
But we were only playing around, Neil and I.

It felt like I was really going to a masquerade with this golden mask on; just change my dress and everyone would think I was.

But we were only playing around, Neil and I.

His old-fashioned camera snapped and it printed my picture off in black and white. I knew I should’ve brushed my wavy hair that morning.

“Hey, Neil, have you ever thought about buying a new camera? A camera which is… hmm, how do I say this… modern?” I teased Neil, grinning at him. I always pestered him about his camera, but he’s such a stubborn person.

“Shut up, Luce, you know I love this thing,” he stated, eyeing the photo. “Do you like it?” he asked me, holding it up for me.

“Um, well, I guess. Can I have it?”

Neil beamed and handed me the black and white picture.

That was five years ago.

The same picture hung on my violet bedroom wall and it held a precious memory which I would never forget. To this day on, I still missed Neil, and I don’t think I would ever stop missing him. He was my best friend.
♠ ♠ ♠
A drabble for Little Girl; :)

Mysterious, huh?
Give me feedback please? ^^,

P.S. Congratulations to InsomniaSuxx for winning 2nd place with 3 other contestants in my contest!
Click here to see her winning entry. :D