‹ Prequel: Nevermore
Status: Updates every Tuesday.

Kingdom by the Sea

The two travelers.

Two more days, Itachi closed his eyes and moved farther in against the swollen wood of the small boat him and Kisame were currently positioned in. Just two more days.

He wouldn't lie, a part of him was desperately looking forward to this impending moment, but on the other hand, things would have been exponentially better if she had just laid low until whatever was eating away at him took him for good. Then, he wouldn't have to thrust himself back into the mess he had made five years prior. Both him and Kisame had exhausted themselves immensely, traveling at the pace they had for the past number of days. But Kisame didn't notice how anxious Itachi had suddenly become, all it appeared to be was Itachi in a general hurry. To get it over with and return back to normal missions.

But it was far from that.

His chest ached at the thought, mostly because he hadn't the slightest clue how things would fair. Seeing Hinamei wasn't important in a sense, but taking her to her death, well that was a completely different issue. He opened his dark eyes and blinked at the seemingly never ending blue horizon, the swell of the water was making him sick. He spared a glance at Kisame, who seemed more at peace than he had at days. Being surrounded by the deep blue played a big part of that. "I hope the rest of this mission doesn't turn out as dull as it has been so far." Kisame said suddenly, grinning ever madly as he eyed his somber partner.

"I have a feeling it will be far from dull." Itachi replied quietly. For a slight second he wondered what Kisame's reaction would be to the true reason they had traveled this far out. Would he care? Would he turn on Itachi? Not that it mattered, Itachi swore to keep it as quiet as he could. Even if he had to threaten Hinamei to manage it. Considering she still had just a big of a mouth as she once did. "We'll be arriving some time tomorrow evening. If she doesn't struggle, we'll be able to leave the morning after."

"Hmph, all this trouble for some child." Kisame shifted and gently, arranged his arm so that it hung over the edge, lightly trailing the fast moving water. "It doesn't make any sense. Out of all the people to send on this ridiculous mission, why us? We could be handling much more important matters. Like the kyuubi, don't tell me even someone like the blonde kid couldn't handle something as simple as this task."

"Maybe, maybe not. But what choice do we have? Besides, the kyuubi isn't going anywhere. We'll have plenty of time to handle that later."

"I suppose." The water nin let out a large sigh and slumped against the edge of the boat tiredly. "But if I don't get to kill anything for the rest of this trip, I'm not going to be too happy." Itachi answered with a smirk and he waited until he heard Kisame's breath even out in soft slumber before he let his mind reel again. Two more days and he'd be inevitabely back right where he left off. Confused, guilty, and unquestionably fascinated with that girl.

This mission was surely going to be anything but dull.


"What about this one?" Hinamei grasped a dark blue coat and wiggled it around happily. Yukio, still tired from last night, waved his hand in dismissal and moved onto the next rack of clothing. He never expected the small fishing village to have much in the way of nice clothes but this was just ridiculous. No wonder Hinamei dressed the way she did. They had decided early that morning that if he were to be staying here he would need some different clothes. What he wore stood out too much and no one would take the bait that he was her brother. Even people in a shut up village like this weren't that stupid. "Well you have to pick something kid, we've got other things to see." Yukio sighed and reluctantly plucked the blue coat from her hand, she beamed. "There, not so hard was it?" He didn't say anything when she went to pay for the handful of items she had slowly gathered for him.

After all, it wasn't like he asked her to but them for him. And he sure as hell wasn't about to object. When she turned around she thrust the bag into his hand and she motioned for him to follow. As he walked behind her he eyed her carefully. She didn't look deadly but still, he wasn't quite sure what to think. Her katana, as always, dangled off of her hip for easy access and she dressed herself (dare he say) like she didn't give a damn how she looked to other people. She wore a fitted pair of black pants, they met at the back of her knee and revealed the pale skin of her slender legs. Unlike traditional shinobi, she didn't wear boots but instead olden style slippers that covered everything but the top of her foot. She finished her look off with a white wrap around shirt, with sleeves that hung well over her hands when she let her arms drape lazily. It was big on her lithe frame giving off a childish impression. Hinamei glanced back at him and scowled. "What are you staring at?" He swallowed and let out a low laugh.

