

I don’t do sport days. Obviously I went sometimes, otherwise I missed too much school. But during those days I wouldn’t try. I just sort of lazed around until I was kicked off the field. Today I decided to skip. It the first reaction I had when I realized that it was Friday. Plus I needed some sleep. The drawing had disturbed me. I didn’t even want to talk about it. I simply threw it under my bed and forgot about it. Now, it was noon. I was walking down the street and minding my own business. I saw some people run past me, and of course one of them had to push me. I pushed back, and that person went sprawling on the pavement. Ignoring him, I walked into the restaurant. I was in the mood for some food. The waitress from the other day was there, and she eyed me with suspicion.

“What are you doing here?”

“Getting some lunch.”

“Aren’t you supposed to be in school?”

“Open campus.” Lies like these got me through interrogations. Still looking suspicious, she took my order and left. I sighed and leaned back in my seat, closing my eyes. I was running on a disturbed sleep, and it didn’t feel good at all. My head was spinning, and I felt nearly ready to snap at someone.

“Here you go hun.” She said, placing my food down.

“Thanks.”I replied with a smile, before digging in. After lunch, I walked back to my house to wait out the rest of the school day. I watched some TV and some of my soaps (tell anyone and you will regret the day you were born). When the school day was out I went outside and wandered the town again, stretching. I saw David out there too, but I ignored him. I noticed that he didn’t go to school much either. But then again my mother threatened to send me to an all-girls private school if I didn’t go to school for at least most of the year. I shuddered at the thought.

No, I wouldn’t let it come to that.

I decided to head back to the park again, and sit on the swings. It was very empty at this time of day, and that’s how I liked it. Then again, this park wasn’t used very much, and it was neglected. Just like me. I mean, my mother cared. But she was a workaholic. If it didn’t have to do with work, then she didn’t care. And my father, well he died years ago. So really, I had no supervision. No real adult help. I was just…alone.
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Sorry, kind of short and filler-ish. Love, commen, subscribe.