Status: In the works :)

The Broken Mask of Michael.

The Dream is only the beginning...

The prophecy states that an offspring of the Angel Michael and a human was to choose between ruling Heaven or Hell. The mother of the offspring was lost during the uprising. While the child grew a war that shook the very earth started. Two sides apposed each other, the side of Angels, to protect the child and the side of Demons, to capture the child.

Before this bloody war started, there was no such thing as Hell. Every Angel lived in peace and harmony. As the Human race was starting to get restless, God needed an Angel to go down and help the Humans. God asked his right hand man, Lucifer, if he would go down and set things right.

Lucifer laughed. He refused to ever go near a Human. God was dazed at his son’s choice. God tried to convince him but nothing would make him change his mind. God’s fury got a hold of him. He took his son and threw him down. Thunder crackled as Lucifer hit the ground beyond the darkest pits of the earth.

Lucifer looked around. He could not even see his own body. He put his arms out and tried to look for a wall of some sort. He fell deeper into the pits. He could feel the ground; it was slimy and was suddenly wrapping all over him. It squeezed him until his breath was just a faint sound in the abyss.

“Stop,” He moaned. “Stop, father. Stop.”

The grip loosened. Lucifer started to gasp for air. His mouth tasted of tar and metal. “Is this what I get father!?” He yelled into the abyss. His mouth continued to flow of tar and metal until he swallowed it whole.

“Son,” Echoed a voice so loud that it shook the ground Lucifer was on. “Reconsider your choice. I can take you out of this place.”

Lucifer snickered. “Never. These-These creatures you created are destructive, corrupted things. They will devour themselves when the time is right…you will see.”

“Lucifer. You still have time to change your mind.” Said God.

Lucifer shook his head and spat. “I would rather die then touch a Human.”

“So be it.”

The ground rumbled and cracked open. Red-orange lava gushed below Lucifer. He gripped the edge of the ground as he fell through the floor. The heat flooded his body and caused his hands to slip.

Lucifer smiled to himself. I will come back one day Father, He thought. His body fell flat on the lava. As he lay on the lava, he could not feel anything. Nothing burned him. His skin was intact. He shook off the excess lava and laughed so that the heavens could hear.

“Fire,” He said. “And darkness. My own race.”

He bit his skin and let his pure blood drip on top of the lava. The lava boiled and caved in into itself. The black ground was visible. As the blood landed on the ground, black bubbles erupted. As the bubbles, popped dark tar scattered across the lava and sprung upwards towards the heavens.

“Demons.” Lucifer said. “My own race. Now you’ll get a taste of your own blood, Father.” He said.

The black tar stood on the ground above Lucifer. They bowed to his command. Lucifer bit off a piece of skin and placed it on each of tar figures. The black tar turned into skin. Several were women and several were men. All had different hair color, eye color, and shapes and sizes.

“You are Angels of my own kind.” Lucifer said. “You are Humans of my own kind. You are my children. You have bodies of your own. One and only one. Use it wisely.”

As God gazed down at his son, he knew that he could not be saved. He commanded Michael to go down and help the Humans. Michael obeyed his Fathers every command. His Angel body was turned into real Human flesh. He took one last look at his home and closed his eyes.

As he opened them, he could see people walking, riding on bikes, and driving cars. Michael was stunned. He looked down at himself. He wore a white T-shirt, strange blue jeans and uncomfortable shoes. He touched his face and smiled.

I am Human, He thought. He gazed at the people and smiled.

“Hey.” Said a sweet voice. “Are you alright?”

Michael turned around to see a stunning woman. Her hair was black like night, her eyes were dark sea blue, her eyes brows were slightly arched, and her body figure was thin. She wore a long black dress shirt accompanied by beautiful white skirt.

“Are you alright?” She repeated.

Michael rubbed his eyes and choked on his own words. “I-I-I don’t know where I am.” He said.

She smiled at him. “You’re in New York City.”

“New York City.” He repeated.

“Yes. The best city in the world.” She smiled.