"Nothing, just admiring the scenery." The second she looked away his face fell and he glowered at the ground. There was no scenery. Instead the village had managed to pile countless shacks atop one of each other and messily decide to call them stores. Even where he came from was nicer looking than this. He had decided, if he ever got away from this place he would never come back. In front of him, Hinamei took a sharp left and as he glanced up at the sign he sighed.

A liquor store, what else?

Slowly, he wafted in through the door and watched Hinamei scout around like a child would in a candy shop. The man behind the counter moved his eyes from Hinamei to the wispy blonde boy that hovered in the doorway. "I don't think I've ever seen you around here, kid." Yukio looked behind him and then back at the man. Once his attention had been grabbed, the man moved closer to the boy and grinned. "I've always told Tsukiyo she needed a boyfriend, you're a bit young but it's better than nothing I suppose." Yukio glowered at the shopkeeper and turned his head away.

"I'm not her boyfriend." He replied sharply. The man blinked and stood up tall, awkwardly grabbing a slip paper and trying hard to look occupied. Hinamei swept in close, flushed and arms full of three different bottles. Yukio cast his eyes upwards. At this rate, he'd be better off throwing himself into the ocean.

"He's my brother actually." She cast Yukio a sharp glare and he sighed, oops. "He's visiting for a short while." A sudden idea sparked in Yukio's head and he replaced his scowl with a wide grin. Before the man could ring up the items, Yukio swept up behind Hinamei and wrapped his free hand around her arm.

"To help her sober up-I've always told her she looks much older than she is with all that drinking she's doing. So if you pardon us, we've got other things to tend to." Hinamei elbowed him sharply in the stomach.

"No, you're not." She hissed back spitefully. But he wasn't going to stop there.

"Now why else would I be here? I'm just worried about you sis." Her dark eyes widened angrily and he only grinned in response. "Come on, you're not going to get better if we keep hanging out in a place like this." She opened her mouth to talk back but it was pointless, Yukio was dragging her out the door, ignoring the bewildered stares the man behind the counter was giving them. When they made it outside Yukio left her arm go.

"What the hell is your problem?" Hinamei snarled at him, getting so close to his face he stumbled back. But he quickly righted himself and moved just inches away from her face..

"I'm trying to help you, obviously. That stuff isn't going to make anything any easier." He growled, narrowing his blazing blue eyes to make sure she knew he wasn't playing. But Hinamei wouldn't hear a word of it. With a frustrated yell she threw her arms up and stepped back, giving him a unsettling look.

"Trying to help! That's stupid. I don't need help, what I need is a drink! And besides, I drink for a reason. You have no idea what I've been through!" Her face was red with anger and she was breathing deeply. And it was only his luck he would say the one thing that could make it worse.

"Actually, I do." As she opened her mouth to respond she looked around, people were starting to gather and stare. She pointed a single finger at Yukio before letting out an aggravated yell and storming off. Leaving him standing in the street with his arms full of the things she had just bought. Had he overstepped? He snorted, right, like he cared. Before any more people could stop and look he set off back in the direction of her house. There was always a positive in situations like this, at least now he wouldn't have to walk around with her and play the brother card. He pushed the rising guilt away and picked up his pace. It was her fault anyway, girls, always causing a scene.

Hinamei walked hard, fists curled and rapidly moving by her side as she seeped anger. Her normally sweet features were twisted into one of rage and it really didn't suit her. From the beginning, she knew that boy was a bad idea. He acted like a five year old and knew exactly how to push her buttons. Forget what she said about him reminding her of Shisui. For one, she actually liked Shisui. This kid? Not so much anymore. Her walking slowed and she released the built up tension in her hands. So what if he had good intentions, she drank to keep the nightmares at bay. And those he didn't know about.

