

'Shut up!' I mentally screamed at Jasmine. She was going on and on about what she had apparently done last night. I fought back the urge to hit her, "It was so amazing and-" she suddenly stopped talking when a random grade eight kid walked into the bathroom. I applied a little more eyeliner then made sure my make-up was fine. When I was satisfied I moved to the side. I noticed that the random hadn't moved, she just stood at the door, "What're you doing here?" snapped Jasmine, the young girl whimpered, then walked away, "What the heck was her problem?"

"I don't know... She was just a bit weird," I replied, rolling my eyes. Jasmine shrugged, "Have you seen the new girl?" I asked her.

"Yeah, she's pretty, hey?"
"She is. Do you think she's popular material?”
“I dunno, she was hanging around that dork in ITC. Well, maybe she was just trying to steal answers, but still.”
“She seems really shy, perhaps too shy.”
“Whatever, we’ll have to talk to her later on.”
“Yeah, yeah… We should do that. Anyway, did you talk to David?”
“I wish. I haven’t had a chance to, I can never find him during lunch and he’s less than anti-social during class. Heck, I don’t even know where he lives!”
“Cool, I’m going to go find the others. See you!”

I walked out of the bathroom, searching for David. I was sure I knew where he was, I had seen him there before, multiple times. Usually he changes where he sits, but I could always find him. Despite popular beliefs, he doesn’t leave school when he shouldn’t. Sure enough, I found him sitting behind a tree in the corner of the schoolyard. He was wearing his headphones, I could only just hear the song. I sat next to him.

David glanced up at me, he nodded then looked at the ground again, “Why don’t you ever talk?” I asked, he shrugged, “Why do you look so depressed, then?”

“I’m not depressed,” he replied, I shook my head and sighed.

“Show me your wrists,” I demanded, David tore his headphones away from him, he abruptly stood and grabbed his IPod.

“I’m not Emo!” he snarled. He shoved his IPod into his school bag.

“Wait, I was only joking around!” David grabbed the strap of his school bag then walked off angrily. I swore under my breath, then realized that he had at least said something. I cheered up after that, then I walked back into the school building.

“Please… Leave me alone, I-I’ve done nothing to you!” I heard a girl cry, I saw them in the hall-way. It was Jamie and Jasmine. Jamie was the one that was crying, Jasmine stood near her, taunting her.

“Aww, is li’l Jamie gonna cry? Poor little Jamie, did you want your teddy, Jamie?” mocked Jasmine, Jamie took a step back and hit the wall.

“Please… Whatever I’ve done, I’m sorry!” Jamie apologized for nothing, I saw Jasmine smirk.

“Jasmine, leave Jamie alone!” I grabbed Jasmine’s shoulder and pulled her back, “Quit bullying her, eh?”

“What the heck? Don’t touch me, Vicky.”
“Don’t call me ‘Vicky.’”
“Why not?”
“Because, I like being called by my name… You should know that!”
“Who cares? It’s easier to say Vicky than to say Victoria, alright?”
“Shut up! Leave Jamie alone.”
“Oh? So I’m not allowed to pick on Jamie, but you can pick on whoever you like? Right, I get it, cow.”

I shook my head, then I nodded at Jamie and walked off. Jamie followed me, “Thank you,” she smiled, I smiled back.

“It’s fine. Jasmine’s an idiot, eh?” I replied, Jamie laughed.

“Do you mind if I talk to you for awhile? I’m still kind of a loner here…” I was about to reply when the bell rang.

“Oh, what class do you have?” I asked her.

“Me too! We can go together, it’s this way.” I lead her towards our art classroom. When we reached the classroom, some students were already there, including David. He was leaning against a wall, Jamie was staring at him, her eyes were wide, “That’s David,” I whispered. She nodded to indicate that she had heard, “Someone’s in love!” I teased her, she blushed.

When the art teacher finally arrived, we walked into class. Jamie sat next to David and I sat opposite her, “Alright everyone, today let’s draw, sketch or paint how we feel. Sound cool? Okay then, get what you need and start!” Mrs. Foal laughed, as usual. I pulled my sketchbook and spent a few minutes thinking of what resembled how I felt.

Once I had an idea, I began to draw. I noticed that Jamie and David had started painting ages ago. My drawing was a badly drawn me standing in front of a mirror. My reflection-drawing was fat, while the normal-drawing of me was skinny. This was meant to resemble that I thought I was fat, while knowing that I was skinny. If that makes sense. Jamie’s painting was easy to interpret, it was her standing in a crowd of people, but all the people and everything else around her was blurred. This meant that she was confused about her surroundings, since she was new. It really was an excellent painting. David’s painting was predictable, it was his head and shoulders, but he was barely visible. Realistic fire was painted in front of him, resembling hatred and anger.

“That’s a really great painting,” Jamie complimented it, David shrugged. I looked at the both of them, they would be really cute together.