Sequel: I'll Hum Along

This Masterpiece Will Fall Apart

How We Haven't Killed Each Other, I'll Never Know

I didn't sleep that night. I was restless, and nauseous. I would often get up and start pacing around the room, trying to calm down. Needless to say, it didn't work very well. When Zack finally woke up around 8:30, he found me sitting in my bed with my knees hugged tightly close to my chest. I made Zack promise me that he wasn't going to tell anyone until I was ready to tell them. I was scared to tell Josh, not like the first time, but because he would be even more worried about me being on tour. I was fairly certain everyone would become super over-protective now. Not that they weren't like that to begin with.

“I think you should call Josh and let him know,” Zack told me while we were packing our things. “I'm pretty sure he'd want to know if his fiancé was pregnant.”

“Yeah...I guess I should tell him,” I sighed. I looked at the time on my cellphone. It was 9:00, so 8 in Vancouver. Finley was probably already at school. I dialed the house number and sat on the bed, waiting. One ring, two rings, three rings. Finally Josh picked up on the final ring.

“Hello?” He sounded out of breath.

“Hi Josh. What were you doing?” I asked.

“I was dropping Finley off at school. I just got in the door,” Josh breathed. “What's up?”

“I have something to tell you,” I said.

“Should I be worried?” Josh asked.

“I don't know, but you should probably sit down for this one,” I said. I heard Josh shuffled around.

“Okay, now, what is it?” Josh asked.

“We're going to need to look for a new house when I get home,” I told him.

“Why? What's wrong with this one, other than the fact that the office doesn't have a door?” Josh asked.

“Well, I think the four of us are going to be a little cramped in there,” I said. Zack was watching me out of the corner of his eye.

“This house is so big...wait, the four of us?” Josh repeated. “What do you mean 'the four of us'? There's only three of us!” Josh said.

“Well...there will be four of us,” I said. Josh was silent. He was obviously thinking.

“ way. You're not...” Josh stopped. “Josline, are you...?”

“I am,” I said. Josh was silent again. That's what made me worry the most. Joshes silence was so nerve wracking.

“ far along are you?” he finally asked.

“About 2 and a half months,” I said. Josh was quiet again.

“Are you sure?” Josh asked.

“Pretty damn sure.”

“I'll guess I'll start looking for places,” Josh said. I smiled. “Are you okay though?”

“Yeah, I'm fine. Just super nauseated. More than I was before,” I said. “Oh, Josh, don't tell Finley just yet okay? I want to tell him.”

“That will be hard to keep my mouth shut. Seriously, if you could see me right now, both of my legs are bouncing with excitement,” Josh laughed.

“Well, you can tell your parents and sisters at least,” I said. “And Matt...and Mike...and Ian.” Josh laughed.

“What about Steve? Or Chris and Andrew?” Josh asked.

“I guess you could tell them too,” I smiled. “But, I need to finish packing up. I'll talk to you later, alright?”

“Alright. I love you,” Josh said.

“Love you too. Talk to you later,” I hung up my phone and looked at Zack.

“Everything good with Papa Ramsay?” Zack asked, folding a sweater of his and stuffing it in his bag.

“Everything's good,” I smiled.

I called my parents a few minutes after that. I think it was very obvious what my moms reaction was. Dad had to take the phone from her because she had become a blubbering mess. She always did that, even if it was the smallest news. When I called her to tell her that Finley took his first steps, or what his first words were, she broke down crying. My mom was a basket case, but I loved her to pieces. At times, dad wasn't any better. But then again, I hadn't really seen my dad cry (excluding his movies, of course). Sometimes I thought he lacked tear ducts. I guess all dads were like that though.

I took over driving for the first few hours of the drive to Saskatoon. Zack was next to me playing some game on his iPhone, Keith was doing something on his Blackberry, Jason and Airin were playing a game on Jason's laptop, and Marque was most likely going through his Twitter on his phone. “Hey, Josline, I'm on my Twitter right now,” Marque said. I knew it, “and there's a tweet from Josh that says 'Just got the best news from Josline Jaulby. Don't think I can tell you yet. She'll punch me in the head.' What does that even mean?” Marque asked. I peered at Marque through the rear view mirror.

“It's nothing,” I said, keeping my eyes on the road.

“No, what is it?” Keith said, lifting his head from his Blackberry. Zack was silently giggling to himself. I shot him a look that told him to be quiet. I wasn't quite sure I wanted to tell the rest of the band that I was pregnant, because I really did not want them to treat me differently and become even more protective than what they were.

“Zack, do you know what's going on here?” Marque asked, leaning forwards in his seat (he was sitting right behind me). Zack shook his head rapidly. “Bullshit you don't.” I snorted. It was always amusing when Marque swore. Marque looked at me, shook his head and turned back to Zack. “Zack, tell me what's going on, or I wont tell you the next time you forget to put Ramona in the trailer,” Ramona was one of Zack's guitars. Zack looked between Marque and I.

“Josline's pregnant!” Zack said quickly, making it sound like one big word. Keith dropped his phone on the van floor, Marque's eyes grew 4 times their normal size, both Airin and Jason's mouths hung open, and Zack clasped his hands over his mouth. I took one hand off the steering wheel and punched Zack in the arm.

“You ass hole!” I yelled at him. Zack grasped his arm and frowned at me.

“Ow...that hurt!” Zack whined.

“Good!” I said, hitting him again.

“What was that for?” Zack exclaimed.

“Two for whining!”

“Fair enough,” Zack said, folding his arms across his chest and slumping back in his seat.

“Josline...are you really pregnant?” Marque asked.

“Yeah...” I turned my eyes back to the road.

“There's going to be another little munchkin?” Airin asked. I just nodded. “You have to name it after me.”

“What? Why do I have to name it after you?” I asked him.

“Because. The law is you must name your second born after your brother,” Airin stated.

“What kind of a law is that?” I asked.

“It is a law of Airin Land,” Airin said. I rolled my eyes.

“What if it's not even a boy?” Keith stated.

“No, it's going to be. I can feel it,” Airin folded his arms.

“I still like the name Max...” Marque said.

“That's because it starts with an M!” Zack said.

“Oh, come on! Max Ramsay sounds cute!” Marque defended himself.

“I like Anna,” Jason randomly said.

“You think it's a girl?” Marque twisted around in his seat.

“No, I just like the name,” Jason shrugged. I was just shaking my head to myself the entire time. It seemed that everyone was more excited about my pregnancy combined than I was. I had to listen to them argue about what the baby was going to be, what the name should be depending on the gender, whether it would look like Josh or me, if it would be loud or quiet, my height or Joshes height and who got to babysit it first. Ultimately it was Airin because he was the only biological uncle out of everyone.

Maybe it wasn't going to be so bad after all.