How vivid they always were, blood never looked so bright as it did in those images. The more she drank the more her dreams turned to something completely unrecognizable and the more she could actually sleep. But she knew, deep down it didn't make anything easier. The dreams were always there, even if they were blurred. A sigh left her lips and she looked up. It was a nice day and she closed her eyes. Maybe she would pay Kame a well deserved visit today, now that she didn't have to show around an ungrateful child anymore.

After stopping in at the local florist she took the small bundle of flowers she had and escaped into the graveyard. It was quiet as usual and shaded by the dense treetops that sheltered her from the sun. Careful to not tread on any stranger's grave she swallowed hard. She tried to avoid this place at all costs, it was just an awful reminder of what she didn't have anymore. After she lost everything and came here, Kame had been there. He had trained her and treated her like a daughter of sorts. He had cared for her, a feeling she had thought she would never see agian. And then the day came, after all her training was finished and she could do the jutsu that he had asked her to learn, he wanted to die. Kame had been sick for a long while and it wasn't until after his death did she learn he had been carrying this burden for well over twenty years of his life. She didn't blame him but as selfish as she was though, she hated that he had left her too. As she advanced on his tombstone she quietly wiped away the spare tears that leaked through her vision. Gently, she laid the flowers above his gave and straightened back up. "I bet you'd be real proud of me now." She said sarcastically, looking away uneasily. "I'm a wreck now. And I hate to admit it, but I miss you. At least I know you would have snapped me back into place before I got to where I am."

A small breeze wrapped around her and she closed her eyes. She was talking to a rock, of course. But no one was around to see it and she seated herself to the side of his grave. Often times she would come and talk to Kame, it made things easier. It was all she had anymore. When she arrived for the first time, Tashiro would often times come back and see Kame and herself. He'd bring back gifts from his travels and he always seemed so interested in the progress she was making. With Kame and Tashiro around, she thought she had formed a sort of makeshift family, but good things seemed to last only so long around her. Two years after her arrival Tashiro stopped coming. Neither of them knew what it meant. Maybe he had died, either way she never knew and it killed her. She often times would sit at the docks in hopes he would come around again. But he never did and it wasn't long after that did Kame die. And she was left right back where she started. Alone with everything good in her life suddenly snatched away. She was starting to believe she would never be happy again.

And she still wasn't, but she was getting closer. To forgetting, to moving on, to accepting. Eventually she would be right but until then all she had were empty graveyards and bottles of sake to keep her company. At least she was content now. With a frustrated sigh, she fell back into the grass and ran her hands over her face. Or maybe she wasn't, maybe after all this time she was still lying to herself.

Whatever the case, she needed a drink.


When she came home, Hinamei didn't say a single word to Yukio. Not that he minded, but he thought she would have at least yelled at him again. Especially after the look he had given her when she stumbled in, drunk and half asleep. It was well past midnight when she finally came home, having hit up the local taverns for a while she was falling back into that cozy, familiar void. But Yukio had learned his lesson, he wouldn't try to help her again. He lie on his bed with the door closed, Hinamei was now in her room, locked up for the night as well.

He kept reminding himself this was only temporary, just until he got his bearings straight. Before she came home he had almost considered leaving, with an armful of her most valuable things to sell of course. But his conscious quickly came up and he found himself suddenly feeling guilty for even striking that thought. He decided finally that he would talk to her tomorrow about it, surely she wouldn't object. The boy rolled onto his side and shrank up against his pillow. He was tired from waiting for her to get home. It wasn't his responsibility but he found himself worried. After she unwillingly revealed to him her past he couldn't shake the unnerving sense of pity he had for her. And that kept him up, just to make sure she came back safely.

But it wouldn't happen again. He shrank into his pillow and closed his eyes. It definitely wouldn't happen again.

