‹ Prequel: Sapphire.
Status: Just getting started....:-)


Chapter One: Frustrations and Chickens.


“When you gonna find a bride, deary?” the old witch crooned.
“I am not for sure ma’am.” I replied, inwardly sighing.
Yeah, I get it, I am not married to a “lovely bride” yet.
I have been looking for one for months, but all the hot girls were either self-centered or psycho bitches and all the ones with great personalities were ugly.
Gah, I just want a happy medium!
Speaking of which, Phire skipped her way towards me down the stairs, bed-head curls flying around her head.
“Hey, Echy! Want to get some milkshakes? I am wanting my classic.” she said with a little grin on her face.
“Vanilla with whipped cream. You used to hate whipped cream.”
“My taste buds matured!” she said in a look-at-me-mommy-I’ve-grown-up voice.
“Sure, kiddo!” I replied with such sarcastic enthusiasm that she looked like she was about to strangle me.
“Hardy har har. So very funny big brother! Are you going to teach me how to get guys by showing them my boobs now?”
A growl descended from the stairway, Gabe glaring at Phire.
“Like hell.” he murmured under his breath and Phire turned, giving him a look in return.
“Party pooper!” she cried, and skipped away, unaware of Gabe gazing after her longingly.
I wish I had someone I was like that with.
I growled lowly, frustrated.
“Still having probs, bro?” Gabe asked when he had stopped drooling.
“Do I look like a I have a fucking ring on my finger and a chick by my side?” I snarled irritated.
“Not with that attitude, you don’t!”
“What about you? Mr. I can’t grow a pair enough to ask the girl I’ve been in love for years out?”
“Hey, she’s too good for me! She deserves more than I could ever give her!”
“Bwaack! Bwaack bwaack bwwwwaaaack!” I mocked, flapping my imaginary wings.
“Douche wad!” he muttered, lightly.
“But you’re the idiot who’s the douche wad’s friend!”
“Nah dip, jackass. I’m about out of options besides you and Phire. Can’t help if you’re the only other thing with a dick- a LITTLE dick- to talk to about stuff other than nail polish and different hues of color.”
“Did you just say I have a little dick?”
“Oh, it’s on…..”

*A Couple of Miles Away*

The wind was cool against my face, the breeze so strong it blew my scent half across the forest.
Where the hell is a city? Civilization?
The demon-wolf-evil thing was on my tail now, it’s jaws snapping in anticipation.
God, please help me. God, PLEASE.
Then, just as though he heard me and decided to pass my plea by, a tree root appeared, and I appeared on top of it.
The ugly-thing snapped with an evil grin on his face, licking it’s-what I guess it supposed to be-chops.
Then I it bit into me like I was a human-sized Reese’s.
And, go figure, I blacked out from pain.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope it is as good as the others!!!!