Born This Way

My Momma Told Me When I Was Young...

I remember when I was young, my momma would always roll my hair up, and put my lipstick on, while I sat facing the mirror in her bedroom, or the 'boudoir' as she always liked to call it. I felt empty inside. I was the lonely, freaky outcast girl in high school. The only gift I had, was singing. It let me express myself, and convey the way I felt. It made me whole sometimes.

I turned to my momma, and said "Momma, why can't I be noticed?" She gave me a stern look, and crouched down beside me.
"Stefani, we were all made superstars. Nobody is the same, and you are gifted. God wanted you to have this gift. He wants you to hold your head up, and go far!" My mind was elsewhere. I dreamed of the good life,singing on front of thousand of people, not being judged on my image, but how I perform. It was a burden I had to bear.
"Stef, are you listening to me? Listen to me when I say this!" I stared at her, preparing for the ultimate wisdom she contains.

"You, are beautiful in your own way, never let anybody tell you what you are. God makes no mistakes, he made everybody individual, and you are his unique creation. The ideas you have are inspirational in my opinion, you are on the right track girl. One thing you should always remember Stefani-"
"What?" I asked in urgency, touched by the words she spoke. She kissed my head, and hugged me tightly, then whispered, "You were born this way!"

My body tingled. Yes, I really was born this way. Tears began to roll from my eyes, and I held on to momma, wanting this moment to last forever. The sudden realization of who I was became crystal clear, the doors of opportunity were unlocked and ready for me to enter.

I kissed her cheek, and ran to my bedroom. Posters of David Bowie and Queen blessed my bare walls, their frozen faces yelling at me to keep going. It all became clear now.

I was going to become a superstar!
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First chapter :)