

So, the party was interesting, I guess. I talked and laughed with most people. A few guys had tried to flirt with me, I had made excuses to them and walked off. A few girls were surrounded by guys. By ‘A few girls’ I meant, most of the populars. I had hung around a few guys, but I wasn’t all over them, I didn’t flirt, either. I had made an excuse to leave early.

So that’s how I ended up here: Walking around the dark, alone. I sighed, then walked up to my house. The front door had been locked. I slapped it multiple times. Tonight I felt sick and tired, I just wanted to get home. I had arrived home too late, mum had locked me out. She wasn’t going to let me in any time soon, so I sat down and leaned against the door. I thought back to everything that had happened that day. David had helped me, I had sport, and I was told about an excursion that was going to happen in a week. I was probably going to go, I had no choice. The populars were planning on kicking me out, I knew it. If I got kicked out, I would never be able to impress him.

The wind howled, it leaped at me. I crossed my arms, as if it would help keep me warm. I gasped in shock when my phone suddenly started to ring. My ring tone happened to be Raised by Wolves by Falling In Reverse. I nervously looked around, if anyone knew I listened to this kind of music I would be kicked out of the popular group. I accepted and call and put the phone to my ear.

“Hello, Victoria. I don’t appreciate that guy-“ I hung up the phone. Stupid ex-boyfriend of mine tried to ring again. I turned off my phone and put it in my pocket. I curled up into a ball and fell asleep.

In the morning, the door opened and hit my head. I quickly stood up, rubbing where it hit me with the back of my hand. Mum stood there, glaring at me, “Good morning,” I sleepily muttered. She shook her head.

“What time did you get home last night?” she asked, I shrugged.
“Around midnight?”
“And when were you meant to be home?”
“Nine… Sorry.”
“I was worried sick, Vicky!”
“I did text you…”
“I didn’t get it.”
“Oh.” mum shook her head, then walked to the kitchen, I followed her.

I cooked some breakfast while trying to remember if anything interesting happened that night. A guy or two had tried to flirt with me. I couldn’t remember who they were, but I knew they were not him. He wasn’t at the party. Then again, he wasn’t a popular, or on a sport team. As far as I was aware, he wasn’t insanely rich, either.

There was a knock on the door. Mum didn’t give any indication that she was going to answer it. I walked over while fixing my hair and opened it. A pretty, but gothic looking girl stood there. She looked slightly nervous, “Hello, are you Victoria?” she asked.

“Yeah, I am. Who are you?” I asked, hoping it didn’t come off as rude.
“Evangeline. I’m… Trying to impress a guy, but I’m not sure how to do it… I heard you could help.”
“Who told you this?”
“A person I met not long ago.”
“… Okay. Well, just be yourself, I guess…” I realized that I should take my own advice.
“Fine… Okay. I’ll do that, thanks.” her phone began to ring. Her ringtone was odder than mine. I assumed it was Death Metal or whatever. In my opinion, that was some freaky stuff. I only listened to bands like Black Veil Brides, Escape The Fate and Falling In Reverse.

Evangeline answered the call, she smiled slightly, “Hello, David… Uh huh… Sure, bye.” she put the phone back into her pocket, “I have to go, bye!” she hurriedly walked down the street. I sighed.

I quickly changed into my new clothes for the day. I then sat in front of a mirror and attempted to straighten my hair. Once it was completely straightened, I got up and read a book. I didn’t like to read very much, not this kind of book, anyway, but there was nothing better to do. This book was a fantasy adventure, I liked more realistic styled books. Horrors and thrillers were my favourites.

Something told me that today was going to be very boring.
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Sorry, I've had writer's block. :P