‹ Prequel: Sapphire.
Status: Just getting started....:-)


Chapter Nine: WOWZA!

*Jacie’s POV*

Before I did my business, I stood there like an idiot.
The bathroom was freaking GORGEOUS!
Marble and tile…
And a freaking Greek statue that I was pretty sure was an original in the corner.
Finally, when my awe was overruled by need to pee, I stopped staring…
But I REALLY didn’t want to.
I had finished my business, and being the dork I am, I read the plaque that was at the statue’s base.
Oh my God.
982 B.C.
I am a major history dork, and this was just AWESOME!
I started jumping up and down in my excitement, and ,Echo? ,peeped in the door at me.
“You ok?” he asked.
“This statue is from 982 B.C.! Do you know how amazing that is? It’s in such good condition, and ,and…”
I ran out of words.
Echo kind of grinned at me.
“If you only knew how old my father really is….” he said with a mysterious gleam in his eyes.
“How old?” I was like a freaking kid in a candy store…
“Uh uh uh… We’d have to trade.”
I was suspicious, but it was some JUICY information.
“What do you want?”
“Oh, just a little itsy bitsy…” ,I thought he was going to say kiss, “make-out session.”
Make-out? Info? Make-out? INFO!!!!!
He came towards me, and rested his forehead against mine.
He leaned towards my ear.
“My father was born in 1098 B.C.”
Oh, my GOD!
That’s about…
I’ll calculate the years later.
Because this kiss had to be breaking some records!
I’m calculating this kiss….
Into my memory.
♠ ♠ ♠
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