‹ Prequel: Sapphire.
Status: Just getting started....:-)


Chapter Ten: Josh and Jason

*Echo’s POV*

Haha. I always get what I want, one way or the other.
I didn’t she realize she was such a history freak.
That was so easy…
This girl hasn’t got out much. She didn’t have a clue what was going on when it came to kissing.
You know your glad… He thought to himself.
Maybe…Ok, I am. She’s mine.
Suddenly, I got a flash of an image in my head.
It was Jacie, her hair in a loose ponytail, she was about seven or eight.
She was in a sandbox at what looked like a public park. She was trying to get her sandcastle to stay together.
“Stupid sandcastle.” she mumbled, and kicked the sand.
“Stupid, stupid, stupid.”
She decided to go to the swings, and to prove that she didn’t need a stupid sandbox, she went to the big person swing.
She jumped and jumped, trying to gain some leverage so she could sit on the swing.
“I’m gonna make it this time!” She said with conviction.
So when she jumped, she was startled to realize that two strong arms picked her up and set her securely on the swing.
She turned to face the stranger.
He was a teenage boy with shaggy blonde hair.
His eyes were a kind blue color.
“Thank you! I was managing perfectly fine!” She remarked smartly.
“Sure, there sweetheart.” He said sarcastically.
“Set me down! I don’t like you!” She huffed.
“To bad, baby doll. I’m here to stay.” He smirked.
“Who died and made you boss?” She retorted angrily.
His kind blue eyes turned sad.
“I’m sorry to say this sweetheart, but your brother.”
“Josh? No! Not Josh! Your lying! YOU BIG MEANIE! My big brother can’t die! He’s in-vince-e-bal!” She wailed, denying his every word.
She quickly hopped off of the swing, running as fast as she could toward the woods that lined the park.
The boy grabbed her arm, stopping her in mid-run.
“My name is Jason, sweetheart. I friends with your brother. We shared the same barrack and everything” He sad kindly, his own eyes swimming with tears.
“Josh to-wld me ab-owt you.” She was crying, and when she cried, her tears caused her toddler accent to appear. It accented most of her words with W’s.
“I know. He told me to give you this in case anything happened to you.”
In his hand was a Swiss Army Knife, the one that Jacie had given him just before he left for the army.
In the handle, he had engraved, “I love you Ladybug.”
Ladybug. Josh’s nickname for her.
She cried into a new fit of tears.
Her big brother was dead.
Echo broke away from the kiss, his own tears threatening to spill.
“Oh, God, Jace. I’m so sorry about Josh…”
She got this little haunted look in her eyes.
Then she slapped me across the face.
♠ ♠ ♠
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So what do you all think of Josh? So sad!