It wasn't the soft budding sun that woke Hinamei the next morning but instead a loud clatter that came from the kitchen. She sat up quickly and wrapped her hand around the handle of her sword, only to be side swiped by a brain splitting headache. Immediately she slapped a hand to her head and fell back into bed. "I think I over did it," she said painfully. Another loud sound resonated from the kitchen and she opened one eye warily. Despite the blaring pain in her temple, she slid herself out of bed and snatched her sword. Slowly, she opened the door and peeked around the wood. No one waited to ambush her in the hall so she stepped out and carefully slid her katana from its sheath. Each step she took made her heart race at the prospect of an enemy in her kitchen. Itachi hadn't only made her slightly insane but incredibly paranoid as well. Footsteps sounded from in front of her and she was ready to swipe. When she darted around the corner of the hallway she raised the blade and moved to cut it down. Until a pair of startled bright eyes caught her in mid swipe and she screamed, dropping her blade loudly to the floor. "What are you doing?" She asked quickly, grasping at her chest with one hand and her head with the other. Yukio took a deep breath and looked away.

"Well I was trying to make you something to eat before you tried to kill me." With a glare she bent down and picked up her sword, replacing it in the sheath and then carefully balancing it up against the wall. Yukio turned away from her and went back to pulling bread from a high cabinet.

"What's the occasion?" She moved to sit down at the table and watch as he moved around the kitchen. Like Kame often would.

"No occasion, I'm just hungry. And I figured you would be too." For a slight second she felt bad for treating him so coldly, but in an instant she snapped back and reminded herself that he down right deserved it. They stayed quiet until Yukio set down a plate in front of her and seated himself across from the suddenly starving girl. He watched on with interest as she wasted no time in picking up her chopsticks and forcing food into her mouth. It eased away the headache and once she finished she sat up and stretched.

"Thanks kid, I'm going to go get ready."

"For what?" He replied nonchalantly.

"I've got errands to run," she slid a sideways glance at the boy and frowned, "ones I meant to do yesterday but got preoccupied." Yukio nodded, keeping his eyes on his plate and Hinamei took that as an answer. She made to walk away when she found herself turning around once more. "You're welcome to come if you like."

"I'll think about it."

"Alright." As she walked down the hall with her sword in hand now she scowled. Why she was being so nice to the brat, it didn't make any sense. He should be grateful she wasn't truly as mean as she tried to be, after all he still had a bed and he was still wearing the clothes she had bought him. "Stupid kid." Hinamei said rashly once she closed her door and pulled her hair up. She doubted she would ever get used to him. With a sigh of defeat the sat on the bed, she really ought to have been nicer.

After all, her behavior reminded her a lot of how Itachi used to act when they were little. Shunning her out and snapping at every chance. He had always taken her for granted and damned if she was going to turn into someone like him. With a snort she sat up and headed for the shower, right, like Itachi. A mad man with a blood lust that couldn't be met, every girl's dream isn't it?

It was late afternoon when they finally left the house. The sun was out and it was still a nice day, not too hot as it normally would have been considering the time of day. Hinamei walked happily in the streets with Yukio trailing behind. His eyes grazed over everything, the beach, the shops, the people. It was a bustling village this day, the women and children walked around to shop, eat, and play and the men were far out in the ocean, catching fish to make a decent buck. For a slight second he was feeling nostalgic about his own home, but he quickly pushed it away. As they walked, people from all over came and talked to Hinamei, some like old friends and some that held so much respect for the woman it was almost questionable. When they finally seemed alone, Yukio pressed forward until he was walking side by side with the girl. "Are you really so important to these people?" She looked down at him and shrugged.

"I suppose. There is one doctor here and he comes and goes to different villages around this area. When people get sick and need care, they aren't left with many options. I guess they see me as a sort of healer." He shuddered at the thought. "I don't just kill them you know." She responded snidely, keeping her eyes firmly ahead. "I can make medicine too, Kame taught me well before he died. It's not much but it's better than what they have." Children drifted in through their legs, screaming and playing raucously in the street. She paid no mind as they raced by. As if reading his mind she continued, "this place isn't so bad you know. It's quiet and quiet is exactly what I need now." He didn't respond. They spent the rest of the day weaving in and out of small shops, talking to people and discussing business. Well she did, mostly he drifted by and eavesdropped. It was around when the sun started to fall back over the horizon did she finally turn towards him and acknowledge his presence. "Hungry?"

