

When I got back home, it was pretty late. As usual, my younger sister, Andy, was asleep on the couch. She never slept in her room. She was kind of weird, but that was probably just me. She was using her hands as pillows and had a small blanket pulled over her curled up body. Her eyes opened, I felt her watching me, “You’re late.”
“Yeah… Aren’t I always?” I replied sleepily.
“Yes… Why do you hang around the popular kids? They suck. Horribly.”
“That’s nice… And you know why, Andy.”
“Remind me.”
“To impress a guy…”
“And which guy would this be?”
“I’m still not telling. Goodnight.”

Andy called after me, I pretended not to hear. I just walked into my room and stood in front of my mirror. I hated that I was pretending to be someone else, but I couldn’t see what else I could do. I wasn’t sure what kind of girl he liked and I didn’t have enough courage to get to know him. I was a horrible person.

I quickly changed into my pyjamas. I collapsed onto my bed just before my phone rang. I snatched it off the pillow and read the text message. My eyes widened and I was holding the phone tightly. My stomach knotted itself up. The text read: Hey come back to me now. I need you. I love you.

My phone fell from my hands and I was shaking from fear. I climbed under the covers and tried to keep the memories hidden. It was my stalker-ish ex-boyfriend. He never left me alone up until a few weeks ago. My phone rang again, this time I ignored it and tried to get some sleep.

In the morning, it was Andy who woke me up. She stood beside the bed with a wide smile on her face. Considering the lights were off and I was half asleep, it kind of scared me. I screamed and slapped her, she stepped back, easily dodging the clumsy attempt at an attack, “Note to self: Never trust Vicky to take care of me when a murderer comes to kill us.”

“Oh. You’re so cheerful.” I climbed out of bed and pulled open the cupboard. It took me a few seconds to find my sport uniform. It was Friday, we had sport day once a week. We all had a chosen sport to do and we had to pay for that sport once a week. No matter if we wanted to do sport or not. I sighed, I did Zumba. It was alright, I guess, but dancing around never interested me. I preferred to read. The fact that I even liked to read would surprise most. if any populars found out I would either make it really cool, or be kicked out of the group. Not that being kicked out of the group would be a bad thing. After all, the only reason I wanted to be there was to impress him.

Andy was gone when I turned around, I smiled. She annoyed me to be honest. I changed into the sport uniform, then walked down to the kitchen. Mum stood near the sink, she was smiling, “Good morning, Vicky.” why did everyone call me Vicky?

“Good morning, mum.” I poured myself some cereal, then searched through the fridge for some milk. When I couldn’t find any, I closed the door and turned until I was facing mum, “Where’s the milk?” I asked.

“It’s over there.” mum pointed to the kitchen table, “Your sister,” she explained. I nodded, “Vicky, I need to talk to you about something.” my mind froze and I felt butterflies in my stomach, what did she want?

“Go on.”
“You’ve been getting home later and later. You hang around the most, uh, unpleasant people and your skirt is too short… Are you with a guy?” I was stunned.
“No! I’m not with a guy… I’m trying to impress a guy… Also, my skirt is the length it is because it was made that short when I got it. I don’t even mean to be home late… Sorry…”
“It’s fine, just, be yourself when trying to impress a guy, okay? If he doesn’t like you for who you are then you obviously won’t be very good together.”

I grabbed the milk then poured it into the bowl. I put it away then began to eat. This was going to be a long day…
♠ ♠ ♠
Only a short one. :)