Beautiful in Black

Chapter 2

After dinner, Ashlee was already in her room, listening to her iPod. As her mother and Dylan went out. She didn’t mind being home alone. It was a usual Saturday night. But this night was not like any other. As she was listening to music, someone stood outside her window, hoping it was unlock.
‘Damn, told me he was going to leave it open when he moved out’ the person outside thought. ‘Hey the lights on’ as he tapped on the window.
Ashlee looked up at her window when she heard the tapping. She walked over with a baseball bat; she slowly was to her window to see the guy with the purple hair staring straight at her. He motions his hands and lips for her to open the window up. She did.
“Can I help you?” still holding the bat.
“Hi, can I come in? My parents are arguing and I don’t want to be over there” the guy said. She notices he has his lip pierced.
“Been there” she stepped aside. ‘What the hell? You don’t know this guy and your letting him in?’ she thought.
As he got in, he looked around her room.
“Nice place” he said. She couldn’t help but smile.
“I’m Zack.” He extended his hand to her.
“Ashlee. With two ‘e’s at the end” as they shook each other hands
“Nice to meet u Ashlee with two ‘e’s” he giggled. “So you’re new here”
Just moved here like two weeks ago”
“How do u like it here?”
“Its ok, but I have to ask you” she paused... as he looked back at her.
“Why am I knocking at your window around 2 am?” he said. As she nodded. “Well, like I had said before. My parents are arguing and I don’t like them doing that. So I tend to come over here to where my old friend Chad, who lived here, before you, came”
Ashlee looked down.
“Oh no, he moved like 5 months ago before you came.” Ashlee moved from the window to her bed as she placed her bat next to her night stand. Zack looked over where she placed the bat.
“Don’t mind me asking but why do you have a bat?”
“Oh, I’m not going to attack you”
“You just never know”
“Were in a safe neighborhood”
“True, but I’m always prepared”
“Good to be prepared. How come I never seen you before until tonight?"
He questioned.
“I have been here, and there, just never hanged outside. I just get away from here in my Corvette.” She stopped when he cut her off mid-sentence.
“Oh that’s your car?”
“Yeah. I also have a truck”
“How many cars do u have?”
“Two, why?”
“Because I seen a BMW, your Corvette, your truck and a Honda, in your drive way.”
“Oh, the Honda is my mom’s and the BMW is my mom’s boyfriend”
“Ok, that explains it. I thought that was your dad”
“Oh hell no, Dylan isn’t my father. He’s not even close to my father, asshole” she mumbled the last word under her breath.
“My bad” he looked down a=to his feet.
“Its okay” as she couldn’t stand to see him standing the whole time. She patted on her bed for him to sit. He walked over and sat next to her.
“So how old are you?” he asked
She hesitated. “19, you?”
“Same, well going to be in 3 months.” She smiled as well as he did.
“I see you like AC/DC” he points out to her poster that was hanging on her wall. She couldn’t speech only nodded.
“You not much of a talker are you?” he questioned/
“No, I talk” she finally said. Then they started to talk about music until he asked.
“So why did you say ‘been there’ when I came in”
Ashlee looked down. When she looked back up again, she said “because my parents. My mom and real dad used to fight all the time. Before me and my mom moved here after the divorce.” Holding back her tears looking at the same picture frame off all three of them in her old backyard, when she was 14. Zack looked at what she was looking at.
“Was that him?” he asked as she held back her tears. As she nodded. “So then what happen?”
“Well one night, I got fed up with him hitting, yelling, and coming home drunk every night. She paused. “I defending my mother I knocked him out” she stopped.
“Wow you knocked your father out? Amazing. You got to show me sometime soon” Zack said in amazement. Ashlee was caught off guard with that comment.
“Have you ever done that?” she asked
“No, my parents just argue over stupid things. They don’t physically fight like your parents did. Not like in that way of course.” He covered his ass with the last remark. Ashlee just nodded.
They talked more. Ashlee couldn’t help that this guy was in her room, he had the most gorgeous green eyes and a sweet smile. It was nearly 5 am, when Ashlee finally heard the alarm door sound off
*Beep, Beep, Beep*
“Oh you have to go, if my mom finds you in my room, I won’t hear the end of it. Plus she can take my keys away. Sorry I’m kicking you out all of a sudden. But you have to go.”
The both of them got up and hurried to the window, as Zack climbed out and climbed back into his window. Amazed that his room was right across from hers. He looked back and whispered.
“If you need someone to talk to, just knock on my window whenever.” He said
“Same here” as she saw him closed his window and his blinds. As she did hers too. We walked back to her bed and laid down. Just in time before her mother opened the door to check on her. When the door was closed. Ashlee had a smile on her face, as she fell asleep.