‹ Prequel: Sapphire.
Status: Just getting started....:-)


Chapter Six: Scream Like a Girl!

*Jacie’s POV*

Yep, I screamed like a girl.
Who could blame me?
I was going into an opening in the earth at an immeasurable speed and was pretty sure I was going to Hell. Yep, exactly how I wanted to spend my day.
Satan’s son, I am going to ask him what his name is again ‘cause after the whole “I am the son of Satan” thing I kind of forgot, gave me a look like will you shut up already.
I screamed louder.
Take that jerk off.
Then a piece of , Duck Tape?, appeared over my mouth.
Oh, he was gonna get it.
For about five more minutes, we flew through the air, and I closed my eyes and imagined how my friends and I would go to the Autumn fair and ride for hours.
The time the little boy thought nobody could see him pee behind the building, and my friend and I were on a ride that went up in air.
The look on his face when he saw that we could see him!
Kodak Moment!
I didn’t realize that I was smiling (well, trying to), against the Duck Tape until the Spawn of Satan nudged me.
“Whatcha smiling at?” he asked.
I rolled my eyes at him and stuck my tongue out at him through the tape.
I gave him a yeah-I-don’t-have-to-talk-to-you-buster look.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

*Ash’s POV*

Would she ever SHUT UP?
Gah, I knew she had a set of lungs on her but I didn’t know that they were that bad!
So I took the easy way out.
I conjured up some Duck Tape and taped her mouth shut.
Ah, that’s better.
A couple of minutes later, I saw her smiling with her eyes closed, and me, being the curious and bored boy that I am, nudged her to figure out what it was all about.
Oh, and she’s got a ‘tude. She couldn’t talk to me because of the tape and she gave me a eat-my-shorts look.
Smart ass.
♠ ♠ ♠
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