

David sat next to me. We were both sitting in the lounge room, watching a movie. It happened to be a horror. I hated horror, it terrified me. So far, the movie wasn’t so interesting; then again, it was only the start. Suddenly, a creepy ghost girl teleported in front of the screen. I quickly grabbed David’s hand in fear. He looked at me weirdly, then he smiled ever so slightly. I wouldn’t be able to see the smile if I was any other person. I knew him enough to know when he was happy or not.

I moved a little closer to David. Not too close, though. I didn’t want it to seem like I wanted to be his girlfriend. I mean, he was a good guy, but I wasn’t interested in getting a boyfriend yet. Cold wind swept through the room, making me shiver. David quickly got up and shut the window, he sat back next to me. I smiled and thanked him, he simply nodded, “It’s fine, Evangeline.” I still wonder why he didn’t just call me Eve or something for short. Well, he wasn’t the type to give people nicknames, but really? Wouldn’t it but much easier to shorten my name?

When the terrifying movie was over, David left. Before he did, though, he did the strangest thing. It was common amongst most people, but for him, this was strange. He had hugged me. I remember staring at him blankly as he did that. He then looked at me for a second before walking off. I was stunned. He had hugged me. I don’t even think he had hugged anyone before. Not even when he was little. I wondered why he did it, it didn’t make any sense.

Dad was home a little after David left. He was in a good mood until he saw me. His light brown hair was extremely neat and his deep blue eyes were filled with hate. He stood tall, I almost had to look up to see his face, “And what did you do today, missy?” he asked. He stared at me, impatiently waiting for an answer.

“I watched movies and talked to a friend,” I replied, dad looked like he was going to laugh.
“You have a friend?” he laughed cruelly.
“Yes, yes I do.” I stared at him.
“Guy or girl?” he asked. He said it like he already knew the answer.
I paused, what was he planning? “A guy.” dad muttered something that began with ‘S.’

Dad opened his mouth to say something else, I simply walked past him. He shouted out my name but I ignored him. I walked outside and down the street. I did not want my father to ruin my mood. I didn’t have anywhere to stay for awhile, but that didn’t matter for now. I had some money in my pocket, possibly enough to buy a small dinner.

I wasn’t going to stay at someone else’s house, I would go home. I hoped that dad would have calmed down at that point. He usually wasn’t like this for so long. As I walked past a house, I heard music blasting from it. A flood of teenagers danced around inside. I past by it and almost laughed. So many people all in the one place. Honestly, if my house was ever that full, I’d stop the party. I didn’t like crowds. Then again, I didn’t like many things. Or maybe I did and I just pretended I didn’t? Either way, I needed a reasonably good reason to smile.

Besides from that one house, the whole street was silent. It was a little eerie, actually. Every little sound was much louder than it should have been. I guessed that the whole street was at the party. Shivering, I continued walking until I got to the park. Night threw itself at the town, hiding everything from sight. I sat on a swing, the old chains complained at the sudden weight. They held up the wooden seat, but a teenage girl sitting on it must have made it harder to do so. Oh well, they shouldn’t break.

Nothing moved apart from me. It was creepy, even the wind had calmed down. That didn’t stop it from being cold, though. I stood up and quickly began to walk home. I was a little freaked out. Shadows quickly turned to strange men hiding in darkness and any sound I heard was someone being murdered or someone following me. I was almost running by the time I reached my house, I opened the door, walked in, then shut it behind me. Dad was asleep on the lounge chair. Mum wasn’t home yet; I was alone.
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Evangeline is now in the Character's Sheet. :)