“I’ve never been here.” Michael said.

“There is always a first for every thing and everyone.” She grinned.

“What is your name?” Michael inquired.

“My name is Adaya.” She said. “And can I ask what yours is?”


She smiled. Their connection grew larger and larger by the minute. Michael could not believe that he was attracted to a Human. His mind swirled with the thoughts of Humans.

As the weeks, pasted Adaya and Michael’s bond was unbreakable. She had given her heart to him the moment she had met him. However, Michael was not sure what to do with it; he knew he was not good for her. Nevertheless, his love for her was unbearable.

She lay next to him on her bed and smiled. “Michael.” She whispered. “I love you.”

Her head was on his chest and she could feel the beating of his heart flow through her body like an endless echo. She ran her hand down his chest and felt every ripple of his striking body.

Michael’s lips curved into a smile. “Adaya.” His fingers were running through her hair. “I don’t deserve you.”

“What do you mean?”

Michael looked around Adaya’s apartment. It was small and neat. The walls were dark and filled with painting of random landscapes. The floor was wooden and old. There were only three rooms, her bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom. She did not have much of anything. A few sheets for her bed, hardly any pots and pans, two towels and a bag full of toilet paper.

“I’m different from you. I-”

Adaya sighed. “I don’t know how you’re different. You seem just like me or anybody else. You don’t have to hurt yourself like this.”

Michael got up from the bed and faced Adaya. “There is something I need to tell you.” Said Michael. “I am different. I’m not like you.”

“Michael.” Said Adaya. “I still can’t see how you are.”

“Just listen.” Whispered Michael. “I’m not from this place. Your world. I come from somewhere else.”

Adaya swallowed. Her mouth turned dry like the desert. Beads of sweat busted out on her forehead and she sighed. She did not know what to do or say. She looked up at Michael. His face was perfect in her perspective. Nothing was wrong with him. He breathed, his heart was always beating, and nothing else looked out of place.

“Where do you come from, Michael?” Adaya asked.

Michael looked into her shadowy ocean eyes and wished he did not have to tell her this. “I’m an Angel. I am God’s son. I come from Heaven.”

Adaya blinked several times. Her body shook all over. This cannot be true, she thought. This cannot be true.

“Michael.” Adaya uttered. “If this is some sick joke you might as well leave my house.”

Adaya got up from her bed and stepped towards Michael. His eyes were gloomy and serious. “Please Michael.” Adaya said. “Tell me I am right about you. You are normal and I love you.”

Michael touched her silky face and grinned. He stared into her eyes and wished he could just erase what he has done. “I am truly sorry, Adaya.”

Her eyes wrinkled with water. “You’re lying.” She said. “You’re lying to me.”

“I’ll show you.” Michael pushed Adaya back softly. He turned around and bent down to his knees. “Come close and look.”

Adaya walked towards Michael. She held her sweaty hands together and swallowed. She could see Michael leaning forward. As the sun ran over his back, she could see a bright gold color. What is that? She thought. She held out her hands placed her hands softly on the two long golden streaks on Michael’s back.

“What is that, Michael?” She said, stepping back.

Michael stood up and turned towards Adaya. “That’s where my wings are.”

Adaya laughed. “I must be going crazy.”

Michael held her in his arms. “I’m telling you the truth.”

Adaya could feel tears falling down her cheeks and on to Michael’s body. “Tell me everything. Tell me.”


Presley opened her eyes. Sweat ran down her face and her hair stuck to her neck. She was breathing hard. She kicked her covers off her body and jumped out of bed. She shivered and looked around her room. Everything was in place.

Presley could not get her dream out of her head. No other dream she had was more consuming. Everything seemed real but at the same time was not. She looked up. Was there a Heaven? She thought. Was there a Hell?

She shook her head and ran her fingers through her hair. She took a deep breath and stared at her wall. It was just a bad dream, she thought. She got up and walked towards her musky old desk. It was neatly placed at the edge of the room. Presley picked up a black leather bond book. The bible. She stared at it and walked back to her bed. She carefully placed the book on her lap and opened it.

