Status: ongoing

Russia X China

Hetalia, naruto, kuroshitsuji, godchild and some more random stuff

:3 :3


Hey hey, папа[1], give me vodka

Hey hey, мама[2], hey hey, мама
The pirozhki[3] that I ate a long time ago,

I can't forget the taste of it

Draw a circle, it's the earth

Draw a circle, it's the earth

Draw a circle, it's the earth

I am Russia

Draw a circle, it's the earth

Looking closely...(kolkolkolkol...)

Or maybe it's the earth?

I am Russia

Ah, with just one stroke of paint,

A wonderful world can be seen

Winter in Siberia is super cold,

Below freezing

"I've always lived in a cold place, so I long for southern sea."

Draw a circle, it's the earth

Draw a circle, it's the earth

Draw a circle, it's the earth

I am Russia

Draw a circle, it's the earth

Su!-ddenly, it's the earth

The head held up high earth!

I am Russia

Ah, the food I can't wait for

Is a recipe of happiness

"I'm excited!"

It follows the scent and starts to dance,

Matryoshka doll[4]!

Hey hey, брат[5], can I have some kvass[6]

And then, сестра[7], make it into okroshka[8]

That's right, дедушка[9], peace is the best!

Yes yes, малыш[10], "You called? Fufufu..."

Hey hey, папа, can I have some borsch[11] too

Hey hey, мама, hey hey, мама

The pirozhki that I ate a long time ago,

I can't forget the taste of it

The other name of caviar is black salmon roe!

Draw a circle, it's the earth

Draw a circle, it's the earth

Draw a circle, it's the earth

I am Russia "Ufu~♪"

Ah, with just one stroke of paint,

A wonderful world can be seen

Crossing the vast, vast land!

The Trans-Siberian Railway[12]

Ah, throughout this world

Sleeps the recipe of happiness

Take off the scarf, and the sunflowers,

Search for them
  1. Russia and China
  2. Canada X France
    ~let us be in love ~