He glanced up, now that she mentioned it he was starving. Hastily, he answered and she grabbed firmly to his hand.

"I know the perfect place, come on." On the edge of the village, close by her house, there was a bigger building. One that was protected only by a small, ragged shelter. But the heavy aroma's that drifted out of the entry way had his stomach on edge. At this point, he would have eaten on a rock and not thought twice about it. Once they were seated a woman came right up to the table and bowed.

"Ah, Tsukiyo-san, it's been some time since we've seen you in here." The woman eyed Yukio coyly and she grinned, "and you brought company." Yukio flushed but Hinamei merely waved her hand in her face.

"Just my brother," she raised an eyebrow and frowned. "I swear, you're all so eager to tie me down aren't you." With a hearty laugh the woman placed her slender hand on Hinamei's shoulder and beamed.

"No darling, we just want to see you happy again. Anyways, you'll be getting the usual?" She didn't give Yukio a chance to talk and Hinamei nodded, flatly replying both her and Yukio would be eating it.

"I don't like fish." Hinamei raised her eyes at the boy and blinked.

"Well considering where we're at, you'll be eating a lot of it. Don't worry though, it's good for you." She said cheekily, sipping from the cup a woman had just placed down in front of her. "Look, I'm sorry for the way I've been acting. I don't know you well and you don't know me well." She shot him a warning glance as she spoke and he looked away with a smirk. "But I'd like to get to know you a lot better." Before the moment got awkward though she cleared her throat and looked away.

"Don't worry about it, we've all got problems." He shrugged and with a small smile she perked up. He might have been a brat but he sure was easier to talk to than she gave him credit for. The air swam around her, warm and sweet and finally, she let her shoulders fall. It was rare that she really relaxed, especially when cooped up in public places like this. But she was feeling a sense of ease she hadn't felt for a long time. And for the first time in years, she found herself feeling comfortable.

In her niche, safe and sound.

The food came hot and Hinamei, like always, wasted no time in eating it hurriedly. Even Yukio, who at first stared at his dish like it would come alive, eventually prodded and found he enjoyed it more than he would have thought. They didn't talk much and it was around the time they finished eating did a man come in looking around, his eyes got big when he found Hinamei's flushed and happy face. "Tsukiyo-san?" Her dark eyes opened up curiously and she gave a small sort of wave as the man came closer. "If I knew you were here I wouldn't have sent those men to your house!" He said happily, sitting in close next to the pair. Yukio shot a warning glance at Hinamei and immediately, she went rigid.

"Men? What men?" She pushed her chair back, hand at the ready over her blade.

When he saw the alarm fleeting across her face he sat up tall, looking over clumsily as he had done something gravely wrong. "They didn't give me their names, but they were cloaked. I found it sort of odd they were scouting around for a shinobi around these parts. They didn't say your name but I just assumed they were looking for you. Did I do something wr-" Her chair made a loud screeching sound as she flew to her feet.

"Pardon me, but we really have to get going. Yukio, come on-" The boy wasted no time in following her, pushing past people as they called out curiously to the girl whose eyes were now flashing something dangerous. When they pushed through the door, Yukio held on to her elbow.

"What's going on?" He asked quietly, wasting no time in letting his feet match hers in a hurry.

"I don't know, but I've got a bad feeling. Someone is looking for me, for what reason I don't know. We have to leave. Come, this way, we have to get there before they do." She took a sharp left and he followed, boots skidding on the road as they went flying down the alley. This was bad, all sorts of bad. People around here knew everyone and it wasn't very often that people from the outside came here. And to be looking for her, well it couldn't have been good. Brown wispy hair flew around her head as she raced down the road, her hand now firmly wrapped around Yukio's trembling one.

He hadn't told her but he was running away from something far more dangerous than she could have thought. And if they had finally caught up with him, not only was his life in danger but he had gone and thrown Hinamei down the hole as well. And that was something he wouldn't ever be able to live with. "Why are we even going back to your house? Shouldn't we just leave now?" Her eyes threw back at him and she shook her head quickly.

