

I wondered why the Victoria chick tried to talk to me. Why can’t people just leave me alone? I glanced behind me and saw the she was still sitting near my tree. I sighed, then walked off to my math classroom. The bell was about to ring in a few minutes anyway. I dropped my school bag on the port racks.

“That’s David,” I heard someone whisper. Probably just someone showing off the school’s “Freak” off to the new chick. I continued leaning against the wall, not bothering to look up, “Someone’s in love!” the same person teased. I wondered if there was another David in my class.
Once the art teacher arrived, I grabbed my art folder and pencil case from my school bag. I walked inside the classroom, and sat at the nearest desk. I barely noticed when the two girls sat at the desk. The teacher began to enthusiastically talk, I only half listened. When I heard that we were meant to sketch or paint how we felt, I instantly had an idea. I began to paint fire on the bottom half of the canvas. After that was done, I painted my face, making it almost completely blend into the background.

“That’s a really great painting,” complimented the new chick. I looked up at her, she smiled at me innocently. I shrugged.

“Thanks, I guess.” that girl never stopped smiling. How could anyone smile for so long? I found it even more strange when I saw her bloodshot eyes. She had been crying, “Who made you cry?”

“Oh… No one, just a girl being mean.” the girl shrugged and her smile lowered, but she didn’t frown. She should’ve, smiles and happiness is overrated. At the end of glass, I handed the painting over to Mrs. Foal.

“That brilliant, David. Very, uh, unique.” I ignored the teacher as I walked out of the classroom. I shoved my things into my school bag and walked off, taking my time. I was never in a rush, rushing through things is pointless. Then again, everything was pointless. I walked around the corner of the school building and someone ran into me.

“Oh! Sorry!” apologized Derek, I ignored him and continued walking. Unfortunately, I had to pass by the school ovals to get to where I wanted to sit. Fred and his friends were playing there, but I was sure they would pause their little game just for me.

Sure enough, as I walked around the oval, Fred ran over to me, “So David… Are you going to tell us why you never talk?” he asked once again, I shrugged, “Come on, little Emo, why you so sad? Is little Emo boy going to cut his wrists?” he laughed at his own ‘Insults.’ I showed off my scarless wrists to the stupid footballer, “Come on, how many times have you tried to-“

“How many times has your girlfriend cheated on you?” I cut in, Fred glared at me angrily. He grabbed the collar of my shirt and lifted me off the ground.

“What did you say about my girlfriend?” he asked through clenched teeth. I raised an eyebrow.

“You heard me.” Fred dropped me, I collapsed onto the ground. While I tried to get up, he kicked my chin. I swore from the pain, he then kicked my stomach. He tried to kick me again, but I grabbed his foot and pulled it, he fell back and his head hit the ground.

Fred managed to stand up before me. He punched my nose and it began to bleed. I tried not to pay much attention to the pain, instead I kicked his knees. He fell back and hit the ground again. Unlucky for me, his friends decided to show up. They saw what was going on and so one of them came up behind me. He grabbed my arms tightly so I couldn’t fight back. The other friend threw punch after punch at me. I was dizzy from pain, I heard people chanting, “Fight!” over and over. I tasted blood and was sure I was going to throw up soon.

“Stop!” a teenage girl screamed, I knew her voice from somewhere. The boys were pulled away by two teachers. I fell to my knees, I felt someone’s hand on my shoulder, I looked up and saw the new chick. She grabbed my hands gently and helped me up. I leaned against her as she helped me walk towards the administration block. At some point she reached into her school bag and pulled out a small thing of tissues, “I haven’t used any of them,” she promised. I refused to take them, so she shoved them in her pocket.

Once we reached the administration block, the new chick took me inside to the sick bay, “I’m Jamie, by the way.” she smiled again, but she looked at me with concern. I nodded.

“David.” I couldn’t be bothered with the whole, proper sentence. Besides, she already knew my name.

“Good to meet you, David. Are you alright?” she asked.
“Do I look alright?!” I snapped. Jamie looked like she wanted to blend into the wall. Her eyes filled with tears.
“I was just trying to be polite,” she timidly replied.
“You’re right, I’m sorry,” I apologized. She smiled again.
“It’s okay.” she looked happy again, such a bizarre, quick mood change. I would never understand girls.