Kidnapped for Revenge?!


You know what I hate about living in a small town? There's never any new people. I've been going to the same school with the same kids since first grade when I first moved here. I don't remember much of New York, the city i used to live in, but I bet there was more new kids then here in little old Forks, Washington (Yes, I realize this is the setting for Twilight, No, this does not have vampires in it).

Forks is so small and boring. Nothing ever happens here. The worst crime ever committed was when three kids thought it'd be funny to spray paint the side of the school. I'm a senior this year, and believe me I can't wait to get out of here and meet new people.

"Bye mom, bye dad!" I yelled before I ran out of the house and to my car. Just as I got in, my phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered as I started the car.

"Hey Raine. I kind of missed the bus again. Can you pick me up?" My best friend Cam asked through the phone.

"You owe me." I sighed faking annoyed. I didn't really mind picking him up. I offer to take him to school everyday but he says it's too far out of my way and he can just ride the bus.

"Thank you!" He yelled before hanging up. I drove over to Cam's house and he was waiting outside on the front porch with his ipod playing. When he saw me, he ran over and got in the passenger seat.

"Thanks." he mumbled.

"Were they fighting again?" I asked noticing his change in mood. Cam's parents are divorce, however his dad still lives with Cam and his mom until he can find another place to live. They argue and fight all the time and Cam always gets so upset about it.

"Yea. Dad brought home some whore last night after mom was asleep and when mom woke up this morning she saw them sleeping in the guest bedroom." He sighed.

"I'm sorry." I sighed too.

"It's ok. I'm just going to have to hear them argue all day now." He leaned back into the seat.

"Hey, it's Friday, why don't you spend the night? Mom and dad won't mind." I suggested.

"Thank Raine." He smiled at me.

"Anytime." I smiled back. I pulled into the school parking lot, only to get cut off by a motorcycle. I slammeed on my break so I wouldn't hit him.

"What the hell!" I yelled angry. I could have gotten into a wreck! I took a deep breath before parking. As I got out, I noticed the same motorcycle was beside me. The driver was still on it.

"I bet it's one of the populars." I growled as I got out. The populars was a very small ground. It consisted of 3 girls, Abby, Rachel, and Jenny, and 3 boys, Jason, Caden, and Jake. Everybody knew them and everybody loved them. Except me. I hated them. Ever since I moved here, they've made my life miserable!

"What the hell were you thinking?!" I yelled at the person on the motorcycle. His helmet was still on so I couldn't tell who it was. The person just stared at me.

"I could have hit you!" Nothing.

"Hello! I know you can hear me! Do you not care if you die or something?!" Still nothing. By now I was getting extremely mad.

"Fucking talk!!!!" I yelled as loud as I could. The person started to take off his helmet. Once his helmet was off, I stared at him with wide eyes.

"Sorry." The guy said in a thick New York accent. This wasn't one of the populars. This guy had black hair with red streaks that hung in his beautiful silver eyes.

"huh?" I asked dumbly, still shocked by his presence.

"I said sorry. I didn't even see you and I do care about my life." He smiled crookedly at me. I almost melted right then.

"Uh i-it's ok. I didn't mean to yell at you. I-I thought you were somebody else." I could feel my cheeks heat up in embarassment. This guy was hot and I really didn't want him to think of me as a freak like everybody else did.

"It's fine. I'm Brendon." He said, his smile never leaving his face.

"Raine." I smiled back.

"And I'm Cam." I looked beside me and saw Cam looking suspiciously at Brendon.

"Nice to meet you." Brendon said glancing at Cam before looking back at me, making me blush again.

"Come on Raine. We have to get to class." Cam said pulling on my arm.

"Wait. Uh this is my first day and I'm not really sure where to go. Can you tell me where Mr. Simons class is?" Brendon asked.

"Sure. We're actually going there right now." I nodded.

"Great. Thanks so much." He followed me and Cam to our lockers, Cam's was across from mine and Brendon's was right next to mine, then to History, with Mr. Simons.

"Mr. Simons, this is Brendon, he's new." I told Mr. Simons once we entered his class room.

"Take a seat wherever you find one." Mr. Simons said, not even looking up from his computer. Brendon followed me and Cam to the back where we always sit. Soon other students came in the classroom, everyone of them staring at Brendon. Like I said, we don't get a lot of new kids here.

"Hey. I'm Abby." I heard Abby say as she walked up to Brendon. Abby and Jason were the most popular kids in the populars and there fore the most popular in school. Abby and Jason were kind of dating. They're always on again off again. I guess their off right now judging by the way Abby pulled her shirt down, showing more clevage than necissary.

"Hi." Brendon said before turning to talk to me. I held back a smirk of victory.

"What's your name?" Abby said obviously not taking a hint.

"Brendon." He turned back to me, smirking at bit. I liked this guy. I could tell Abby was getting frustrated.

"Are you new here?" Abby asked.

"No. I've just been skipping school for the past 12 years." Brendon said sarcastically.

"Well... why don't i show you around?" She sat on his desk and leaned closer to him, showing off ever more clevage.

"Can you get off my desk? I don't want to catch any diseases you might have." Brendon smirked at her. She glared at him.

"If you're worried about catching a disease, then you might not want to sit so close to Raine." She huffed.

"Oh yes because I fucck anything that walks." I rolled my eyes.

"No, but i bet you fucked this emo freak. And he's bound to have some disease." She jabbed her thumb in Cam's direction.

"You listen here, you little skank. Cam is not a freak and he doesn't have any diseases, like you and your mini skanks." I stood in front of her.

"So you admit you fucked him." She smirked.

"No, I haven't. But believe me, I know he doesn't have a disease." Cam's actually a virgin. He doesn't want anyone to know because he thinks they'll make fun of him. But he was saving himself for a special girl, who I don't know, but I thought it was sweet.

"Oh whatever. That's probably the only reason he hangs around you, because he can get a fuck out of you." She sneered.

"Ladies! take your seats!" Mr. Simons yelled. I just continued glaring at her as she smirked.

"Raine, come on. She's not worth it." Cam said pulling me away.

"Fuck buddies." She mouthed to me. I pulled away from Cam and pulled my fist back to punch her, but something held it back.

"Don't do it." I heard Brendon whisper in my ear. I was too mad to care though. I wanted to hurt this little bitch!

"Now!" Mr. Simons yelled again. Brendon pulled me back into my seat and Abby went to her own seat. Stupid skank.
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