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Beauty vs. Jock

Chapter 2

Arrista's P.O.V

Today , I got to school and knew where all my classes were , then met up with Carol and Sari. We just hung out at my locker until the warning, and left saying we'd see each other at lunch.

I entered my class room , walking to my seat in the back. I looked over and smiled, whispering to myself. "Thank goodness , he's not here."

I pulled out my notebook and just waited for the final bell. But soon as the bell rang, Dashaud walked in , right on the dot and came straight back to his seat.

"Glad , to see you on time today Dashaud. Next time, let's try being in our seat before the final bell ok." The teacher said in a boring monotone voice. Dashaud just looked the other way, like he didn't hear a word Mr.V said. Soon as , he began talking Dashauds head , hit the desk , probably staying in that same position for the rest of the bell.

Wait....why am I staring at him! I turned my head toward Mr.V writing notes down quickly.

"Arrista..?", the teacher called , and I looked up from writing. "Yes."

"Tap,Dashaud for me." he asked .

I hesistated at first , then tapped his arm and he slowly lifted his head . "what ?"

I rolled my eyes, going back to writing . "Mr. V said lift your head up." But he just layed his head back down and whispered," How about that date Arrista? and maybe I will raise my head?

"Well if you put it that way..." I whispered, sarcastically. "Then no."

He just chuckled , mumbling something else that I couldn't understand.


Today was the slowest day , I'd ever had in any school. It was so slow, lunch seemed like an hour longer, even though it usually goes by quickly. Viara stared at me the whole lunch, thinking I didn't notice but I did. It really pissed me off, but I ignored her , just talking to Carol and Sari. Surprisingly , Dashaud didn't come over to the table.

"Text me Carol." I said , as we went to our car. Finally out of school . I clicked my controller unlocking my doors, to my silver Mercedes. I threw my bag in the back seat, getting in the front, and then turning the ignition. I mouthed 'damn' , soon as my car started making a clicking noise , and I knew that wasn't good.

I jumped out the car, walking over to the front, and I LEFT MY HEAD LIGHTS ON! That killed my cars battery. By the time I noticed , the parking lot was basically deserted. I stomped the ground angrily , and pulled out my phone when I heard a familiar voice.

"Car troubles?", Dashaud asked, and I turned around towards him and nodded.

"Let me guess, you left your headlights on , and the battery died." He said giving me a quick smile.

I looked to the side. "Yes, but I have under control. So leave." I said coldly. "What did I do for you to be so cold towards me?" He asked , and sighed. I shook my head not wanting to answer. "I have a call to make."

"Let me help, just give me minute. I'll give you a jump." He said , and walked over to his truck. Not car, truck. A black Cadilac, Escalade. He had parked right in front of my car, pulling out some cable cords , popping both hoods. He connected the cables , and soon enough my car started and a joyful screech escaped my lips. "Thanks I owe you!", I said , but then regretted that , because soon as that sentence escaped my lips a smirk appeared on his face. "You me, tonight at 8." He said right away.

I wanted to take back what I said so bad. "I --"

"Dont say no. Just say , yes . One date wont kill you.", he said , leaning on his truck with a smile.

I sighed , pushing back my hair. "Fine!.." I told him the directions to my house, and quickly got in my car driving home . I was actually kind of excited , but dissapointed at the same time. I don't know what I was thinking , when I said "I owe you." "STUPID , STUPID, STUPID!", I repeated hitting my steer wheel. I stopped at a red light, and turned up my music to the song "Look at me now!", by Chris Brown . This is the shit! I danced in my seat, till the light turned green, and I turned the corner on too the street, where my house was.


Dashaud P.O.V

I arrived at the front of Damen's school, waiting for him to come out.

Arrista finally accepted going on a date with me, and now I have to figure out where to take her. I mean, I dont want a place to fancy, but I dont want one too cheap. The door swung open, and in came Damen. "Hey bro..",he said happily.

I pulled out the parking lot, heading home."How was school?"

"It was actually a pretty decent day." he replied, with a big smile. Whats he smiling so hard for.

I glanced over at him,"Whats with the goofy smile?"

"Goofy ? smile? ....I don't know what your talking about." He looked down, clearly it was something....or someone.

"It's a girl isn't it?"

He looked up shocked I guessed right , then nodded. "Yeah , its my girlfriend actually."


"Yeah bro , girlfriend. Her names Jamie, and shes real pretty and sweet. Her birthdays coming up and I don't know what to get her. I want it to be a surprise." He said , and I was shocked that he even had a girlfriend.

"A surprise huh? Well, get her some jewlry or something?", I said unsure. Really , I never bought a girl a gift for her birthday, or just a simple gift. I never really had a girl that , I really fell for to where I just buy her anything in the world.

"I'll figure something out." He said and looked out the window. "So , you and that girl Viara still go?"

