

“No, give it back!” I snapped, trying to grab my backpack. But it was no use. Fred had already tossed it over the fence. He then shoved me to the ground with a cruel laugh.

“Go and get it now, whimp!” He said before walking away.

“I’ll show you one day.” I grumbled before looking at the tall fence. I gulped. It blocked the forest off from this part of the neighborhood. For some reason the suburbians didn’t want wolves or foxes getting in. Which, of course, I don’t mind. But still, it was a little extensive. And annoying when my bully neighbor threw my backpack over it. I looked around, trying to see if there was at least a gate the led to the inside. No such luck. I sighed before grabbing the top of the fence with my hands. It was slightly taller than I was, but this was very dangerous. If a police cruiser came by I would be screwed. But I had done this many times before. It wasn’t like this was the first time I had to go over it to get one of my possessions. I scaled the fence quickly, landing clumsily on my arm on the other side.

“Ouch!” I gasped, before scrabbling up. Where was my backpack? I walked forward, looking under a couple of ferns. “Where did that thing go?” I murmured before spotting the blue cloth. “Aha. There you are. Come to me.” I grabbed it, hearing a thunk as something was let loose. I shrugged at the noise and climbed over the fence again, realizing that I was going to be late for school. Again.


“You should really report this.” The guidance counselor, Mrs. Olsen, commented as the office secretary handed me a pass. “We could handle this for you.”

“No, no. I’m good.” I said, laughing it off before heading off. Man, the outside was way different than the inside. I sighed as I jogged down the hallway, hoping to get to class before the teacher got too mad. I wished that the office people could make Fred stop. But he would never stop, ever. So I had to deal with it.

“Mr. Young. Late again I see.” Mr Ms. Bird said, looking down at me through her, quote, “spectacles”.

“Sorry.” I apologized, handing her the pass. From somewhere in the room someone laugh.

“Yes, yes. Now, take your seat.”

I walked, head bowed, to my seat. I sat down, feeling even lower than before. I sighed as I pulled out the book we were reading. It was Othello by Shakespeare. I found it very interesting. Even though Ms. Bird was kind of mean, (she also worked part time as a gym teacher and was the football/soccer coach) I had to admit that she was great at reading.
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Alright, first chapter. Tell us what you think. Comments and subscriptions are appreciated!