I've Got Myself to Blame for This

Prescribed Pills to Offset the Shakes to Offset the Pills you know you should take.

“Hey, J,” Steph spoke walking over to me. I had been waiting for her in the food court of the mall for about half an hour when she finally arrived.

“Hey,” I responded standing up and tossing my empty soft drink into the trashcan.

We shopped for a while, well not really shopping, so much as we just wondered into random stores and found random items that no one in their right mind would like, much less buy.

“You’ve been really quiet today,” Steph finally stated as we both got in her car to go see a movie.

“I stopped taking my meds.” I told her glancing out the window to my right.

“You told me that yesterday, how’s it going?”

“Fine,” I shrugged, “I’m just a lot more tired.”

“Has your grandma noticed?”

“Are you kidding?" I laughed, "She wouldn't notice if I told her."

“Is she getting any worse?"

"Not really," I shrugged, "She's just really passive."

We were silent as we walked into the movie theater.

We passed time before the movie started by seeing how many rows ahead of us we could throw a single piece of popcorn. We finally started eating the popcorn when the previews started.

“This is horrible,” I whispered leaning over to her halfway through the movie.

“I know,” She spoke wide eyed not moving her eyes from the screen.

“Want to go get more popcorn and hang out in the lobby?” I asked her.

“No way,” She said, “We have to find out how it ends.”

“Is that her brother?” I asked pointing at the screen.

“Yeah,” Steph said looking more intrigued then before.

“Why on earth is she doing that to him?!” I asked wide eyed before holding a hand up in front of the screen.

“She’s drunk, haven’t you been watching?” Steph laughed.

“Yeah, but…” I trailed off having no further arguments. I made a face of disgust as I watched through my fingers.

“I’m serious,” I told her, “I want to leave.”

“There’s only like 30 more minutes left, I just want to see how it ends.”

“You’re a freak,” I told her as someone walked in on the siblings.

“They are gonna get it!” Steph said giggling.

“I’m going to go get a refill.” I told her standing up, but before I could move she grabbed my wrist.

“Wait, get me some more gummy bears.”

“Fine,” I stated exiting the theater as quickly as possible.

I made my way up to the concession counter, “What can I get you?” The guy behind the counter asked.

“Can I just get a refill?” I asked him sitting my drink up on the counter, “Oh, and gummy bears,”

“What’d you have?” the guy asked taking the lid off my cup.

“Sprite,” I told him, “I think.”

He laughed setting the drink under the nozzle and reaching under the counter.

“That’ll be 1.73.”

“You guys charge for refills?” I squinted. He held up the bag of gummy bears, and I nodded saying, “Right.” Before handing him a $5, “So,” I stated glancing around to make sure no one was in line before asking, “Have you seen ‘Two Chicks’?”

He laughed, “Yeah, that movie is pretty fucked up.”

“Tell me about it,” I nodded holding out my hand as he dropped the change into it, “I’m seeing it right now. I mostly wanted an excuse to get out of the theater.”

“Yeah, some movies that push the boundaries are really good and well excepted, some of them seem like they were written by 60 year old pedophiles with nothing better to do.”

“Well, I have to get back or my friend will start having gummy bear withdrawals.” I grabbed my drink and the bag off the counter, “Thanks,”

“See ya,” The guy responded. I walked slowly back to the theater and quickly found my seat. I handed Steph her gummy bears setting my drink down in the cup holder. I had never been so happy to see the credits roll in my life.

“That was messed up, Dude,” I told Steph, standing up.

“I know!” She spoke, “What a waste of 6 bucks!”

“You’re the one that wanted to stay!”

“I had to see how it ended!” She argued, and I laughed shaking my head.

Steph took me back to the mall to get me car, and we bid eachother goodbye before heading our separate ways.

"Hey, Grandma," I smiled as I got home, locking the door behind me. Her response was a small smile before she turned her head back to the TV.

"How was the movie?" She asked as I opened the fridge looking around.

"Fine," I shrugged, "I'm going to bed, Love you,"

"Goodnight, Sweetie."
♠ ♠ ♠
This is my newest baby.

Leave me some love! :)

<3 Penn

Chapter title: Nails for Breakfast, Tacks for Snacks - Panic! at the Disco