I did a quick laugh. "We were never together, I was just messing around with her. Nothing serious. But , I am going on this date later on tonight with this fine ass girl. Now I'd claim her as my girlfriend anyday." I said , and got real excited just thinking about her.

Damen chuckled, but didn't reply.

I pulled into our parking lot turning towards him."Whats funny , Damen?"

He shrugged. "Have fun on the date ." He got out mumbling something else, unlocking the door, walking inside.

I locked my car, and went in as well, going to take my shower.


Arrista P.O.V

I can't believe its almost time for this date. I don't even know where we're going , but I just want this over with. I put on a red strapless dress , where the black ties at the waist of the dress ,and hugged the curves of my body . I put on black acessories, and wore my hair down, keeping it wavy with alittle spritz. I slid into some black heels, and was ready. Hey, I at least have to look good when I'm out. Hopefully , I'm dressed appropiatly for where ever he's taking me.

I heard the horn outside, and I grabbed my clutch , then headed downstairs.

"No. You're not leaving the house , looking like that ."My mother said , with her hands on her hips , shaking her head.

"Mom, I don't have time to change. Plus theres nothing wrong with the way I'm dressed." I said walking to the door.

"Arrista...that dress is alittle to tight, are you going to club or something?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

I started laughing , because my mom is really tripping out over what I'm wearing. "Mom, Its ok. I'm just going on a date, and then I'll be back. Ok." Date? ughhh, date.

She rolled her eyes, giving in . She knew , I wasn't going to change my outfit. " 11:00 Arrista. "

"Sure mom." I replied, walking out the door, before she said something else. Thats not going to happen. This night is going to be interesting. I opened up the door, and stepped in . I swear his eyes were all over , just checking out every aspect of my body . "Damn.. don't drool over me." I said putting my seat belt on."

"Want me to help ,with that?" He smirked.

"Boy , you better put this car in drive and take me to whatever place your taking me." I said rolling my eyes, as he backed out the driveway.

I wont lie, Dashaud was looking so good right now he had my heart pumping like , I just ran 3 miles straight. He was dressed in an all black Sean-Jean suit . He doesn't look like the type of guy to actually dress up in a suit , but he proved me wrong. I wonder where we're going.

"You look...beautifil Arrista." He said , and I couldn't help but to smile. But I don't buy anything he's saying.

"Thanks....I guess." I answered , then the car ride was quiet till we arrived at some restraunt.
I read the sign ," Nikoli's Roof?"

You never been here before? Have you?" He asked tilting his head to the side.

I shook my head no , but by looking at the restraunt it looks really expensive. "Do you take all your dates to expensive restraunts to make a good impression on the first date?"

He laughed. "No , just you." He opened the door getting out , and before I could open my door, he opened it for me. He held out his hand for me to take, and I put mine in his.

We walked into the restraunt and it was .........speechless. Yes that nice. There were so many bright lights, chandeliers hanging over each table, neatly arranged roses in glass vases centering in the middle of each table. The floor seemed like it was glowing , with it's unstained white tiled floor.

Dashaud led me to the front desk.

"Hello , how can I help you?", A man asked , looking up at Dashaud then me.

"I have a reservation, by the name of Dashaud William." He answered. He made a reservation . I wonder how much all this cost?

"Ok, Mr. William . I'll show you too your table." The man said , while grabbing too menus , and led us to a table. "Ill be back , to take your orders." He said , walking away.

I sat across from Dashaud , and stared at the ruby red roses that sat in a large vase.

Dashaud stared at me as I stared at the roses. "What?" I say , while my gaze remained on the roses. He began to laugh, and that caused me too look up at him. "Tell me about your self Arrista?"

"Like what?"

"Where your from? , Any siblings? , anything...", he said, seeming to be interested.

I might as well, try to make this a good time, and make it interesting. I smiled." Well , I'm from Atlanta, and I just moved back here from Chicago. I don't have any siblings, and I only live with my mother. I don't date 'CONCEITED' or controlling guys such as yourself. Also my favorite color is purple." I said then raised my eyebrows,"Your turn."

He smirked. "Well, I'm from Atlanta. Obviously. I live with my parents, but they're not usually home, so it's just me and my little brother Damen. I play football, basketball, and I'm what you call the #1 athlete of them both. I love dating 'FEISTY' , beautiful women like yourself, Arrista.And my favorite color is red." He finishes, and gives me that ,'Im finish' , look.

"Your way too cocky to be involved with a woman like me." I say as he stares into my eyes, deeply.

"I'm not cocky , I'm just.... confident, real confident. Alright babe." he answers, knowing I 'Hate' when he calls me babe.
"Whatever." I say rolling my eyes.
"Look at your menu , and pick somethin' you want before the waiter comes back. In that case , I'd have to pick for you."

