Forever Is Only A Day Away

Glances From A Distance

Emma traced her hand over the page as she read the words to herself and let them soak in. She was never much of an avid reader but when she found a book she really liked it was practically impossible for her to put it down. She heard her name being called from the opposite side of the bookshelf and slammed the book shut, “Over here!” She called in a voice so pleasant it could make almost anyone’s day brighter.

“There you are!” Jamie, Emma’s not so pleasant best friend, reached for her, “We need to go now!”

“Why?” Emma questioned her, slightly annoyed that she was forced to stop reading.

"Practice! Remember?!" Jamie hissed at her as if Emma were stupid.

“Oh, of course.” As she was being pulled out of the school library she caught a glimpse of a boy she had seen oh so many times in the library, stacking books on shelves and organizing files for Mrs. Webb, along with having a few classes with him. His face was gentle, yet his dark eyes, full of mystery. His dark-brown, almost black, hair was mid-neck length and slightly curly. There was something about him that drew her in every time she caught a glimpse.

Emma had heard multiple rumors about him but she ignored them all. She wasn’t sure what his name was, most just called him “freak in the library” or whatever seemed to fit at the moment, and sadly she knew immediately who they were talking about when they were referring to him, no matter what ignorant term they used.

She shook him out of her head before following Jamie into the gym for practice. The nets were set up and most of the girls were already dressed in their shorts and t-shirts. There were a few boys sitting in the bleachers looking down at the girls, with disgusting smirks of joy on their faces.

Jamie and Emma made their way into the locker room and began to change. Once Emma was dressed in her shorts and tank top she stepped into the bathroom area and began pulling her long reddish-brown hair up. Her freckles seemed to be fading away since the end of summer but they were still noticeable around the apples of her cheeks. Her eyes were a dark green with a hint of blue and as sparkly as usual. She smiled at herself before turning on her heels and heading back onto the court.

As they walked out onto the basketball court there were a few whistles coming from up in the bleachers, Emma looked up to witness the boys smiling at her and clapping. She simply rolled her eyes and continued to walk.
“Pigs” She thought to herself.


Mason walked out from behind the bookshelf just in time to see Emma Fargo being drug out of the library doors. She was one of those girls he had tried to avoid since the year before when he had entered Martinsville High School as a freshman. She was undoubtedly beautiful and from what he had heard she wasn’t rude, unlike the other girls she hung out with, she was nice and caring and had been spending a lot more time in the library, where they had met eyes one too many times for Mason’s liking.

“Dude!” Mason heard from behind him and turned to see his best friend, Tyler standing there, “So, how’s the weather in Fantasy Land?”

“Great!” Mason grinned sarcastically, “Thanks for asking!”

“Your welcome smart-ass!” Tyler laughed a bit. “Almost done?”

Mason was working in the library for Mrs. Webb, his English teacher, in order to get out of taking his end-of-semester exam. He nodded, “Just let me go get my stuff and I will.”

“Hurry! Jenny’s waiting.”

Mason sighed, “You go ahead then, there is no way in hell I’m being a third-wheel.”

“Okay! If you say so!” Tyler grinned and ran out before Mason could say anything.

“Great best friend.” He thought to himself before grabbing his bag out of Mrs. Webb’s office and heading out the opposite door to his car. It was an old blue Volts Wagon bus and he treasured it with everything in him. It was the only place in his life that seemed to be stable and belonged all to him and only him.

As he started the engine he couldn’t seem to shake the though of Emma out of his mind. This wasn’t the first time, though. She was different than the people she surrounded herself with. She had a heart.
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Sorry this chapter sucks. I'm horrible at first chapters but I promise it gets better!