Like A Farris Wheel

According To Plans

"Are you sure we should do this?" A 16 year old Johnny Seward asks his other friends, not asking anyone in particular.

17 year old Matt Sanders inwardly snickered at the younger boy, trying to push all the gushy thoughts back. He couldn't let his mind wonder like he usually would, not now at least.

Groaning, Brian Haner and Zacky Baker both slapped the shorter boy upside the head, hinting for him to shut up.

"Even if we shouldn't do this, it's a little too late to turn back now, short shit." Jimmy muttered under his breath, though they all heard him clearly.

They all nodded, agreeing with the tallest boys statement and going over the plan once more.

"Okay, Shadows and Christ take up stairs, Vengeance, Syn and I will take down stairs. Be quiet, and once you get everything, get the fuck out. Got it?" Jimmy was using there nicknames, just to be sure no one knew it was them.

What they were about to do would take care of everything they needed for the rest of there lives. Hitting up the CEO of one of the biggest cooperations in Huntington would give them the money and life insurance anyone could ask for.

Once they all nodded, they silently made there way up to the back door, being carful to not attract any unwanted attention. With Zacky having the fastest time on picking locks, he went in first along with Brian and Jimmy, then Johnny and Matt following. 

Johnny would be lying if he said he couldn't feel Matt's eyes on him as he crept up the stairs. He had been noticing the older boys affection towards him the last few months now, and even he was starting to question his feelings for the brunette. He just figured that only time would tell what will happen.

Down stairs, the three boys made it safely to the home owners work office and were working on opening the safe they new he kept his financing in. Now it was Brian's turn to show off his law-breaking skills. He swiftly turned the dial several times, looking behind him every so often to make sure Jimmy and Zacky were still keeping look out and not playing computer games on the desktop. 

After no more than four minutes of turning, Brian heard the click! indicating that it was alright to open the safe. 

Everything was going according to plan for the most part, but when the three boys had made it outside and were safe at the place they planned to meet up at, they knew something was wrong when Matt and Johnny still weren't there.  

Cursing under his breath, Jimmy quickly came up with a plan, "Alright, stash the cash in that bush, and get the guns. Lets go save these dip shits." he snarled, getting a head start as they did as told.

Jimmy had made it back to the oversized house and was heading up the stairs when he heard hushed voices.

"Please, don't do this. My husband will call the cops." a woman pleaded, her voice quivering.

By now, Brian and Zacky had made it back and Jimmy was holding a finger to his lips, telling them to be quiet so he could hear.

"I don't think you heard me Ma'am, I said get on your knees." they heard an annoyed Matt say, trying his best to keep his calm.

There was a static sound as the woman, who was probably the CEOs wife, took a few steps back and dropped to her knees.

"Just don't hurt my son, I beg you." she sputtered out between her soft sobs.

Zackys heart tugged at her words, and he knew instantly that no one would touch the woman's son as long as he was there. So with those words in his head, he turned down the opposite side of the hall and opened all the doors, eventually coming to a door that had 'Codie' painted on it in green with small black handprints surrounding it. 

He opened the door, not sure what to expect, but was soon met with the eyes of a small, green eyed boy, who couldn't be any older than five. His eyes weren't as green as Zacky's, but they were just as mesmerizing. With much caution, he walked towards the child.

Zacky was kneeling down next to the boy with a soft smile on his face when he heard the unforgettable sound of a gun being cocked behind him. Slowly, he turned to see the old CEO aiming the end of the barrel at him.

"Get away from my son." he demanded, making no move to negotiate with Zacky. 

The 17 year old stood up turning his back to Codie, and stepping in front of him, blocking his view of his father.

"Why don't you put that down? I'm sure Codie doesn't need to know his father has a dangerous weapon in the house." Zacky spoke to the old man.

The CEO was a bit on the short side, but Zacky wasn't one to judge, being only a reasonable amount taller than the man, give or take a few inches. Though the CEO was sure older than Zacky, wrinkles saying he was at least in his sixties. That making Zacky briefly wonder how old Codie's mother was. 

Zacky was brought out of his thoughts when Brian stepped behind the CEO and pressed his gun to the old man.

"Drop the gun and get on your knees." he demanded, leaving no room to argue.

Zacky held out his hand behind him, waiting for Codie to take the hint as he watched the horror flash in the CEOs eyes as he realized how the chances of this ending on a good note for him were getting slimmer by the moment.

The old man nodded slowly, tossing the gun across the painted green room and dropped on one knee, then the other. Once he was there, Brian made a signal out of the doorway and in came the woman from earlier being pushed by Matt and Jimmy. Johnny followed them in with a solemn look on his face.

During the arrangements for this whole shindig, Johnny had been the hardest to convince into going along with it. He knew it was wrong, but when they told him it would help with his debts, he was in. Had the circumstances been different, he would have declined all requests for this job, but he had no other choice.

Zacky wanted to jump with glee when he felt a small hand grasp his larger one. He felt the hesitation in the boys choice by how rapidly his hand was shaking, but Zacky just soothed his thumb over the back of Codie's hand to reassure him it would be alright. He only wished he could convince himself as well.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey! So this is my newest idea :) I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!

Okay, I'm not going to lie, I have been neglecting my other storiest to make sure this story comes out to a T. This story has been on my mind for the longest of times, so I hope to get positive feedback. Also, this is my first story in 3rd person pov. I hope it turned out alright, if not, tell me and I'll switch it ;)


XoXoX- Maria