

I kicked a can of soda as I walked along the streets. School had started awhile ago, did I care? No. It was a sport day, I never went to school on sport day. Actually, I rarely came to school at all. I had better things to do with my time. As I walked past the school, I saw that Vicky chick arguing with some guy. She looked scared. I stood and watched as the guy grabbed her shoulders and violently shook her, “Come on, Victoria! I love you, I need you!” the guy yelled.

“Stop! No you don’t! Leave me alone!” Victoria tried to shove him back, but he was too strong for her. The guy raised his hand, as if he was going to slap her. He rapidly lowered his hand, I ran over and grabbed his wrist just before he hit her. He turned to face me, so I punched his jaw.

“You’re gonna wish you didn’t do that, Emo freak!” the guy snarled, he tried to punch me with his other hand, but I ducked and let go of him. I kicked his leg as I stood back up, he fell onto his back. I kicked the side of his stomach, he rolled to the side and I missed. He jumped up onto his feet quickly and tried to punch me again. I easily dodged. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and shoved him away, he hit his head on the ground. He stared at me as he stood up and ran away.

Victoria was about to say something, but I walked off. I didn’t want to talk. She began to follow me, so I walked faster. Eventually she caught up with me, “David! Thank you for helping me.” she grabbed my shoulder to prevent me from walking off. She forced me to turn around and face her. She smiled like that guy hadn’t tried to hit her. I shrugged, she stared at me. What did she expect? That I’d suddenly become her best friend now that I’ve helped her? “I appreciate it.”

“It’s fine,” I muttered. I tried to walk away, but she refused to let go, “What now?”
“Huh?” she replied, stupidly.
“What do you want me to say? Why won’t you let go of me?”
“Oh, sorry!” she let go of me and I walked off. Thankfully, she didn’t try to follow me this time.

Once I reached the end of the street, I saw the last person I wanted to see right now. Fred leaned against a wall, he was talking to one of the popular chicks. I walked past him, staring at the ground. He was too busy acting like he was tough to his girlfriend. I turned around a corner and walked past the small lolly shop.

The one girl I cared about was sitting near the lolly shop’s door. She looked up at me and smiled slightly, “You’re late, David.” I sat next to her.

“Sorry,” I muttered, Evangeline almost laughed.
“It’s fine, just don’t be late again.”
“I won’t. Don’t worry.” we didn’t say anything after that, not to each other, anyway. We walked inside the shop and Evangeline bought some lollies. I didn’t buy anything because I wasn’t hungry. Of course, she gave me some of hers. She never listened to my protests. She hated eating when no one else was eating, it worried her. She was perhaps the strangest girl I’ve met, then again, I haven’t exactly met many people.

Evangeline and I walked along the street. She ran her fingers through her blue-black hair as if she thought it was messy. Girls could be so odd at times. She looked around the street with her deep blue eyes, “Are you okay?” I asked her, worried.

“Yeah. My dad’s in town today, if I get caught again he’s going to take me to some city and make me go to an all girl’s school. Yuck!” Evangeline replied, I almost laughed. The thought of me wanting to laugh made me feel ill.
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Took me forever to finish and it's short and stupid. I'm sorry. :'(