Status: updating very often :]

Burning These Feelings Away.

Chapter Four

Chelsea’s POV

I tried to keep my mind on other things like studying as I waited for the call.

Just call me already….

Chris’s POV

Flipping my phone in my hand, I debated about whether to call Chelsea right now.

Maybe she’s busy? Its only 10 in the morning…

Finally I punched in her numbers and let it ring.



“Hello?” her sweet voice rang.

“Hi, it’s Chris.”

“Oh hey! How’s it going?”

“Good. So I was thinking we could meet up at Starbucks on Main street?” My knee bounced out of my anxiousness.

“Sounds great. How about ‘round noon?”

“Sure, I’ll see you in a while.” I sighed in relief.

“See ya!”

The phone beeped and the conversation ended.

“Wow.” I laid back on a couch in the tour bus.

“Wow what?” Maika walked in drinking a Diet Coke.

I shook my head. “Nothing.”

Maika raised an eyebrow and set down the can. “Date with Ella?”

“No.” I paused. “I’m gonna hang out with Chelsea.”

His mouth dropped, but he closed it almost immediately. “With Chels?”

I nodded, “Yeah.”

“Wow. I hope you control yourself.” Maika slightly laughed.

Sitting up straight, I furrowed my eyebrows. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Now Maika shook his head. “I know how you felt about her. You were crazy about her.”

My phone rang, so I flipped it open and said “Hello?”

“Hey sweetie, it’s Ella.”


“Aren’t you gonna ask how I am?” her whiny voice was creeping in her words.

I cussed under my breath. “Alright, how are you?”

“I’m not too good. I would be good if you came over.”

Maika laughed then went into the bathroom.

“Can’t. I’ve got plans. Sorry, Ella.”

She groaned. “What are you doing?”

“Hanging with a good friend.” I didn’t wanna say ‘Chelsea.’ Cause I know she would flip. I’m not lying to Ella, I just don’t think she needs to know everything. I mean, we’ve only been dating for a few weeks.

“Whatever. Bye.” Ella hung up. Shrugging it off, I glanced at the clock.

10:09 AM.


Chelsea’s POV

Sitting at a table in Starbucks, my eyes constantly glanced to the front door. At noon exactly, Chris walked in with his recognizable strut.

“Hey,” Chris sat down across from me.

“Hi,” I smiled.

“Have you already ordered?” Chris asked.

Shaking my head I said, “I decided I’d wait for you.”

“Well, since you had to wait, I’ll pay for you.” Chris pulled out his wallet. “French Vanilla coffee?”

My eyes went big. “You remember my favorite drink?”

Chris lifted his eyes and grinned as he stood up. “How could I forget, we drank it all the time.” He walked to the counter and ordered. A few minutes later, he returned with our drinks.

“Here you go,” he handed me my drink before setting his down.

“Caramel macchiato?” I nodded at his drink before taking a sip of mine.

Chris raised his drink and laughed, “You know it.”

We laughed, talked, and joked about almost anything for an hour. Right in the middle of a joke Chris was telling, my phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out and stared at the call ID. Derek. I shoved it back in my pocket.

“That’s the third time it’s happened, something wrong?” Chris asked worriedly.

“It’s just Derek.”

Chris cocked an eyebrow. “Why aren’t you answering him?”

I shook my head remembering the fight. “We had an argument last night. And I don’t feel like talking to him.”

He leaned forward on the table. “Is it okay if I ask what the fight was about?”

I took a deep breath. “He just didn’t really want me seeing you again.”

“But you came anyway?”

I rubbed my arm and nodded. “Yeah.”

“I’m glad you are.” Chris threw out his drink and glanced at his watch. “Ahh crap. I gotta go, band practice in 20 minutes.” I could see the disappointment on his face.

My heart dropped a little. “Oh, well I should probably get going too.” I grabbed my purse and got out of my chair. Chris stood in front of me and held open the door for me.

“Thanks,” I stepped outside.

Chris shut the door behind him. “I had an awesome time, Chels.”

I was silent for a few short seconds before whispering, ‘You called me Chels.”

“Oh, you don’t like it anymore?”

“No no no,” I shook my head. “I’ve actually missed it.”

Chris stepped closer to me and smiled. This smile made me yearn for the times we had been dating, it made me miss it so badly. My heart fluttered, butterflies swarming. As he smiled, he stared into my eyes. It seemed like he was searching for something; searching for something deep inside me. And I didn‘t want him to ever stop. I gazed back into his, but he has me so nervous I put my head down to conceal my huge grin and fixed my hair..

“We should hang out again,” I raised my eyes.

“Definitely, call me or text me whenever. I’ll be free.” Chris flipped his hair.

“Alright,” I leaned in for a hug. “I’ll see you soon.” Chris wrapped his arms around me, it felt tight, but, not like he was trying to squeeze me. More like, he didn’t want it to end. I know I sure didn’t. The scent of cologne filled my nostrils. I smiled at the familiar scent.

As we pulled away, I noticed Chris biting his lip. “Bye, Chels.”

I turned and walked down the sidewalk. Almost in a daze of confusion. I went through everything that had happened, and tried to figure out why I loved it so much. And why Chris is the only guy that has looked into my eyes that way. Ever. Not even Derek had made me feel that way just with his eyes.

In that one gaze, he made me feel desired, happy, invincible… loved.

Also in the one gaze, Chris made me realize something. I am still head over heels in love with him.