‹ Prequel: Sapphire.
Status: Just getting started....:-)


Chapter Eight: I've got to PEE!

*Back to Jacie’s POV*

Well, at least he broke her fall, and he was kind of comfy….
No! Bad Jacie! Bad!
Plus, he did not seem to be complaining…
Of course no, you dolt! He’s a GUY! Said her brain, oh so helpfully.
Shut up… she retorted stupidly.
Dork! It replied.
The guy, Echo?, was looking down at her, smiling but concern still flashed in his eyes.
“You ok?” he asked.
“Fine. You kind of broke my fall…” she said, cheekily.
And he laughed.
Full out laughed.
Oh, and if was one SEXY laugh.
Yum. She could just pay him to laugh for her…
Yeah, she knows it’s weird.
She wondered if he would do it…
He probably wouldn’t take cash though.
He’d probably take something else. O.o
Ewww. Ewww. Ewwwwwwww.
That ruined the whole sexy laugh thought.
She was so grossed out that she tried to get out of his grip.
WAY easier said than done.
“Hey, I haven’t walked or anything in hours, could you please let me go so I can stretch my legs.” she asked him.
“No.” he said, pouting.
“Oh, come on. I have to pee too!” Now that she mentioned it, she really did have to pee.
“Fine, but I get to carry you.” he smirked.
Pee? Walk? Pee? Walk?
“Fine, but HURRY OR I’M GONNA BLOW!!!!” Jacie said. By now, she REALLY REALLY had to go.
Oh, that made him happy because he grinned like the dork he is.
Then he swooped her up in his arms (which by the way did NOT help the fact that she was about to pee all over herself.) and took off running.
Like she couldn’t even keep her eyes open they were getting dried out from the force of the wind fast.
Holy crap!
He was going FAST.
Wow, what he could do if he were trying, which by the look on his face, he was NOT doing.
Show off.

*Echo’s POV*

Hehe. I won!!! I won! I won!!! Hahaha! He said to himself. He knew he was being selfish ,but with her as a prize (even for a few minutes. Let him live his fantasy), he felt like king of the world…underworld.
Well, almost.
Once she agreed to become his bride he would be the king…
King or no king, he would be happy he had her.
Oh, and he would have her.
She would just have to deal with it.
♠ ♠ ♠
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