The Sharpest Lives Are the Deadliest to Lead

I say Bye Byes! ch.1

I was finally 18, & I will never return. I packed my stuff, & its all in my car and the moving trunk. Yea, school was still in, but I'm going to school in LA. I got an apartment, I’m all set in school, I’ve got a job taking pictures for a local magazine, and I’m set.

“Why do you have to go?”

“Cause mum, I can’t stay here. I don’t like it. And I’m 18!”

“But you won’t be able to make it out there. LA is too big for you. You’re not ready.”

“All my life you told me I wasn’t ready. And now, that I’m going into the world, you’re saying the same thing. Is that supposed to be engorging? Cause its not!”

I picked up my bag. And without a word, I looked at Diane, Terry, Bill, Derek, Lindsey, Jim and Grand momma, the one I actually called family, and walked out to my car.

After I got to Illinois, I stopped to eat at Olive Garden. I ordered my food and when it came the waiter asked me if I was new in town and I said that I was just passing through. We started talking and he sat down. When I left he walked me to my car and we said goodbye and I left.

I went to a hotel about three hours away from the restaurant to sleep. It was a cheep one; only 35.55$ per night. The room was average size. There was a TV on a dresser for cloths, a phone on the night stand, a pen and notepad. It was a singles room with a queen size bed. The sheets looked like something from the 1700’s, but they were very nice. A table sat in the left coroner of the room. On it sat a lamp, a menu for room service, and a couple broachers for things around the town.

I took a shower after messing around on my laptop. I exited the washroom afterwards and got ready for bed. I straighten my hair, got dressed and brushed my teeth after eating. I watch videos on YouTube then went to bed at about eleven.