied, “whatever.”
♠ ♠ ♠
AH :D second chapter is gooooo.

Okay, now that the initial chapter is up I can start getting into the actual storyline. I've introduced another main character and I just love him to bits. Give him a chance, you soon will too ;)

Next couple chapters will go more in depth to what happened in the time skip, more into Yukio's character, and of course-Itachi!