The book talked about several things. Presley could not find anything related to her dream. Nothing about an Adaya, nothing about how Lucifer created Demons. She sighed and closed the book rapidly. Nothing could be more stressful then trying to understand the bible.

She pushed the book aside and hopped on the computer. She opened up the internet and started to look up ‘Bible Prophecy’s’. Nothing came up about a child of Michael and a Human. Presley sighed.

Presley walked down stairs and saw her older brother sleeping on the couch. She grinned and kicked the couch. Her brother jolted upwards.

His hair was dirty blond, and his eyes were creamy hazel. He looked at Presley and threw a pillow at her. “Presley! What the hell man?” He groaned and fell back on the couch.

“Come on, Will.” Presley said. She sat next him and shook him. “Wake-y, wake-y, eggs and bake-y!” She giggled.

“Pres, please. Let me get some sleep.” He groaned. “It’s ten in the morning.”

Will tugged his blanket and pulled it over him. His body was skinny but muscular. His hair was tangled and frizzy.

She smiled. “Come on. It is late. Most people have breakfast at seven.”

Will’s head poked up. “Name five.”

Presley chuckled. “Funny, but come on Will.”

Will stood up, pushed his blanket to the side, and pulled his sister in to give her a big hug. He let her go and yawned. “Now what do you want squirt?”

Presley sighed. Should I tell him about my dream? She thought. “I had a weird dream last night.” She said. “Have you ever had a dream about Angels and Demons? You know, like God and stuff.”

Will gazed at her in amazement. He cleared his throat. “No I haven’t.” He looked down. “Maybe it’s just a dream. You know one of those random dreams. Now that you mention that, I had a dream once that I was kissing the Mona Lisa?”

Presley busted out laughed. She covered her mouth preventing spit from springing out. “That’s a good one, Will. No but really.” Presley sighed. “Have you ever heard of someone called Adaya?”

Presley could feel Will’s body stiffen at the sound of the name. Sweat strands started dropping from his forehead like a waterfall. His eyes turned cold and serious. His teeth gritted together and he cleared his throat.

“Never.” He shrugged.

“Uh huh.” Presley said. “Are you lying?”

Will turned to face her. “Never. I swear.” He said. “Come on, Pres. When have I ever lied to you?”

She laughed. “True. But are you sure? The woman in my dream was beautiful. I mean she was so perfect.”

“Would I bang her?” Will laughed.

“Shut up. Come on. Let’s make breakfast for mom and dad.”

Will and Presley got up and walked to the kitchen. Both of them started to get out pans and food. “What should we make, Will?” Asked Presley.

She opened the refrigerator and gazed inside. There was everything. Presley took out bread and eggs. She placed the bread into a toaster. Then she cracked open the eggs and poured them into a pan.

“This is your grand idea of making breakfast for mom and dad?” Asked Will.

Presley smiled. She took a wooden spoon and started to stir the eggs. The toast popped up. Presley ran over, grabbed plates, and placed them carefully on plates. She set the plates on the living room table.

“Presley,” Shouted Will. “The eggs are ready!”

Presley walked over and smiled. “Thanks bro.” She said while punching him in the shoulder. “You’re the best.”

Will saw his baby sister and smiled. Her hair was black and curly. Her eyes were emerald green. Her body was average, around a size five. Overall, she was beautiful. She is fourteen, he thought, she is old enough to know. Will rubbed his eyes and yawned. He walked up the stairs and into his parent’s room. Both of them were lying on the bed. Their eyes were shut and the snoring continued.

He slowly walked up to his mother and shook her gently and her eyes opened. “Will,” She said. “What are you doing?”

He smiled. “Me and Presley made you breakfast.”

She smiled. “That’s sweet of you guys.”

“Mom,” He said. “There is something else.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you like it! For the record, I am not trying to re-write the bible. I am not trying to say anything about God or the Devil. I am just a writer. Please try and understand. Thank you.