Status: Complete



Keys now smashed, evidence of a relationship is shattered. Dust coats it lightly, coloring them a tainted ivory. A slender finger taps a key producing an out of tune ringing that echoes through the empty house, taking him back to the last day they spent together.


A man dances lightly around the room with a beautiful young woman. Her auburn hair swings with every movement. Green eyes interlock with his, perfectly happy just to be with him. Red lips curl back, bearing a smile that merely says the world to him.

Her ivory skirt swings full of life and her green pumps keep time with the three-quarter time music. With the record now coming to a slow, the two separate and she goes to the piano, softly pressing her fingers on the keys, getting a feel of them before beginning a slow moving lyrical piece.

Her voice sounds through the room, reverberating off of the bare walls as she sings a French tune. Her alto register is rich with round tones and the language rolls off of her tongue with ease.

He smiles sitting next to her on the piano bench, his left hand intertwining with her right, pulling her attention from the song to his handsome hazel eyes. “I love you, but I’ve been neglecting to tell you something.”

Her lips purse, wrinkling her nose she chuckles warmly. “You’re the one I want to spend my life with,” She coos with velvet inflections. Her green eyes glimmer with pure ecstasy and her face is framed perfectly with her auburn locks.

“There’s been a change in my family’s plan, you see. Father got a promotion.” He stammers, choking on the last few words, unable to finish the last sentence. Tears threaten at the corners of his eyes, welling up and adding pressure to the folds around them.

“That’s wonderful, Frank. It’s going to really help your family out.” Excitement rings through her voice, as clearly, his expressions aren’t registering to her.

“The problem is -- we’re moving away and I’m not allowed to see you anymore. Father says it’s just going to make readjusting harder.” He pauses, tears now falling freely down his cheeks, “I’m sorry Ryan.”

Her expression of excitement quickly fades, warm crystalline tears well in her eyes, running in a steady streak down her cheeks. “How long have you known,” she questions, “how long, damn it?” Her eyes flick around the room, looking for a single hefty object.

“About a month,” His face is solemn, full of remorse and dying inside with the pain of heartbreak. “I didn’t want to tell you, I wanted things to stay the way they were for the little amount of time I had with you.”

She’s standing now, feet glued to the spot until he finishes speaking. Her arm stretches to the left, fingers gripping the cool wooden base of a lamp. One swing and the piano produces an out of tune bang. Another swing and a few keys are misaligned.

She continues sending powerful blows to the piano before finally falling into his arms and weeping loudly. Her body trembles next to him and they stay exactly like that for hours with him softly cooing to her and crying.


The note stops ringing and he hears a faint tune in the air, she must be there with him two years later, merely in spirit. A single tear makes its way down his cheek while he stares at the keys. Would she still be here today if he hadn’t left?