‹ Prequel: Sapphire.
Status: Just getting started....:-)


Chapter Five: Wow, the Earth Has a Hole in It

*Echo’s POV*

I had to use my wits to survive by the skin of my teeth…
Ok, I lied…
No, that’s not right either.
I told the tru… tru…tru…
That darn “t” word.
That’s a first. It’s like I want her to like me.
It must be the whole soul mate thing.
“….why are you here?”
“My name is Echo. My father is Satan, literally and you, sweetheart, are my mate.”
She gave me weird look like I was crazy or something then said, “Ok….Do you have a phone number I can call to get you back home. Are you lost, sweetie?” Like I was a child!
And that really pissed me off.
“I am not crazy!” I roared.
Fear flashed for a fraction of second behind her eyes then it was replaced by a quiet determination.
“I’m sure your not, but when you tell people you are the spawn of Satan, it kind makes it seem like you are.” She decided to inform me, matter-of-factly.
“Well, I AM actually the son of Satan so get over it!”
“Hmmm. Sticking with that, are we?”
“Yeah, when it’s true!” She had a way of getting under my skin.
Her mouth opened her mouth to reply when there was a rapping at the door.
She opened it, revealing a super skinny ,tall guy with a tattoo curling around him neck from underneath his overly long hair.
“Jay!” She cried, throwing her arms around his neck.
I growled low in my throat.
“What happened, Jacie?”
Oh, this wasn’t going to be pretty…

*Jacie’s POV (aren’t you glad I got her name?)*

Oh, no…
Oh, good golly Miss Molly, what do I do?
Echo kind of looked like he wanted to go shot himself, I looked guilty because I did not really believe him and couldn’t really say that he wasn’t really trying to hurt me although he followed me home.
What a mess.
And Jay?
He was looking at send-demons-back-where-they-came-from boy a suspicious, I’ll-make-you-eat-your-entrails-if-you-hurt-her-boy look.
What to do? What to do?
Suddenly, a bright light filled the room, and what’s-his-face grabbed my hand.
Than I was screaming as we flew through an opening in the earth…
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments and love is all I need!