"I can't leave yet, just let me gather a few things and we'll go." Her voice softened and she gave a forced smile, "besides, I won't let anything hurt you kid. Don't worry." Well, it was easy for her to say. The people that were after him weren't the type to take threats and go. She gasped and his eyes shot up, directly ahead of them was her house, quiet and dark on the side fo the shore. Untouched from the looks of it. "Hurry." They picked up their pace and soon were skidding on the white sand, struggling up to the stairs. She threw the door open and raced in, leaving Yukio nervous and shaking behind her. The house was dark and the waves on the shore crashed angrily from behind him. He couldn't sense anything yet, but still, it didn't mean whoever was there wasn't close by. Maybe they were overreacting, but something told him other wise. "Yukio, get in here!" Hurriedly, he clambered through the house until he was in her room with her. The girl was on her knees, desperately clawing at something beneath her bed. "Take this." She threw a small bag up at him, it wasn't heavy but it was the same one he knew she carried with her at all times.

"What are you looking for?" She didn't answer. "Hinamei!" He cried out, looking behind him anxiously.

"Got it," she pulled out a small obi and quickly tied it around her waist. Yukio shot her a glare and she scowled. "It was Kame's and it helps my sword stay up, I don't want to hear it." But before she could continue her body went rigid and her eyes were wider than he had ever seen.

"What's wrong?" He asked quietly, going stiff himself. Slowly, her hand wrapped around his wrist and she pulled him closer.

"Something big is coming this way." Hastily, she pulled him towards the closet and slid the door shut behind both of them. Roughly, she pushed him all the way towards the back of the small room and slipped behind him, wrapping a cold hand around his mouth. He made to pull it away and tell her to stop but the sound of a door slowly opening immediately made him still. Neither dared to breath in that moment. Two pairs of footsteps sounded off quietly in the empty house and she closed her eyes, trying hard to mask her chakra. So much for feeling safe. A voice creeped in, unable to make out the words but the tone was icy, cold and dangerous. Whoever was out there got closer and her heart beat anxiously against her rib cage.

"Do you suppose she fled?" One asked, opening a spare door and closing it with a firm rage. "You don't think someone tipped her off, do you?" The voice was hard, ragged and severe. Like a knife cutting in, whoever these people were, they weren't here to visit.

"No, but she knows we're here." Hinamei's fingers dug in deeper to Yukio's cheek and he struggled quietly. Now that the second voice had filtered in, she froze. During her entire life she had only met a handful of people that managed to chill her bones from just the tone of their voice, like they wouldn't hesitate killing you in a heartbeat, this was one of them definitely. "Check her bedroom." Even Yukio was sweating now. As the footfalls advanced she prayed silently that they would turn around. Turn around and not find the two of them cowering in the closet like fools. Her door creaked open and the footfalls fell silent.

Then, out of nowhere, the hard voice let out a spine chilling laugh. "Well, what do you know, she thinks we're playing a game." There is always that one moment where time feels suspended, a cruel joke. Like if you could enjoy the few brief seconds you had before you were about to die, maybe you'd appreciate it a little bit more. That's exactly how she was feeling then, all the things she didn't do, everything she had never said, they were all rushing back and she was feeling more full of regrets than she ever had. And then, it happened.

The door slid open and before she even got a chance to open her eyes, a firm hand wrapped around her hair and yanked her out fast. Yukio wasn't far behind, hair wrapped up in the monster's other hand. "Found you." Through wincing eyes she looked up, the man was tinted blue with wide gill-like gashes in his face flaring wide open. Atop all that was a maddening grin, hungry and wild. Never had she seen something as fearsome as that. But like always, things just continued to get worse. Another pair of footfalls echoed in from the hall and her eyes flashed to the door frame. Never mind the fact that her hair was being torn out by its roots, she now had much bigger problems to worry about.

For in her doorway stood the one and only, Uchiha Itachi. And he didn't look too happy to see her.
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Incredibly long I know, but next chapter should be top notch if I do say so myself :3