Status: please leave feedback <3

As Long as You're Not Afraid to Just Run

"Sleep well Elise."

I guess I am and always will be just going with the flow.

I don't know what to do, I don't know how to handle this situation. I have no control nor have I ever been in this kinda of predicament. I never planned for my life to end up like. Heck, who would. My stress levels are fatal at times.

The city scene faded into one of a suburb. We were able to stop running as they lost our trail. They always do. Here in the suburbs, no one could recognise, there was no need to run for now.

Along the pathway we walked side by side. Strolling gently staring up at the night sky. Well, only I stared. I looked over at him soon enough, a soft frown on my features. He never looked at the stars, not even the moon. It seemed weird. I knew he said he never dreamed of anything when he was a child, he never dreamed of the stars.

I heard him sigh softly. He seemed sad for once, normally he was upbeat and excited all the time. But tonight, he seemed drain. Maybe all this running was finally taking it's toll on him.

I could never tell what was on his mind. So much ran through his head.


I spoke softly. He looked over at me, no noticeable expression on his face.

"Do you know anywhere we could stay?"

"I'm not sure where we are."

How reassuring. He was suppose to be keeping track. I sighed and nodded my head. I placed my hands in the pockets of my floral dress. I latched onto my phone before pulling it out. A weak signal but enough to tell us that we were somewhere in California. Quincy to be precise.


"Really?" A spark was added his voice. He held out his hand. "Give me your phone please."

I handed it over and he took it, quickly dialing in someone's number. He smiled brightly and I guessed someone picked up. He stopped walking as he talked to whoever it was on the phone.

I sighed waiting for him to finish. Again, my eyes drifted up to the stars. I wish I could reach them and my dream. I was so close before he came along. I can't even go home. My parents don't have a clue where I am. I constantly get text messages and voice mail from them.

I'm terrified incase they'll call the police.

Then they'll know why I am not home.

He smiled at me as my phone was handed back to me. I looked up at him hopeful he found somewhere.

"I have somewhere we can go!"

"That's brilliant! Where?"

"Alder Street, an old friend lives there. You'll love her!"

"That's good, you know the way?"

He nodded his head before turning around. Great. We headed back the way we came, being careful for the blue flashing lights.

No matter what, they'll always be for us. I wonder if the whole of America was after us, not just a few states. That would be a pretty impressive achievement I must say. The whole of America, after two teenagers. Well, a nineteen and a twenty year old.

It was reassuring to see Andy's old friend lived at the edge of town. And when I say edge, they lived at the end of the street. It seemed like a nice small neighbourhood, but a very enclosed one. Where everyone knew each others business. Hopefully they wouldn't notice me and Andy.

I stared at the front door. What a cliche house. Overgrown lawn, broken fence, broken things within the lawn, but the actually house seemed fine. Maybe they didn't like to garden.

We walked through the overgrown lawn towards the front door. He reached out and banged on it. I stared as a small bodied girl opened it.



They hugged each other tightly. I stood, awkwardly. I smiled at Andy as he looked down at me.

"Sandra, this is Elise or she's better known as Dutch."

I smiled at Sandra softly. Her look unnerved me as she looked me up and down before nodding to more herself. I bit on my lip looking over at Andy again. He smiled down at me before we started to follow Sandra in. Music was blaring through the corridors. I could hear talking and laughing and my stomach dropped.

My subconscious made me move closer to Andy to which he just looked down at me weirdly. I didn't want to admit to him, I was slightly anxious.

We were herded into the living room. The amount of people surprised me. I looked over at the people as we stood at the back of the room. Slightly anxious became scared. I was scared. My heart beat raced and I wanted to grab Andy's hand. I just wanted to know I was protected.

"Hey guys!" I stared at Sandra as she caught everyone's attention. They looked at me and Andy. Some of the looks from the guys made me feel sick and added on top of my feelings. "We have visitors! This is Andy and Elise, make them feel welcome."

I smiled weakly before Andy pulled me towards everything. I let go of his grip staring down at the floor.

"What's up?"

"I'm tired."

I said weakly, feeling pathetic. I've run away from cops that were planning to open fire on me. I've jumped over rooftops and from buildings. I've traveled for days on end and now being stuck in a room full of men and women terrifies me more than all of that.

What the hell is wrong with me?

"Sandra, what room is ours?"

"I'll take her."

She said smiling walking back over to us. She stared to walk out of the room and I followed her swiftly. I stayed quiet as we walked up the stairs, this house was huge. A lot bigger than I thought it would be. I frowned as we headed down a corridor that was attached to the landing. I didn't feel safe without Andy.

Why the hell was I so attached to him? I shouldn't need him to protect me but thanks to him I'm still alive. But without him in the first place I wouldn't be here.

I jumped and held back a scream as Sandra pushed me up against the wall. She pinned me up against it, holding me back by my wrists. I stared down at her, my breathing erratic, my heart pounding.

"Just so you know, Andy owes me for this big time. I could be killed with you two if you ever got caught. And men just aren't my thing, and your such a fine example of a women."

I stared at her blankly but my insides panicked. She laughed before shaking her head.

"Last door on the left. Sleep well Elise."


I mumbled as she walked away. I stared as she did not believing what she just said, not wanting to know what the hell could happen. Do I tell Andy what she said? What if he already knew that? He's using me again.

I quickly scurried down the rest of the corridor opening the door she said. The room was bland. Brown and creams colours blended all over. I didn't take in too much detail as I pulled my dress over my head and climbed into the bed, sinking into the comfortable mattress. I pulled the covers over my body and my head, shutting my eyes the world didn't exist anymore.
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Decided to turn this into a story.
I have so many ideas for this :)