

“Alright, math time.” I said, a bit sarcastically. I was good at math, it just wasn’t my favorite subject. I doodled on my notes as the class went on, hardly paying attention. At one point I felt someone kick the back of my chair, and I turned to see Penny Squires smirking at me. “Thanks.” I whispered, before turning back toward the front. I knew better than to say anything. Every time I did I ended up talking to the principal and other people and yada yada yada. Plus my mom threatened to ground me for the rest of my high school career.

“Is everything alright Miss Zeeland?” I glanced to the front of the room to see the teacher staring at me.

“I am fine sir.” I said, keeping my expression indifferent.

“Good.” He turned back to the board, explaining how to do another problem.

“I am fine sir.” I heard the girl mock. I wanted to run around and smack her. Almost.
When class was finally over I wandered into the hallway, taking an annoyed breath. “Only the rest of the year to go.” I said to myself, taking a step forward. Unfortunately it led me smack into another girl. “Sorry.” I murmured. I looked at her for a second, realizing that I hadn’t seen her around here before. She must have been new. Next to her I saw that nerd kid, Derek. He must have been helping her or something.

“Hello.” She greeted, looking at me.

“Hello.” I muttered in reply before walking on. I didn’t have anything to say to her. At least, not at the moment. I wondered then if she would become one of the populars. It wouldn’t be surprising. She was pretty enough. I decided not to dwell on it too long. I had to get a move on before I was late for history. Mr. Hamm was a great teacher, but he didn’t like tardiness.

“Hey, loser!” I glanced over to see the only person I ever associated with, Jackie Brown. She was a good person, if a bit hardcore. She was the only person that I ever thought was close enough to being a friend. “We are getting food after school, on me!” She walked past me in her normal leather garb, saying all that she needed to say.

“Food sounds great!” I responded before heading to class.
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Alright, comment and subscribe! Oh, and by the way, Mr. Hamm is based off of my old history teacher, Mr. Hamm. I also had a history teacher called Mr. Grimm. Isn't that weird? Anyway, they're both great teachers. Very entertaining! :)