‹ Prequel: Gunshot

All Through the Night


My heart was pounding as I reached up and knocked on the door. This was crazy. This was absolutely insane. Yet there I was doing it. I was half tempted to walk away. No one would know the difference after all. I didn't get the chance for that though. The door was pulled open and I was standing there facing the man I had been dreaming about, having visions about, since he had saved my life seven months before. I didn't let myself see the look on his face. If I did, I might see something I didn't want to see and then I wouldn't be able to go through what I had been planning so carefully for the last month and a half.

"I never thought I'd see you again princess," Dean Winchester said leaning against the door. My heart stuttered for a moment. He recognized me! I wasn't sure if that was going to make things easier or not. No more thinking about it though. There wasn't time. I had wasted enough time tracking him down and then trying to talk myself out of doing it. The one thing I had learned from visions was that you didn't ignore them. I wasn't going to make that same mistake again.

Besides, it might be enjoyable.

Wrapping my arms around her neck, I pulled Dean down and pressed my lips against his in a hard demanding kiss. He didn't hesitate as his arms wrapped around my waist bringing my body flush against his. Soft curves fit toned muscles as he took control of the kiss. I fought to take the control back for a moment until one of his hands began to creep down my back. He was pulling me into the motel room as his hand splayed across my ass.

I heard the door slam shut as we paused inside the room for a moment. My lips slid down from his own leaving a trail of lipstick and bites across his jaw and to his ear. He let out a sound that was half-growl and half-groan as I took his ear into my mouth and began to tease it with teeth and tongue.

We spun in the middle of the room so that my back was facing the bed and he pushed me at it, moving quickly to cover me with his body as his hands slid under the dress that I had carefully chosen. He jumped when his hands reached my bare hips and he looked down at me shocked.

His lips parted and I reached up pulling him down for another kiss. My other hand began to work at the button and zipper on his jeans that worked to separate him from me. The moment that my hand slipped past his jeans, I forgot about the visions and my mission. I forgot about everything except the feel of him. And even after I had what I came for, we repeated the act over and over again. Sometimes he rode me, gently fondling my breasts. Sometimes I teased him slowly stroking him until he was long and hard and I finally took him in my mouth or rode him until we both screamed at the sky.

In the morning, it was I who left before he stirred. I took my clothes with me, slipping my dress on before I sneaked out of the motel room. My hand rested on my stomach as I slid into my car. Dean Winchester was going to be a father.

He would simply never know about it.
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So I wrote this for Miss silk tea. and it kind of came out like this >.> I hope everyone who reads it enjoys it though!