‹ Prequel: Sapphire.
Status: Just getting started....:-)


Chapter Thirteen: D-cup Darn It

*Echo’s POV*

I am such an idiot. I screwed this up!
I growled, not realizing that my best friend Gabe was behind me.
“Calm down, bro.”
“Whatever. Gah, I’m such a douche! Uh. How can one guy be such an idiot. That’s it, Gabe, when you finally get the balls to ask Phire out, you can have Hell. It’s not like I’m gonna need it.” I huffed. I am such a screw-up.
From upstairs, music suddenly came on, the sound of Phire and Jacie’s voice drifted down.

“He drowns in his dreams
An exquisite extreme I know
He’s as damned as he seems
And more heaven than a heart could hold…”

And just because of my stupid pride, I thought that she was singing about me.
If only she was.

*Jacie’s POV*

This song made me think of Echo.
The title of the song, the lyrics, everything described how I feel about him.
He is my Beautiful Disaster (name of song and yes I know it is an old song but it was just too perfect).
Darn it.
I didn’t want to think about him, I just couldn’t help it.
Believe it or not, this guy only kidnapped me a few hours ago but I felt like I have known him forever.
I sighed, then glanced up at Phire (I finally found out her name). She had this wistful look on her face that showed just how she felt about Gabe.
“Head out of the Gabriel shaped clouds, Phire!”
She pouted at me but complied.
“You know what, Jace? We need to go shopping!”
I wasn’t too keen on the idea since I had some perfectly good clothes at home.
“We can use Echo’s credit card…” She hinted suggestively.
That would make me feel better…
“Let’s go!”
And so they went.

*Mall in Human World*

Of course, Gabriel was Phire’s body guard and so he had to go.
Echo just went because he was afraid I’d run away and not because I had his credit card.
Just guess where we stopped first?
Victoria’s Secret.
“Phire…..” I whined.
“You need some bras and panties, so suck it up.”
With my body, I probably should go Lane Bryant.
“What cup size are you?” she asked me.
Echo was all ears.
I glared at him. He just shrugged his shoulders.
“Can’t blame me for trying.”
I went over and whispered into Phire’s ear.
“A D?!” Echo all but screamed.
I blushed because he screamed so loud.
“That’s what you get for listening jerk-off. I was kidding to make sure you weren’t listening.”
Actually, no I wasn’t.
D-cup without the right body.
Yep, that’s me.
“You just lied to me.” He said, glowering.
Oh, yeah. He’s the devil’s son. He’s an expert at this stuff.
“Ummm. I’m just gonna go over here now…” and I scurried away.
I caught a glimpse of Gabe and Phire’s faces as I went by and they both looked like they were holding back a laugh.
“I thought you were on my side!” I said to Phire.
“Not when I want nieces and nephews, I’m not.”
What is it with these people wanting me and Echo to mate like bunnies and soon?
I was now a safe distance away, and lucky me! I was in the lingerie section.
You can’t wear that…
Oh, my goodness, is that outfit even legal?
My face was probably crimson.
“Want to try some on for me?”
I turned to give Echo a piece of my mind only to find out that it wasn’t Echo.
It was a man, late twenties, with the blunt of a gun poked out of his leather jacket.
He didn’t mean if I wanted to.
He meant if I wanted to live, I’d better.
Oh, crap.
♠ ♠ ♠
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