Everything that was listed on the menu , I'd never heard. Sure.. I recognized a few words like chicken , but the rest...nope. "Yeah, I'll just get what your getting."

He chuckled out of amusment,"You sure ?"
I nodded,"Yeah , and for a drink I'll just have a water."
"Alright , sounds good to me."

The waiter came back , with his pen and pad."Ok, have you two decided what you'd like."
"Yeah, We both want the Beef Tenderloin & Salmon Sauce BĂ©arnaise ,a sprite for me and a water for her please.

The waiter nodded,writing down the last couple things,"Alright , it'll be ready in about 10 minutes or so. Could I interest in an appetizer?"

"Weren't you supposed to ask us that when we first got here?",Damen asked all of a sudden.
The guy seemed like he started getting alittle nervous, looking side to side,"I-i forgot. I'm sorry, but it wont happen again sir."
I kicked Damen in the shin, I mean how rude is that. The guy forgot , you don't have to pester him about it.
"Damn! What the.."
I cut him off," So we'll have the.....",I flipped through the menu."The Black Truffle wrapped Hawaiian Blue Prawn please,thank you." The waiter nodded, and soon as he left I looked over at Dashaud."Why'd you say that?"

"Look ,this place is expensive as it is..theres no room for forgetting things." He replied with the straightest face. "Now my question is , why'd you kick me in my shin ,dammit."

I shrugged,"Thought it be pretty funny", I smiled ,then laughed at his reaction to me laughing.

Soon , the waiter had came back with the two plates of food. He sat the plates down in front of us along with the drinks we'd ordered. I smiled at the waiter,"Thank you." As he left, Damen scoffed."At least he did something right."

"Dashaud , come on." I said while grabbing a fork.

He shrugged,"Sorry."

"So what's your little brother like?", I asked curious, trying to make some type of conversation.

"Total opposite of me." He looked up , sticking his fork in his mouth. "But he looks like a copy of me when I was younger."

I nodded,"So what do you mean , opposite of you."I asked raising an eyebrow with a small smile."

"He's, a shy kid and it takes time for him to get to know someone. He can be sensitive, alittle to much, but an overall good kid." He said with a warm smile on his facs alittle to sensitive.

I let a small laugh."So your saying your not a sensitive , or good guy."

He looked at me and smirked,"Only if you want me to be.."

Rolling my eyes, I finished off the last of my plate. Then thought, the waiter never gave us our apetizers. I wont say anything though, but I should say,"Thank you."

He stopped eating and looking up."Huh?"

"Thanks , for this. It's really nice of you." I said giving him sincere smile.

He smiled,"Your welcome but it could of been better. Damn waiter forgot our appetizers."

Shaking my head, I sipped alittle of my water."I didn't think you noticed."

After Dashaud and I was finish ,a different waiter came back to the table and left a reciept and said,"Thank you for eating at Nikoli's Roof. We hope you enjoyed your meals." He left , and ashaud stood up walking over to me. He held out his hand,"I want to show you something."

"Bu-"I was about to say, but stood up anyways out of curiosity . He led me towards an elevator pressing the button for the highest floor.

Once the elevator had stopped, the doors slid open. My mouth opened in amazement.
He led me towards the railings so I could see farther out." Oh my-- , Dashaud this is amazing."I said staring up at the sky, the stars, then the how the city lights shined at night.

He chuckled,"Yeah, it's cool."

Fireworks began bursting into the hair, causing me to back into Dashaud.I looked up at him ,as he stared down at me. I sware, if it wasn't so dark out here my cheeks would be blushing. For some reason , I stayed close by him. The sound of fireworks scare me , but the sight 'WOWS' me.

He slowly wrapped his arms around my waist and I didn't bother to remove them. I like the feeling, of him close to me I have to admit.


Dashaud P.O.V

I'm surprised she hasn't swatted my arms down. She must really be enjoying this. It feels good to have my arms around her, as she leans against me.

The fireworks were fading, and the lights of the city were slowly dissappearing, signaling it was time to go. "You ready?", I asked, and she nodded.

As we walked to the car it was silent. Before she went to the side door, I grabbed her hand.
"Arrista ." I said , and she turned around.

"If you give me a chance to date you, I would never hurt you . I'm not that type of guy, like I said." I said , and hers went down ,then back up at me.

"Dashaud, I ..", She said , before I planted a kiss on her lips. Instead of pushing me away, she kissed back , giving me the answer I wanted. "I promise , I will." I whispered between the kiss.

She smiled, as she gave me one last taste of her sweet soft lips.

I pulled her close to me."So does this mean yes..."

She laughed,"Yes, because I trust you."
♠ ♠ ♠
Comment and tell me what you think, so far. And , if you have any ideas on what should happen next, I'd be happy to read it.
Other than that, thank you for reading ! :)