‹ Prequel: Sapphire.
Status: Just getting started....:-)


Chapter Eleven:The Future In-Laws

*Jacie’s POV*

The ASS! Delve into my memories while he kisses me.
I shoved away from him, and slapped him across the face.
I walked away, not knowing where I am going, but just walking away.
Anywhere away from him.
But me, being the idiot I am, I finally realized that I was a human walking without an escort through Hell.
When I was faced with the brother or sister of the demon-thing that got me into this mess.
It smiled-I think that was a smile- at me.
Then, in it’s demonic evil satanic voice, it said, “Yummy. Food. Smells delicious.” It, like it’s sibling, licked what was supposed to be chops.
“Oh, God, not again.” I mumbled. My leg throbbed at the memory.
It wasn’t up to par yet, and there was no way for me to run.
Ok, bring back the jerk. His bite wouldn’t hurt as much as this thing.
I hope.
The thing began to circle around me, grinning-I think- at me.
“Yum yum. Teehehe.”
Would it shut up and eat me already?
Then a voice vibrated through the air.
I’m saved!
“Sorry, Junizy, you can’t eat her.”
“She’s Echo’s. Sorry.”
The demon-thing huffed, then flew on it’s ugly wings away.
“Thank you.” I said while turning.
Oh, Lordy.
This has to be Echo’s father. Just as hot, but slightly older in looks.
“Hello. I am Ash, or Satan.” He said politely.
Wow, manners.
“Hey, I’m Jacie.”
“I know.”
Ok, weird.
I shuffled my feet slightly under his gaze.
“Ash, dear. Stop staring at her. You are making her uncomfortable.”
When I looked up, I couldn’t believe my eyes.
There stood Lizzy, the nurse of my great grandfather.
The one who saved his life.
“Lizzy.” I didn’t realize I said her name out loud.
She glanced up at me, then she gasped.
“Oh my goodness. You are the spitting image of your grandmother. I can’t believe this. Come here you!”
She ran and hugged me. Tightly.
For such a small woman she sure was strong.
I sent a pleading look to Ash who smirked.
“Lizzy, you are hurting our future daughter-in-law.”
She quickly let go of me, her eyes apologizing even before her mouth said the words.
“I am so sorry!” She gushed.
“It’s ok. So, you are Echo’s mom?”
“Yes I am dear. I am so excited that he has finally found you! Oh, I want grandbabies!”
“Ummm, it maybe a while.”
Her adorable little face fell.
“I am sorry. I’m kind of mad at him right now.”
This time Ash spoke.
“What the hell did he do?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments? Subscriptions? Love?
I was reading over my stuff and realized I kept changing tenses. Sorry!
I am about to quickly end the story if I do not get any feedback soon.:-)