Sequel: I Won't Give Up
Status: Tell me how you feel about the rewrite, please!


Chapter IV

I don't know how long it was that we sat like that but by the time I looked up, all the Gods that had been in the room had left. We were completely alone now. I wonder when they had decided to leave. Was it when Poseidon really broke down? Who knows? That was a while ago.

I looked down at the God in my arms as his body's trembling finally ceased. Never once had I imagined a God could be so emotional. I've always thought Gods and Goddesses were above mortal emotions and attachments, and that's what made them so transcendent. However, in that moment, I realized just how human those Gods actually were. Maybe that's what makes them so powerful and real.

"Cora?" Poseidon whispered, turning himself around in my arms.

"Yes?" I replied, whispering as well.

"What happened to you?" he asked, staring at me with eyes full of pain.

Seeing him so hurt and vulnerable was unnerving.

"Your brother made me immortal – a goddess." I watched him as I answered him, trying to gauge his reaction.

"Why?" he asked. "Why would he do that?"

"Because he didn't want you to live without your soul mate, I believe."

He nodded, accepting Zeus' reasoning, and stood up. I looked up at him as he straightened himself out. He seemed calmer and less stressed, somehow. He reached his hand out to me and pulled me into his arms once I'd grabbed it. He wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his face in my hair.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled. "It's not fair that this happened to you. You should have been able to live–"

"Don't. I know it's not fair and it majorly sucks but it's over and done with. It's in the past and there's nothing we can do about it. So we should let it go," I told him, cutting him off.

"Is it normal that it barely bothers you that you're dead?" he questioned. I laughed, shrugging.

"Probably not, but what can you do?"

Poseidon didn't answer me. Instead, he pulled back a little and pulled my head in his direction, forcing me to look at him. For several seconds, our eyes remained locked, staring at each other as we tried to see what the other would do. Suddenly, Poseidon titled my face up and placed his lips on mine.

I didn't see fireworks, feel sparks or any of those feelings described in books. No, all I felt was love. Love for the God kissing me, the God that I'd barely known for a few days. I felt connected to him in such a way that couldn't possibly be explained.

We spent who knows how long with our lips locked before we decided to separate for some needed air. I would never have thought Gods required oxygen. It's very human of them – of us.

"Poseidon," I heard myself say. I hadn't even realized I wanted to say something.


"Can I see my family? I want to talk to them, explain what happened."

"I guess it's time for me to bring you home for the last time," he whispered as he prepared to transport us.

I nodded.